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The first part of this article traces the most important phases of the semantic enrich-ment and “terminologisation” (in the sense of the transformation of a lexical item from a generic word into a scientific term) of the German expression “Gestalt.” The word “Gestalt” (English translations are: “form,” “shape,” “configuration,” “aspect”) was already documented in the Middle Ages (Old High German: gistalt) in the meaning of “appearance, way of appearing.” From the end of the 18th century, the word was begin-ning to enlarge its meaning; it started to be used in specific domains (literature, philoso-phy, psychology) to designate an organic whole. In the first decades of the 20th century, it became a specialized term—a terminus technicus in the philosophical and psycholog-ical thought—as Gestalt psychology and Gestalt theory emerged as a new scientific and philosophical orientation. Its exact conceptual definition was heatedly discussed in the philosophical and psychological debates that raged in the first two decades of the 20th century after publishing the famous paper by Christian von Ehrenfels “On Gestalt Qual-ities” (1890) and it was developed in various psychological schools (the Berlin School, the Graz School) and philosophical orientations (phenomenology, Neo-Kantianism). In the concluding part of the paper, the author traces new developments in the Gestalt approach after the Second World War.
Content available Pojęcia holizmu i chaosu w medycynie rodzinnej
In this review I am starting a discussion on the subject of the notion „holism”, which was brought by the European Academy of Teachers of Family Medicine into the definition of a family doctor. This notion characterizes one of six axial skills of a family doctor. The holism is known in medical science mainly in field for the human physiology and it shows that a human organism as a whole is something more than just the sum of one’s parts. Feedbacks between the gigantic number of molecules are creating new in terms of quality correctness which may act in complicated and unpredictable way. Other disciplines like psychology and sociology adapted the holism to theories explaining public behaviors. The „holism” is waking big controversies up because of its negative associations with alternative and complementary medicine, with New Age moves and the shamanism. In the new medical discipline – value of the communication with the patient is being underlined in family medicine but medical consultation still has a central meaning. Theories of the chaos and complexities can explain a lot of phenomena in this context, which have the influence of functioning of the entire system of the health care. Correct understanding new medicine notions can prevent appropriating these notions for the needs of charismatic healers.
Environmental ethics has been intensively developed since the 1970s and is promoted most of all by philosophers and philosophizing naturalists. Various attitudes have been adopted, differing deeply ontologically, anthropologically and axiologically. In this article, the ethics of Edward Goldsmith are presented. Goldsmith understands the biosphere as a systemic whole, which should be treated with moral respect and responsibility by humankind. At the beginning, the notion of holism is defined and described against the background of biocentric and anthropocentric ethics. Next, the views that inspired Goldsmith’s theory are presented, i.e. A. Naess’ deep ecology, J. Lovelock and L. Margulis Gaia’s hypothesis, the views of E. Odum, W.B. Cannon and C.H. Waddington. Then the main points of biospheric ethics are presented. Finally Goldsmith’s proposal of mental and civilizational shift is submitted. The biospheric morality, which is supported by religious norms, is explained. This type of morality should allow humankind to achieve the right way of development.
One of the questions that Norbert Elias tries to resolve in his work – either explicitly or implicitly – is the issue of the relationship between the individual and society. Elias critically assesses two approaches to this issue that sociology offered in his time, namely the Weberian conception of individualism that postulates the human individual as the starting point of sociological thought, and the Durkheimian conception of holism, which considered society as a whole as the starting point, giving regard to holistic, supra-individual social facts. Elias considers both of these solutions one-sided and unsatisfactory, and in his conception tries to supercede them. His strategy is close to that of Georg Simmel before him. It consists in highlighting the “third” that lies between the individual and society, which connects them. Simmel calls this “third” “Wechselwirkung”. Elias speaks about “figuration”. In this article, we consider how successful Elias’ strategy is, its merits and its shortcomings. At the end of the text, the author attempts to formulate his own solution of the discussed problem, which is different from Elias’s approach and based on the concept of “homo duplex”.
Content available remote O Witruwiuszu i holistycznym koncypowaniu architektury
W traktacie Witruwiusza znajdują się znamienne wskazania koniecznej wszechstronności i szerokiego wykształcenia architekta. Przydatne architektowi umiejętności i wiadomości ulegają ewolucji. Obecnie na znaczeniu zyskują aspekty ekonomiczne, a techniczne ulegają radykalnej rozbudowie. Architekt sam nie jest obecnie w stanie opanować wszystkich dyscyplin współtworzących architekturę. Jego rolą jest kierowanie interdyscyplinarnym zespołem, tak by doprowadzić do realizacji swojej wizji przestrzennej i estetycznej, stworzonej w oparciu o wiedzę i doświadczenie.
Characteristic indications of the necessary versatility and wide educating the architect are in a treaty of Vitruvius. Useful for the architect abilities and messages are undergoing the evolution. At present economic aspects are making a profit and technical aspects are undergoing the radical expansion. The architect alone isn't able to embrace everyone of disciplines contributing to architecture. Managing the interdisciplinary team is his role, in order to lead to the realization of him spatial and aesthetic vision, created based on the knowledge and experience.
