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Content available Hope – a key to the art of life
Psychological research has attested to the crucial role of hope in education, business, medicine, and politics. Living in hope enhances the chances of success, helps to adapt to the environment and makes our life more meaningful. On the other hand, absence of hope (hopelessness) leads to cynicism or despair.
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to obtain knowledge about the activity of contemporary folk healers from Podlasie from two points of view – the healers themselves and representatives of the local communities. Materials and methods: The research material had been collected over the last few years in the eastern Podlasie region, particularly in the municipalities of Bielsk Podlaski and Hajnówka (2008). A full range of qualitative methods had been used, ranging from structured interviews and casual conversations, to observations and participation in the researched practices. The subjects of the research were the healers and other persons functioning in their social environment. The group of non-healers was clearly diversified demographically as well as culturally. Results: The folk medicine practiced by the folk healers in Podlasie proved to be an autonomous system of knowledge, very coherent, traditional and symbolic (based on trust in God and non-invasive curative methods), and additionally, still quite popular among certain local communities. Though, it also must be stated, that the self-awareness of the healers contrasted with the ambivalent social reception of such folk practitioners. Conclusion: The dominant religious aspect opens a wide area for discussion about the importance of the power of sacrum, hope and the placebo effect for an active patient, positively engaged in the curative process, who decides to combine therapeutic methods of both academic and folk medicine. From an ethnological point of view, the activity of Podlasian folk healers could be viewed as a challenge and an opportunity rather than a danger to health.
The paper aims at examining the predictive role of hope in hedonistic and eudaimonistic dimensions of subjective well-being. Five questionnaires were applied: Scale of Hope, BHI-12 Questionnaire, Satisfaction with Life Scale, PANAS-X Scale, Psychological Well-Being Scale. 206 people were subjected to the above methods. The obtained results suggest that hope understood in terms of success and as basic hope is interconnected both with hedonistic and eudaimonistic well-being. Hope for success appears to be a better predictor for a majority of dimensions of well-being, apart from the affective dimension of subjective well-being in which basic hope has a stronger predictive value. The existing connections between hope and hedonistic and eudaimonistic well-being can result from the concept of goals which is deeply embedded in both constructs and has significant motivational roles.
The problems of hope, if viewed from many sides and from different stand- points, appear as one of the fundamental “key issues” of human existence. The experience of hope merges with the experience of time, chance and change (the possibility of beneficial change). The merging and permeating of these experiences can be particularly visible in the broadly understood sphere of pedagogical activ- ity. Aiming at a positively assessed change, a better status, is the foundation of the process of education and self-education – this is a basic feature of pedagogical activities. To a large extent, the experience of hope is an apophatic experience – it is hard to articulate and does not comply with the resources of the language which describes the world of sensual cognition. However, hope needs – or even requires – an appropriate wording which will support and enhance it a lot. The perspectives of hope and pedagogy of hope should consistently remain open perspectives, the current description of which cannot be reduced only to what is seen from the own (narrow and often distorted) point of view. Hope also needs some open space of intellectual debate so that different ways of human experienc- ing of hope could become visible – none of these human experiences is the ultimate experience of perfect and the only hope. Owing to this truly human imperfection, hope itself can mature by going beyond (transcending) its existing forms and the future - if it is not only the implementation of a project coming from the past (e.g. an ideological project of fulfilling an utopian perfection) - may become the open future. In this openness, people can cope with their own imperfection and can – with hope – shape their own selves in order to contribute in this modest way to shaping a better world.
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In this essay, I trace different motives in Alicja Kuczyńska’s thought that are linked together in her philosophy of image. According to Kuczyńska, the creative power of forming artistic images is deeply rooted in existential experience that can be described in terms of finitude, fragmentality, evanescence. The desire to find a way out of such a state is the origin of philosophical as well as artistic creation. It is hope which joins together the individual wish or desire and culture. Hope can be treated as yearning for indeterminacy that is characteristic of existence, as longing for the state of lost totality.
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While there are many stories of man, one moment seems to recur in all of them. This is the belief that we need to be able, and want, to look in the mirror of something that is qualitatively larger than us. This is the intention of the tradition whose philosophic patron is Plato. This need for unreality—the need for another world—presumably manifests itself in every area of human activity. One can therefore talk about a specific need for unreality that every real life satiates itself with. I provide examples of this need: science, religion, love, past and future. In the light of eternal life, we would be continually beset by the values for which we would be obliged to sacrifice our lives. In the light of earthly life, such values are inconceivably less frequent. We learn the difficult art of living in a consumer world where we do not have to die.
