This article was written based on a larger, their own studies that were conducted in 2009 among the 52 homeless women in podkarpackie voivodship. People were matched in terms of age, place of residence during the research and occasional or permanent residence in the hostel. Using autobiographical narrative interview, which is a particular form of free or deep interview. The text attempts to show the opinion of homeless women on their own. It shows the reasons for homelessness women in their opinions and their own characteristics.
This article was written on the basis of my own, larger studies that were conducted in 2009 among 52 homeless women in the Podkarpackie Voivodship. People were matched in terms of age, place of residence during the research and occasional or permanent residence in the hostel. The biographical method and the narrative interview technique was used, which is a particular form of the free or in-depth interview. The article attempts to show the image of the father in the perception of homeless women.
This article was written on the basis of a larger, the author's own study of 52 homeless women in the Podkarpackie voivodship, that was conducted in 2009. People were matched in terms of age, place of residence during the research, and occasional or permanent residence in a hostel. The biographical method, narrative interview technique, which is a particular form of free or in-depth interview, was used. The article attempts to show the image of one's mother in the perception of homeless women.
This article was written on the basis of my own, larger studies that were conducted in 2009 among 52 homeless women in the Podkarpackie Voivodship. People were matched in terms of age, place of residence during the research and occasional or permanent residence in the hostel. The biographical method and the narrative interview technique was used, which is a particular form of the free or in-depth interview. The article attempts to show the image of the father in the perception of homeless women.
This article was written on the basis of a larger, the author's own study of 52 homeless women in the Podkarpackie voivodship, that was conducted in 2009. People were matched in terms of age, place of residence during the research, and occasional or permanent residence in a hostel. The biographical method, narrative interview technique, which is a particular form of free or in-depth interview, was used. The article attempts to show the image of one's mother in the perception of homeless women.
This article is an attempt to describe and analyse the value of motherhood as a dimension of thesense of happiness reported by women experiencing homelessness. The research relies on case studymethodology. Analysed is empirical material from five narrative interviews. The text has a numberof structural components. The first two are introductory as they cover the theoretical foundationsof the research (the concept of homelessness of women and the concept of motherhood). These arefollowed by methodological assumptions. The fourth part presents research results, while the finalpart contains an analysis and discussion with reference to previous relevant research reports. Thearticle ends with a handful of practical conclusions.
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi próbę opisu i analizy wartości macierzyństwa jako aspektu poczucia szczęściakobiet doświadczających bezdomności. Metodą, jaką posłużono się w badaniu, było studium przypadku.Analizie poddany został materiał empiryczny stanowiący efekt pięciu wywiadów narracyjnych.W tekście wyodrębniono kilka obszarów. Pierwsze dwa mają charakter wprowadzający – obejmująbowiem teoretyczne podstawy badań (pojęcie bezdomności kobiet oraz pojęcie macierzyństwa). Kolejnyelement artykułu dotyczy założeń metodologicznych. Czwarta część tekstu stanowi prezentacjęwyników badań własnych; ostatnia natomiast uwzględnia analizę i dyskusję badań wraz z odniesieniemdo dotychczasowych doniesień badawczych w omawianym zakresie, a także wnioski aplikacyjne.
Abstract The present article is to present and analyze the homeless women' view on the prospects for their future. Material and methods Qualitative research was conducted on six homelessness women living in shelters in Gdańsk and Poznań. I have used case study methodology, implementing narrative interview as a technique. The research presented in this article is only a part of a larger study on the subject. Due to formal limitations I have decided to publish only one of the selected categories: what are their prospects for the future, as seen for the point of view of homeless women. Results The results of research indicate that homeless women wish to improve their situation however have negative predictions for their future, which are filled with fear. Furthermore they do not possess means to change the current situation. Conclusions Key practical aplication includes neccessity to implement psychological aid and proffesional activation of homeless women
Streszczenie Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu prezentację i analizę tego, jak bezdomne kobiety wyobrażają sobie swoją przyszłość. Materiał i metody Badania jakościowe przeprowadzono na grupie 6 bezdomnych kobiet-mieszkanek schronisk w Gdańsku i Poznaniu. Metodą badawczą, jaką się posłużyłam było studium przypadku, z zastosowaniem techniki w postaci wywiadu narracyjnego. Uwzględnione w tekście wyniki badań stanowią jedynie część obszerniejszych z tego zakresu. Z uwagi na ograniczenia tekstowe, postanowiłam zaprezentować jedną z wyróżnionych przeze mnie kategorii badawczych: przyszłość kobiet doświadczających bezdomności, ocenianą z ich punktu widzenia. Wyniki Wyniki badań wskazują, że bezdomne kobiety pragną zmienić swoją sytuację życiową, jednak wizję swojej przyszłości widzą w kategoriach fatalistycznych, a w jej wyobrażenie wpisane są obawy i lęki; ponadto nie dysponują strategiami pomocnymi w zakresie zmiany aktualnego położenia życiowego. Wnioski Kluczowy wniosek aplikacyjny obejmuje zasadność zaprojektowania i wdrożenia pomocy psychologicznej oraz aktywizację zawodową bezdomnych kobiet.
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