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Content available remote Niechciana historia nauki
tom T. 61, z. 4
Historia nauki końca XIX wieku spoglądała na rozwój fizyki przez pryzmat pozytywizmu. Jednym z powszechnie przyjmowanych poglądów było traktowanie czasu między osiągnięciami naukowymi Greków a Renesansem, jako "ciemnych wieków". Z początkiem XX stulecia francuski fizyk, matematyk, filozof a nade wszystko historyk nauki, Piotr Duhem, dzięki systematycznym studiom nad myślą poprzedzającą Leonarda da Vinci potrafił wykazać, jak bardzo Średniowiecze przyczyniło się do oczyszczenia przedpola intelektualnego dla powstania nowożytnej nauki. Postawił nawet tezę, że to właśnie XIII wiek trzeba uważać za początek nauk, zwłaszcza dzięki osiągnięciom szkoły paryskiej. Prace Duhema zostały bardzo chłodno przyjęte przez ówczesnych historyków nauki, zwłaszcza tych, którzy byli skupieni wokół czasopisma Isis oraz idei jej głównego redaktora George'a Sartona. Posunięto się nawet do przemilczania prac Duhema, i blokowania przez 40 lat po jego śmierci wydawania pięciu tomów jego opus magnum - Le systeme du monde. Dopiero kontynuatorzy studiów nad Średniowieczem pokazali jak cenny był wkład prac Duhema i potwierdzili jego ideę ciągłości wiedzy.
The history of science at the end of XIX century looked at the development of physics through the prism of positivism. One of the more commonly held ideas at the time was the treatment of the years between Greek and Renaissance science as a period of "the dark ages". At the beginning of XX century Pierre Duhem - the French physicist, mathematician, philosopher and above all historian of science, thanks to his systematic studies on the nature of thought preceding Leonardo da Vinci, demonstrated the extent to which the Middle Ages had helped clear the intellectual field for the subsequent development of modern science. He even dared to say, that it was these achievements, especially of the Paris school, which allow us to state that the birth of modern science was in XIII century. Duhem's work however, met with a cool reception by most of his contemporary historians of science, especially those gathered around the journal Isis and those supporting the ideas of its chief editor, the "father" of the history of science, George Sarton. They not only ignored the results of Duhem's work but also managed to block the publication of his five volume opus magnum - Le systeme du monde for forty years after his death. It took modern medievalist scholars interested in the continuation of the history of the development of science to acknowledge how valuable his works were and to find confirmation of his ideas concerning the unbroken continuity of the development of science.
Prezentowany tekst zwiera krótkie streszczenie na temat Międzynarodowej Konferencji poświęconej naukom ścisłym i matematyce w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej na przełomie XIX i XX wieku, która odbyła się w Krakowie, w siedzibie PAU,  w dniach od 11 do 14 czerwca 1015 r.  
Biography and scientific achievements of Professor Andrzej Nadolski, archaeologist, expert on historical weapons and medievalist are well known. However, few people know that both his professional and non-professional interests have already been formed before the World War II when he was just a young boy. He grew up in a family of noble descent and insurrectionary traditions. One of the most important person for Andrzej Nadolski was his father, the military doctor in the rank of colonel who was a true role model due to his patriotic believes, deep knowledge and love of nature. Since he was young, Andrzej Nadolski knew how to use firearms. He travelled on horseback and practiced fencing. He knew the base of military tactics as well. Moreover, he was interested in history and nature. Until his death, the great passion of professor Andrzej Nadolski was entomology, to which he very often devoted his free time. He could also play the piano, he wrote a small forms of poetry and drew funny and satirical drawings. Many of his works have survived in the home archive. He had a very broad and diverse knowledge. As a university lecturer, he was an excellent promoter and populariser of science. He was a classic example of a naturalist-humanist – an attitude typical of researchers in the first half of the twentieth century.
Content available Andrzej Nadolski und Grunwald. Erinnerungen
The theme of the publication refers to the author’s memories associated with Professor Andrzej Nadolski for his investigation into the Battle of Tannenberg (Grunwald, 1410). With reference to his personal memories and surviving correspondence, the author wishes to give a picture of the inspiring relationship with the famous arms specialist, archaeologist and historian. This began towards the end of the 1970’s and lasted until the death of Nadolski in 1993. The connecting element of this friendly and scientific relationship was the problematic nature of the Battle of Tannenberg from which a strong fascination emerged resulting in the publication of several books and essays by Nadolski and the author.