The article presents Bruno Schulz’s and Heinrich Kleist considerations on matter. A comparative approach enables a new interpretation of Traktat o manekinach by Schulz and of some selected works by Kleist. The author ponders about the role of elpis, around which the human world is created. The Greek word: elpis, contains a whole parable about a hope which has stood up to nonexistence, darkness, a lack of form. A human being turns out to be forced to create, knead matter, because his life depends on it. By shaping things he gives reality to his own world that may disappear at any time. Both reflected upon authors, Schulz and Kleist, choose two different paths to contact with matter and they inscribe it – together with a human being – into a philosophical thought that goes far beyond simple the “living” – “lifeless” opposition.
Growth of entrepreneurial ventures plays important role in a country’s economic development and entrepreneurs’ growth intention is considered as an important predictor of their venture growth. On the other hand, Psychological capital (PsyCap) is one such resource which can influence attitudes and behaviours like growth intentions of entrepreneurs. This study is aimed to investigate the relationship between psychological capital and growth intentions of entrepreneurs specifically in Malaysian context. The data was collected from 275 Malaysian SME entrepreneurs and Regression analysis reveals that PsyCap, as a core construct, positively and significantly influences the growth intentions of entrepreneurs. Further, it is also identified that two out of four dimensions of PsyCap (hope and self-efficacy) have significant and positive influence on entrepreneurs’ growth intentions. It is also revealed that PsyCap, as a core construct, more powerfully predicts the growth intentions as compared to its first order constructs separately. This finding highlights the significance of PsyCap as a core construct in entrepreneurial researches. It contributes knowledge to psychological capital and entrepreneurship literature and also has implications for existing and prospective entrepreneurs as well as government and private bodies.
Hope provides life with sense. Therefore it is important to experience it, to express and sustain it. Hope reveils the condition of contemporary human beings. It never leaves them; on contrary, they can abandon hope. Master is a source of hope for the others – this is a person of extraordinary knowledge of things and rightousness. In a relationship with a disciple, master encourages him or her to work on their personality, being an example of endurance on the path of self-development. We can distinguish two concepts of mastership. The methodic one – emphasizes one's perfect knowledge and ability to use it. According to it, one can learn the master's pattern of behaviour. The goal is one's perfection. The second concept – the personalist one – promotes sacrifition of one's perfection in service to fellowmen. One's perfection is not a goal here, but has its own goal: this is the disciple's growth. In upbringing only the personalist mastership makes it possible to experience the master's existence in its entirety, which represents the hope for the disciples development.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badania 50 osób, które na skutek wypadku utraciły sprawność ruchową. Analiza treści przeprowadzonych z nimi wywiadów narracyjnych wskazuje na to, że pozytywny ton afektywny opowiadań o wypadku i jego wpływie na życie jednostki wiąże się z wyższym poziomem wzrostu potraumatycznego. Innymi czynnikami sprzyjającymi doświadczaniu wzrostu potraumatycznego okazały się nadzieja na sukces i nadzieja podstawowa, a także obecność w treści narracji motywu sprawczości.
In the article we present data collected from 50 people who lost their motor ability in accidents. Analyses of narrative interviews conducted with the accident victims suggest that a positive affective tone of narratives about the accident itself and the accident's influence on later life is connected to higher levels of posttraumatic growth. Other factors facilitating the experience of post-traumatic growth were hope and basic trust, as well as the theme of agency present in the narratives.
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Garden and melancholy have been analysed by Alicja Kuczyńska from the standpoint of Renaissance Neoplatonism. I try to work out a common denominator for them, and attempt to compare Renaissance and Romantic melancholy—in the garden space. I see a positive moment in the notions developed by Kuczyńska, namely in that melancholy, as an expectation, acquires a positive dimension, approaching hope.
Europe and America are culturally interrelated areas. However, as they developed in their specific conditions both show differences among which European academic and American practical emerge as the most significant. Consequently, this influences the understanding and dealing with the real world and further challenges that have appeared on the both sides. Practical courageous approach stimulates the fight for a better world; however, ontological conservatisms protect human values and the very foundations of Western civilization. Although we are witnesses of incredible development and progress, the return to the traditional values and sacred is required since they guarantee to preserve and protect that what has been built for centuries. Both areas have something to offer in this mission.
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This is the second part of the investigations of melancholia. Melancholia is examined here in relation to one of its opposition, namely hope. Reflection on melancholia entails reference to conditions commonly regarded as aggravating: sadness, uncertainty, indecision, self-criticism, despair, disenchantment, fear, desperation or bitterness. This content is common both to melancholia and hope; the difference lies in the kind of behaviour it evokes. Not yet either hope or melancholia, it is already conspicuously developing the characteristics of one of the options. This moment is especially important in the process of artistic creation. The tension that appears between both poles enables the experiencing subject to feel indecision about its choice, and hence to ultimately declare itself on one or the other side.