W artykule zaprezentowano holistyczne podejście do wychowania seksualnego uwzględniające wszechstronne przygotowanie dzieci i młodzieży do poznania własnej płciowości i płciowości osób odmiennej płci. Podkreślony został aspekt rozwoju biologicznego, psychicznego i społecznego w rozwoju seksualności, kształtowanie dojrzałości młodzieży oraz związek seksualności z podejmowanymi w przyszłości rolami małżeńskimi i rodzicielskimi. W celu uzasadnienia omawianego podejścia poddano dyskusji wnioski z analiz programów wychowania seksualnego o charakterze holistycznym, realizowanych w świecie. Przedstawiono także wnioski z badań własnych autora, dotyczących związku uczestnictwa w szkolnych zajęciach z wychowania do życia w rodzinie z postawami młodzieży wobec seksualności, małżeństwa i rodzicielstwa. Te wnioski są następujące: mniej niż połowa 18-, 19-latków biorących udział w badaniach wykazała się dojrzałym nastawieniem do wartościowania seksualności; dziewczęta przejawiają dużo bardziej dojrzałe postawy w omawianej sferze niż chłopcy; zwiększa się odsetek nastolatków aktywnych seksualnie; duża grupa młodzieży podejmuje doświadczenia seksualne bez miłości; około połowa nastolatków zrywa kontakt z partnerem inicjacji; prawie wszyscy młodzi ludzie mieli kontakt z pornografią; młodzież uczestnicząca w zajęciach z wychowania do życia w rodzinie (szczególnie chłopcy) przejawia nieco bardziej dojrzałe postawy wobec seksualności, małżeństwa i rodzicielstwa niż młodzież nieuczestnicząca w nich; jakość postaw młodzieży wobec aktualnych dla niej obszarów związanych z seksualnością koreluje w wysokim stopniu z jakością jej postaw wobec małżeństwa i rodzicielstwa – jest to korelacja dodatnia. Wskazany związek uczestnictwa przez chłopców w zajęciach z wychowania do życia w rodzinie z ich dojrzalszymi postawami wobec płciowości stanowi ważny argument przemawiający za tego rodzaju edukacją.
The paper presents a holistic approach to sex education taking into account the comprehensive preparation of children and young people to know their own sexuality and the sexuality of people of the opposite sex. It has been highlighted aspect of biological, psychological and social development of sexuality, shaping the maturity of youth and relationship of sexuality with marital and parental roles undertaken in future. In order to justify this approach was discussed findings from analyzes of sex education programs realized in the world. The paper presents the conclusions from the author's own research concerning the relationship of participation in education classes to live in a family with young people attitudes towards sexuality, marriage and parenthood. The conclusions of their research are as follows: less than half of 18-, 19-year-olds involved in the study showed a mature attitude to sexuality; girls reveal much more mature attitude in this sphere than boys; increases in the percentage of sexually active teens; a large group of young people take sexual experience without love; about half of teenagers breaks contact with a partner after sexual initiation; nearly all young people have contact with pornography; young people participating in education classes for family life (especially boys) reveals a more mature attitude towards sexuality, marriage and parenthood than young people not participating in them; quality of the attitudes of young people towards the areas related to sexuality correlates highly with the quality of their attitudes towards marriage and parenthood - this is a positive correlation. Indicated participation by boys in education classes for family life with their more mature attitudes towards sexuality is an important argument in favor of this kind of education.
Content available remote Alchemia nowoczesna inaczej
tom [Z] 61, 11-12
The ancient alchemy is characterized as a general philosophy of Middle Age. Its part was the primitive chemistry. The main feature of alchemy was the holistic view on the nature including human beings. In XVII c. the holistic view was replaced by the reductionism introduced by Descartes. Now-a-days we return to the holistic view. In chemistry it is illustrated by the synergism. This is the Modern Alchemy.
Content available Historie lingvistické afaziologie
This article addresses selected chapters from the history of linguistic aphasiology. It deals with the development of aphasia research from the very beginning to the emergence of cognitive neurosciences. It looks at relevant researchers chronologically (e.g., Pierre Paul Broca, Carl Wernicke) as well as the theories and approaches these researchers stand for (e.g., localism vs. holism) and various methods of aphasia research used (e.g., autopsy, electric stimulation). The present paper also discusses and evaluates the contribution of individual research concepts to current aphasiology.
nr 3
Młodzież bezrobotna, pomimo dojrzewania w warunkach powszechnego dostępu do edukacji oraz mająca możliwość powszechnego korzystania z nowych osiągnięć cywilizacyjnych, często ma bardzo poważne problemy na rynku pracy. Brakiem pracy zazwyczaj zagrożone są osoby młode wykazujące szereg specyficznych cech współwystępujących i wraz z tym wzajemnie się wzmacniających. Są to niedojrzałość społeczna, kłopoty w relacjach z innymi, bierność i wycofanie. Skutecznym sposobem wsparcia może być systemowe oddziaływanie edukacyjne, odwołujące się do rożnych sfer osobowości i aktywności młodych ludzi. W artykule przedstawiono holistyczne podejście edukacyjne prowadzące do aktywizacji społecznej i zawodowej młodzieży, wykorzystujące wybrane doświadczenia niemieckie i szwedzkie.
In spite of maturation in terms of universal access to education and having the possibility of widespread use of new achievements of civilization, unemployed young people often have very serious problems in the labor market. Usually young people are at risk of lack of employment, who have a series of specific co-occurring features that, along with this, are mutually reinforcing. These features include: social immaturity, difficulties in relationships with others, passivity and withdrawal. An effective way of support may be systemic educational impact referring to different spheres of personality and activity of young people. The article presents a holistic educational approach leading to social and professional mobilization of young people based on the selected German and Swedish experiences.
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