Content available O meandrach polskiego bronioznawstwa słów kilka
This paper deals with the past, the present and the future of Polish studies of arms and armour. As one of students of Professor Andrzej Nadolski, I perfectly remember the birth of the research centre in Łódź in the 1960s. It specialised in studies of weaponry, armament and military costume and in this field it was the most interesting research centre in Poland at that time. In those days, our research mainly focused on the Middle Ages. At the same time, in our activities we referred to the term of “arms and uniforms,” which was used by historians of army and military affairs in the interwar period. Present-day Polish studies of arms and armour, done by historians, archaeologists and art historians, are a significant element of the totality of processes of learning about the peculiarity of our history. Studies of arms and armour are now carried out not only in main academic centres, but also in several museums and in local environments. This field of research requires considerable knowledge and firm specialisation; on the other hand, sometimes it goes into areas with poor cognitive perspectives. In this paper I discuss two such cases. In the first one, the failure resulted from a simple lack of knowledge and historical reflection. In the other one, the fiasco of research results was determined by a preponderance of an idée fixe over calm reflection and over a need for source criticism with its necessary skills. Today, the group of researchers who define themselves as students of arms and armour are aware that the origin of this field as academic study is related to Professor Andrzej Nadolski, who died twenty years ago. The knowledge of this, however, must be continuously maintained.
Content available remote Bogdana Suchodolskiego koncepcja historii nauki
tom R. 56, nr 1
In the article is presented the conception of the history of science in the interpretation of Bogdan Suchodolski. Having described the conception of the history of science created by George Sarton (1884-1956), whose thought was influenced by positivistic philosophy of August Comte, the idea of the history of science of Johan Nordstöm (1891-1967), who was inspired by the system of Wilhelm Dilthey, and the materialistic conception of the history of science, which was represented, among others, by John Desmond Eternal (1901-1971), the author is making an attempt at revealing to what extent Bogdan Suchodolski was inspired by the above-mentioned visions of the history of science. Having defined the history of science as the history of scientific activity of people and their consciousness formed by the activity, Bogdan Suchodolski applied in the field of his own conception of the history of science the ideas that were put forward by German thinkers and philosophers, and were connected with a way of understanding culture as the constant development of national awareness, which can be exemplified with different dimensions of culture. Undoubtedly, identifying the history of Polish science with constitutive element of the history of national culture and paying attention to the conceptions tending not only to explaining, but also understanding phenomena, B, Suchodolski was influenced by Alfred Vierkandt's and Wilhelm Dilthey's thought. The present article includes several reflections on the conception of the history of science, which was created by B. Suchodolski. Among others, we can find here detailed information on how B, Suchodolski understood: the history of science, its subject, aim and methodology; its status in modern social consciousness and as the history of truth relations between history of science and theory of science and scientific policy, history of science and the problem of unity and diversity of scientific thinking, history of science and ideas, history of culture and technology, and sources of scientific progress.
Content available A Simple Pole in Ithaca, NY
Praca prezentuje życie i osiągnięcia Marka Kaca, wielkiego polskiego i  amerykańskiego matematyka widziane oczyma jego doktoranta.
The article presents the life and achievements of Mark Kac, the great Polish and American mathematician, as seen and personally remembered by his former PhD student.
In the 20th anniversary of death of Professor Andrzej Nadolski Ph.D., students and friends will recall his accomplishments as well as his research and academic achievements. The organizers of this academic session are mostly weapon experts – heirs and successors of work of their late master. Professor A. Nadolski Ph.D. was not just an archaeologist and expert on medieval art of warfare, strategy and tactics, but he was also interested in the defense construction and material culture of the Middle Ages. Moreover, it should be remembered that he was a broad-minded researcher and scholar. Apart from the historical interests he had also a great knowledge of biology. He knew a rich world of winged beings, he had passionately documented existing species of butterflies and he would never turn a blind eye on any plant. He was also interested and engaged in social issues. He was actively involved in works of numerous boards, committees and scientific societies. He took part in sessions, debates and conferences both in Poland and abroad. He participated in international congresses and cooperated with filmmakers as an expert-consultant in the production of historical films. He was highly valued as an educator – a lecturer at several Polish universities. He was an eager supporter of popularization of historical science through the dissemination of knowledge about regional, national and common tradition. He believed that being aware of your own history is a responsibility of a cultured person and such knowledge has the effect on reinforcing of social bonds. As a member and a chairman of the Common Knowledge Society (Towarzystwo Wiedzy Powszechnej), he put in practice the implementation of science popularization ideas. During the World War II, Professor A. Nadolski Ph.D. took active part in actions of Home Army (Armia Krajowa) and defended his Country.
Content available Co wiedziała retoryka o budowie tekstu?