Introduction: The case of violence against women is an up-to-date topic much publicized in the society. Police data confirm that the number of home interventions increases by the year, with women as the main group of victims of violent behaviour. A number of questions, therefore, arise, inter alia: how do women cope with the difficulties they face, and how do they evaluate their chances for the improvement of their life situation? The aim of the study is to show the styles of coping with stressful situations and the level of hope for the success of women experiencing violence in their marriage. Material and methods: The study covered two groups of women aged 25–35. The research tool was Hope for Success Questionnaire and Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations. The results were subject to statistical analysis. Results: Women experiencing violence in marriage received significantly lower scores on the task-oriented style scale. The same group of women is characterised by significantly higher results obtained on the emotion-oriented style scale. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of the avoidance-oriented style scale. The analysis of the results obtained in the Hope for Success Questionnaire shows that women abused by their husbands do not exhibit much hope for success. Conclusions: Women experiencing violence in marriage apply the emotion-oriented style, whereas women free from violence – the task-oriented style. Both groups surveyed apply the avoidance-oriented style in the same degree. Women abused by their husbands do not achieve high results as far as hope for success is concerned.
Wstęp: Problem stosowania przemocy wobec kobiet jest obecnie bardzo aktualny i nagłaśniany w społeczeństwie. Dane policyjne potwierdzają, iż z roku na rok wzrasta liczba interwencji domowych, w których najczęstszymi ofiarami zachowań o charakterze przemocowym są kobiety. W związku z tym pojawia się szereg pytań, między innymi: w jaki sposób kobiety radzą sobie z napotykanymi trudnościami oraz jak oceniają szansę na poprawę swojej sytuacji życiowej? Celem niniejszego badania jest ukazanie stylów radzenia sobie w sytuacjach stresowych oraz poziomu nadziei na sukces kobiet doświadczających przemocy w małżeństwie. Materiał i metody: W badaniu wzięły udział dwie grupy kobiet w wieku 25–35 lat. Narzędzia badawcze stanowiły Hope for Success Questionnaire oraz Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations. Uzyskane wyniki badań poddano analizie statystycznej. Wyniki: Kobiety doświadczające przemocy w małżeństwie uzyskały istotnie niższe wyniki w skali the task-oriented style. Grupa tych samych kobiet charakteryzuje się znacznie wyższymi wynikami uzyskanymi w skali the emotion-oriented style. Nie stwierdzono istotnej statystycznie różnicy między badanymi grupami w zakresie the avoidingoriented style. Analizując wartości otrzymane w Hope for Success Questionnaire, można stwierdzić, że kobiety maltretowane przez mężów nie mają zbyt wielkiej nadziei na odniesienie sukcesu. Wnioski: Kobiety doświadczające przemocy w małżeństwie stosują styl skoncentrowany na emocjach, kobiety bez przemocy – styl skoncentrowany na zadaniu. Obydwie grupy równie często stosują styl skoncentrowany na unikaniu. Kobiety maltretowane przez mężów nie osiągają wysokich wyników w zakresie nadziei na sukces.
The work represents an attempt at interpretation of the drama by Imre Madách The Tragedy of Man from the philosophy of history perspective. After discussing the initial three images of the work that was necessary considering the laws governing the world formulated there, it analyses only the eleventh image taking place in the 19th c. London. That episode is of key importance as it present the times contemporary to the author and it allows to look later from that perspective at the past and the future of the fates of humanity presented by Madách revealing the conceptions concerning them characteristic for the 19th c.
Tematem nawróceń religijnych zaczęto zajmować się w środowisku psychologów na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Dostrzegano już w ówczesnym czasie, że życie religijne człowieka ma wpływ na jego postawę i przyjmowane wartości. Zdarza się, iż osoby, które w pewnym momencie życia odeszły od wyznawanej wcześniej wiary, popadają w pustkę egzystencjalną i próbują wtedy zapełnić ją innym rodzajem duchowości – tzw. „duchowością uniwersalną”, która była i jest propagowana przez ludzi związanych z okultystycznym ruchem o nazwie New Age. Głoszenie nowej wizji duchowości jest zastawianiem pułapki na ludzi poszukujących sensu życia, własnej tożsamości czy pozytywnych wartości. Im silniejsze pragnienie urzeczywistnienia swoich marzeń w tym zakresie, tym jest słabszy mechanizm oceny ewentualnych zysków i strat. Refleksja przychodzi później, gdy zaczynają się problemy natury psychiczno-duchowej. Wtedy człowiek kieruje swe kroki z powrotem ku Bogu.
The topic of religious conversions began to be dealt with in psychologist circles at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. At that time it was perceived that the religious life of man influences his attitude and values. Sometimes people who have departed from a preconceived belief at some point in their lives fall into existential emptiness and try to fill the void with another kind of spirituality - universal spirituality, which was and is propagated by people associated with the occult movement called New Age. The announcement of a new vision of spirituality is a trap for people seeking the meaning of life, their own identity or positive values. The stronger the desire to fulfil one’s dreams, in this respect, the weaker the mechanism for assessing one’s profits and losses. Reflection comes later when psychological and spiritual problems begin.
