The article is devoted to the literary heritage of Oles Ulianenko, who was virtually the only national author addressing LGBTQIA+ subject matter. The corporal-mimetic method was applied to analyze fiction works, which enabled us to draw a number of meaningful conclusions. On the one hand, LGBTQIA+ themes are typologically represented by a variety of images which are characterized by both an ironic dimension and dramatic pathos, interpreted not in ethical but in aesthetic terms. On the other hand, Oles Ulianenko was the first to shift homosexuality into the visible realm, and to represent the “splendors and miseries” (H. de Balzac) of homoeroticism to Ukrainian society; who, with his sexualized, homosexualized and lesbian narrative of his literary works attempted to speak of a future when his country would overcome the lack of social and sexual freedom.
Artykuł analizuje twórczość poetycką ks. Janusza Pasierba jako tekst homoseksualny w rozumieniu Germana Ritza, co antytetycznie uzupełnia dotychczasową recepcję poety interpretowanego zgodnie z toposem poezji kapłańskiej. W proponowanym ujęciu główną figurą poezji Pasierba jest epifania pięknego chłopca przeciwstawionego swą młodością podmiotowi wierszy jako odpowiednikowi poety – homoseksualnego mężczyzny w średnim wieku.
The article analyses the poetic output of priest Janusz Pasierb as a homosexual text (in the view of German Ritz) which is antithetically complemented with the poet’s erstwhile reception interpreted in accordance with priestly poetry topos. In the suggested approach, the main figure in Pasierb’s poetry is epiphany of a handsome boy juxtaposed with his youth to the poems’ speaking subject―a middle-aged homosexual man.
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