W artykule podejmowana jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, w jakiej mierze dokonania antycznej retoryki mogą być traktowane jako antycypacja badań nad strukturą spójnej wypowiedzi; badania takie wyodrębniły się jako osobna dyscyplina – teoria tekstu – w połowie XX wieku, a równolegle zaznaczył się renesans zainteresowań retoryką. Autor przedstawia współczesne relacje tych dyscyplin i przeprowadza systematyczną analizę koncepcji retorycznych w obrębie trzech działów: elocutio, dispositio i inventio. Historyczny przegląd kierunków nauczania sztuki wypowiedzi obejmuje antyczne traktaty greckie i rzymskie, jak też dzieła autorów indyjskich i chińskich, średniowieczną ars dictaminis oraz oryginalne rozwinięcie idei retorycznych w pismach M.W. Łomonosowa. Na postawione w tytule pytanie autor daje odpowiedź negatywną i dokładnie ją argumentuje, wskazując przede wszystkim na atomizujące podejście charakteryzujące retorykę na wszystkich poziomach tej teorii i odnotowując brak w niej ogólnej kategorii tekstu jako spójnej ponadzdaniowej jednostki komunikacyjnej o zasięgu ponadgatunkowym. Dostrzega jednak w kanonie retorycznym pierwowzory kategorii i konstrukcji teoriotekstowych – schematy kompozycyjne mów czy listów, które mogły się stać punktem wyjścia do stworzenia ogólnego pojęcia makrostruktury. Jako potwierdzenie wartości pewnych koncepcji retorycznych podaje przykłady zbieżności idei antycznych z niektórymi niezależnie wprowadzanymi współczesnymi metodami analizy tekstów.
Content available remote Obchody 100. rocznicy śmierci Karola Stanisława Olszewskiego (1846–1915)
The article briefly presents the scientific achievements of Karol Olszewski (1846– 1915), who was born when Poland did not exist on the map of Europe and Polish science was developed mainly in Krakow, Lviv and at some European Universities. In 1883 Karol Olszewski and Zygmunt Wróblewski were the first in the world to liquefy oxygen, nitrogen and carbon oxide from the atmosphere in a stable state. In 1884 Olszewski was also the first person who liquefied hydrogen in a dynamic state, achieving a record low temperature of 225 °C (48 K). In 1895 he succeeded in liquefying argon. In January 1896 Olszewski replicated the Roentgen’s set‑up for obtaining X‑rays and successfully obtained this newly‑ discovered radiation for the first time in Krakow, initiating the foundation of the university’s department of radiology. Olszewski died on 25 March 1915. In March 2015 the Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University organized a special celebration to commemorate the life and achievements of Karol Olszewski.
Artykuł poświęcony jest znakomitemu polskiemu uczonemu prof. Karolowi Olszewskiemu, który urodził się i żył, gdy Polska nie istniała na mapie świata, a nauka polska rozwijana była głównie na uniwersytetach w Krakowie, we Lwowie i kilku innych uczelniach na zachodzie Europy. W 1883 roku Karol Olszewski i Zygmunt Wróblewski po raz pierwszy skroplili tlen, azot i tlenek węgla w stanie statycznym. Olszewski skroplił również wodór w stanie dynamicznym (1884).W styczniu 1896 roku, po przeczytaniu pracy W. Roentgena o nowym rodzaju promieniowania, profesor Olszewski zbudował zestaw i otrzymał w Krakowie promienie X. Wydarzenie to dało początek polskiej radiologii. Karol Olszewski zmarł 25 marca 1915 roku. W marcu 2015 roku, w 100‑ lecie śmierci uczonego, Wydział Chemii UJ był inicjatorem i organizatorem uroczystości upamiętniających osobę i naukowe osiągnięcia profesora Karola Olszewskiego.