In Christianity hope is comprehended understood as one of the theological virtues. It is called theological, because God is its direct and proper object, it is infused by God and known only through Divine Revelation. In spite of the fact that supernatural power is necessary for development of the theological virtues, the hope develops in each person in a very different way and religious education can influence this process. In the article the author tries to answer the question how to help young people develop the hope through religious education. For this reason the author uses the word “a habit” instead of “a virtue” in the title. The word “habit” indicates the natural sources of the perfection, which is both the habit and the virtue. The answer to the main question is given in relation to the pedagogical conception based on thomistic philosophy which considers educational problems connected with habits and virtues. The author proves that the hope is the perfection of the will, then discusses how the will develops and which factors can influence the development of the will. Finally the author comes to the conclusion that the development of the hope in the religious dimension can be supported by religious experience.
Christian is a religion that assumes the personalistic and integral conception of man. The human individual is an individual and personal being with physical (carnal) and spiritual (religious, eschatological) dimensions. In the process of shaping a mature Christian personality the awareness of vocation, hope for full (physical, intellectual, social, and religious-moral) development, and accomplishment of the human goal worthy of the person play an important role. The awareness of one's own calling, general (to holiness) and personal (to a particular social role), are important elements in Christian education. This education is based on the principles of religion initiated by Jesus, and it consists in conveying His message and self-improvement of the faithful in conformity with the rules of the Gospel. The latter's ideal being the love of God and brotherly love among people. Now analysing the issue of vocation and hope in Christian education one may state that in the light of the Catholic doctrine man is a person capable of development. In this process it is important that the faithful understand their own calling and adopt attitudes of love and hope. Hope strengthens motivation to realise general propositions and individual obligations, that is, social roles. Man is called by God to salvation and definite tasks. With his autonomous decision he responds to this calling by his respective way of life. The latter shoud be imbued with the faith in God, love of God and neighbour, and hope that one has some opportunities for development, perfectibility (to be holy) and eternal life. According to Christian understanding, God with His independent decision endows man with the gift of calling to life and holiness. Man may accept this proposal or not. Acting against God's intention, however, always brings forth dramatic consequences. To sum up, we may say that the attitude of Christian hope helps us overcome the difficulties in our worldly life, so that we can make efforts to accomplish the goal of the Kingdom of God (heaven). The awarness of one's own vocation and a clear goal, i.e. life with God and eternal bliss, are important elements that confer the ultimate sense on human existence and factors conducive to the personal development of man.
Hope is a basic way of coming into the reality of human condition and participating in it creatively. It includes the entirety of dynamic processes of becoming human, and at the same time it indicates the longing of every human being – hope for “complete being”. Through indicating the ontological basis of hope we can disprove philosophical stands and opinions refusing metaphysical value of hope, and perceiving it as a subjective disposition, and conclusively as an illusion. Hope realizes itself in specific existence of a subject. Christians, sharing hopes and fears, joys and disappointments with other people, do not confine themselves to purely human horizon because their hope – rooted in faith in Christ – goes beyond the limits of earthliness. The Gospel as the Good News is in its essence the reason of an undeterred hope. Thus, it can be said that supernatural hope incorporates human hopes; precisely it incorporates those hopes which are worthy human being and correspond with the truth about humans. The work of an educator is above all work with human hope. Working with human hope, an educator makes an effort to develop in their wards their own personal hope. Therefore, an educator confronts their wards as persons and not as a material which can be freely shaped. In this sense an educator is someone who concentrates on what should be and not on what is now.
A growing number of Ukrainian students at Polish universities encourages to look at their expectations and attitudes. For this purpose, some studies were performed using a questionnaire constructed by the authors of the article. It concerned the hopes and fears of Ukrainian students entering education in Poland in relation to their gained education, relationships with others in the majority – foreigners, declared values, the degree of mastery of Polish language and the more distant life plans. The article also attempts to emphasize the psychological aspect of hopes and fears, and to draw attention to the educative and educational importance of hope.
Coraz większa liczba studentów ukraińskich na polskich uczelniach skłania do przyjrzenia się ich oczekiwaniom i postawom. W tym celu zostały przeprowadzone badania za pomocą ankiety skonstruowanej przez autorów artykułu. Dotyczyła ona nadziei i obaw studentów ukraińskich rozpoczynających naukę w Polsce w odniesieniu do zdobywanego wykształcenia, relacji z innymi osobami – większości obcokrajowcami, deklarowanych wartości, stopnia opanowania języka polskiego oraz bardziej odległych planów życiowych. W artykule starano się również uwypuklić psychologiczny aspekt nadziei i obaw oraz zwrócić uwagę na wychowawcze i edukacyjne znaczenie nadziei.
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