The article attempts to analyse the significance of the legal output in the area of protection of cultural property enacted in the period of development of the Second Polish Republic. The paper advances the thesis that the years 1918-1939 were characterised by the crucial legislative out-put regarding the protection of cultural property, which guaranteed the possibility of protecting the tangible cultural heritage of the Polish nation in the difficult period of restoring the foundations of its statehood. The defence of the above thesis relies on both the literature and source materials, including mainly the materials stored in the Central Archives of Modern Records (Archiwum Akt Nowych) in Warsaw and archival materials published in Wojskowe Teki Archiwalne. Taking account of the specific nature of the selected topic, the key material comprised legal acts concerning the protection of historic monuments in the period of the Second Polish Republic and the adopted research method was the analysis of such materials. On the basis of the presented information it can be stated that the Second Polish Republic was a period of particular significance for the development of the Polish legal system in the area of protection of cultural assets. In the years 1918-1939, the legal protection of cultural property represented the way of enhancing the cultural security, consisting in the systematic development of legal norms. The development of the cultural property protection law was based on a number of legal acts passed both in the 1920s and in the 1930s. In the Second Polish Republic the cultural property protection law made it possible to combine the social function of safeguarding historic monuments with the public function in the protection of historic monuments, which had a favourable impact on the protection of the national heritage.
W artykule przedstawiono świadomość spontaniczną, rodzaje zachowań i stosunek emocjonalny Polaków do zabytkowych budynków w perspektywie potencjału turystycznego tych obiektów. Artykuł uzupełnia wiedzę niezbędną do analiz potencjału turystycznego, prowadzenia polityki turystycznej oraz planowania inwestycji w zabytkowe obiekty polegających na nadawaniu im funkcji turystycznej. Opiera się on na wynikach reprezentatywnego badania społecznego przeprowadzonego przez autorkę w sierpniu 2016 r. we współpracy z firmą Millward Brown S.A.
The article presents a spontaneous awareness, behaviors and emotional attitudes of Poles to the historic buildings in the perspective of the tourism potential of these objects. The article complements the knowledge necessary for tourism potential analysis, tourism policy and planning investments in historic buildings in order to give them a tourist function. It is based on the results of a representative survey conducted by the author in cooperation with a Millward Brown S.A. in August 2016.
W artykule przedstawiono historię założenia pałacowo-parkowego we Włostowie, które jest wpisane do rejestru zabytków województwa lubuskiego. Obecnie pałac jest ruiną, a park jest zaniedbany i zdewastowany. Rodzą się pytania. Czy relikty pałacu i pozostałości parku są nadal zabytkiem. Kiedy zabytek traci wartości, dla których został wpisany do rejestru. Czy zły stan techniczny obiektu może być powodem do jego skreślenia z rejestru.
The article presents the history of the palace-park complex in Włostów, which is registered in the register of historic buildings in the Lubuskie Province. The palace is currently in ruins, and the park has become run down and devastated. Questions therefore arise: do the relics of the palace and remains of the park continue to be historic monuments? Can the poor technical condition of the building be reason for removing it from the register?
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