The article discusses d’Alembert’s conception of science as a manifestation of the Enlightenment culture of science. Albeit the spirit of empiricism, typical of the Enlightenment culture, is indeed dominant in it, also signs of the lasting tradition of the Cartesian rationalism can be seen, along The article discusses d’Alembert’s conception of science as a manifestation of the Enlightenment culture of science. Albeit the spirit of empiricism, typical of the Enlightenment culture, is indeed dominant in it, also signs of the lasting tradition of the Cartesian rationalism can be seen, along with the vision of unification of science understood in the modern way with philosophy, which even accounts for the traces of speculative thinking in physics. Also the effect of the spirit of more geometrico in the form of raison physico-mathématique may be perceived, that requires treating mathematics as a model of unfailing cognition, its systemic perspective, as well as linguistic precision. This, however, does not rule out legitimacy of the use of methods of the kind of cognition that is only probable, including making use of hypotheses. A specific manifestation of the unification of empiricism and rationalism in d’Alembert’s conception of science is also the legitimization of cognition that has an instinctive character, revealed in the Enlightenment owing not only to the Scottish common sense philosophy, but also to the influence of the Cartesian spirit in France of that time, from the perspective of C. Buffer SJ, who was as much an empiricist as a rationalist. An expression of a harmonious combination of these traditions is ultimately a unifying classification of sciences, in which d’Alembert legitimizes not only natural and social sciences, but also elements belonging to classical philosophy (modern Christian Aristotelianism) with references to the world view, like the ones undertaken against the background of the rise of agnosticism that was forced both by the ideal of certain knowledge and by the conception of the nature of science understood in the utilitarian way, of its origin and function. Hence, ultimately connecting d’Alembert’s conception of science with the theory of science characteristic of positivism that sometimes appears in the literature of the subject is illegitimate
Artykuł poświęcony jest znakomitemu polskiemu uczonemu prof. Karolowi Olszewskiemu, który urodził się i żył, gdy Polska nie istniała na mapie świata, a nauka polska rozwijana była głównie na uniwersytetach w Krakowie, we Lwowie i kilku innych uczelniach na zachodzie Europy. W 1883 roku Karol Olszewski i Zygmunt Wróblewski po raz pierwszy skroplili tlen, azot i tlenek węgla w stanie statycznym. Olszewski skroplił również wodór w stanie dynamicznym (1884). W styczniu 1896 roku, po przeczytaniu pracy W. Roentgena o nowym rodzaju promieniowania, profesor Olszewski zbudował zestaw i otrzymał w Krakowie promienie X. Wydarzenie to dało początek polskiej radiologii. Karol Olszewski zmarł 25 marca 1915 roku. W marcu 2015 roku, w 100‑ lecie śmierci uczonego, Wydział Chemii UJ był inicjatorem i organizatorem uroczystości upamiętniających osobę i naukowe osiągnięcia profesora Karola Olszewskiego.
The article briefly presents the scientific achievements of Karol Olszewski (1846– 1915), who was born when Poland did not exist on the map of Europe and Polish science was developed mainly in Krakow, Lviv and at some European Universities. In 1883 Karol Olszewski and Zygmunt Wróblewski were the first in the world to liquefy oxygen, nitrogen and carbon oxide from the atmosphere in a stable state. In 1884 Olszewski was also the first person who liquefied hydrogen in a dynamic state, achieving a record low temperature of 225 °C (48 K). In 1895 he succeeded in liquefying argon. In January 1896 Olszewski replicated the Roentgen’s set‑up for obtaining X‑ rays and successfully obtained this newly‑discovered radiation for the first time in Krakow, initiating the foundation of the university’s department of radiology. Olszewski died on 25 March 1915. In March 2015 the Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University organized a special celebration to commemorate the life and achievements of Karol Olszewski.
Numer został przygotowany przy wsparciu Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (1222/P-DUN/2015).
Most of sciences can be traced back to Aristotle. This is because in opposition to Plato he was able to find a way in which one could give a scientific form to reflection concerning contingent facts of every-day life. Knowledge of the contingent was made possible thanks to the Aristotelian concepts of category and state (habitus). It is the latter concept that was especially important for forming knowledge about change. Aristotle and his medieval followers apply it in analyses of various processes, from local motion to changes in temperaments, to formation of virtues.
The conversation revolves around the historical epistemology as a special branch of the history of science, which has been largely influenced by Hans-Jörg Rheinberger and his team at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. Apart from the discussion of the idea of historical epistemology, its position among the historical disciplines and the implications it has for science policy, what is also considered is experiment as a basic unit of science.
Rozmowa toczy się wokół tematyki epistemologii historycznej jako jednej z gałęzi historii nauki, rozwijanej w znacznym stopniu pod wpływem Hansa-Jörga Rheinbergera i jego zespołu z Instytutu Historii Nauki im. Maxa Plancka w Berlinie. Oprócz idei epistemologii historycznej, dyskusja dotyczy miejsca tej dyscypliny wśród nauk historycznych i jej wpływu zarówno na politykę naukową, jak i zagadnienie eksperymentu jako podstawowej jednostki nauki.
Content available remote Mechatronika - moda, czy nieuchronność?
Scharakteryzowano powstanie i rozwój mechatroniki jako nowego kierunku badań naukowych oraz nowego kierunku kształcenia na uczelniach technicznych. Wskazano na najistotniejsze cechy mechatroniki oraz na szerokie, obiecujące perspektywy jej rozwoju.
Origin and development of Mechatronics as new research engineering branch and new course in engineering are described. The most important features of Mechatronics, as well as, very promising and wide prospective of its development are pointed out.
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