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Kitchen and eating a historical phenomenon, which is part of the culture, changing in time. The study culinary and cultural history are beginning to be more and more often made in the research representatives of various scientific disciplines. Culinary tastes of our ancestors brings the writing Józef Ignacy Kraszewski. Customs Polish nobility has been depicted in several novels on the Saxon times. They represent descriptions of dishes, sumptuous feasts ora meager daily meals and table manners.
The textual analysis of J.G. Herder’s main work, Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit, which is conducted in the present article focuses on historicism as a method of Herder’s natural research, and on historicism and naturalism as a method of his research on man as a social being and on the regularities of the historical process. In his historicism, Herder followed the ever more frequent historical approach in natural research (Descartes, Buffon, Kant). In more general terms, Herder derived his concepts of man and society from the extensive natural knowledge of the times that he had acquired. Both the natural process and the historical process were subject to laws of a causal nature, the most general of which, according to Herder, was the law of emergence of order out of chaos. The thesis on the causal unity of the history of nature and humankind was accompanied in Herder’s approach by the thesis on the unity of the animate world, the view that animals and man were linked through a significant similarity in their morphological-anatomic structure, which was expressed in the concept of morphological type. The concept, which Herder developed in close collaboration with the poet-naturalist J.W. Goethe, has been reconstructed in detail in the current article. The article emphasizes some of the characteristic solutions adopted by Herder, such as the modification, through the introduction of discrete transitions, of Leibniz’s law of continuity (lex continui), which rules the great chain of being. The unity of morphological type was masked by a remarkable diversity of animate forms. Just as Goethe, Herder accounted for the rise of this diversity, accompanied by the preservation of stable type, by the operation of a compensatory mechanism, described as a principle of compensation. The principle related to both nature as a whole (macrocosm), as well as to man, to whom Herder referred as microcosm. The notion of type found in Herder’s concept is correlated with the notion of analogy. The link between the two notions is that what is expressed by the type, i.e. the stability of morphological structure of animate bodies and the unity that is manifest through this stability, arises from the similarity discovered between the particular forms compared, that is from the analogy that links them. The very process in which organic forms emerge was subjected to the necessity of preserving the analogy between them. The analogy held not only between the way in which spatial forms were shaped, but also between the ways of sensing and cognising, which were a function of the former. In the animal world, man became a form in which stability, conceived as morphological type, manifested itself in a pure manner, vis-a-vis other organic forms, man performs the function of tertium comparationis. This was confirmed by Goethe’s discovery of os intermaxillare in man; however, this was a discovery that Herder was reluctant to recognize. Herder tried to put order into the diversity of living beings in two ways: firstly, by resorting to a typological operation and reducing such diversity to one type, which he held man to be; secondly, by creating a sequence of living beings according to their increasing degree of perfection, that is according to their degree of proximity to the fullest and most balanced realization of the type - man. In this way, a scala naturae, or the already mentioned great chain of being appeared. The uniqueness of Herder’s great chain of being (as contrasted to the concepts of other naturalists) consisted in the fact in its successive steps - in an ascending motion and at a relatively constant pace -, the realization of the same type was taking place. The motion involved was marked for progress, in the sense that it brought closer the appearance of man, in whom the type came forth to the fullest; man was thus the goal towards which nature was oriented. However, the forms through which nature finally achieved its goal, were not phases of an actual, constant process occurring in the world, but they constituted isolated elements of the sequence. This picture of linear ordering of living beings that Herder outlined has tempted some historians of biology to join the independently emerging elements of the sequence together, turning the sequence into a process, and forcing such elements to transform from one into another and to acquire a greater degree of perfection along with time. Thus Herder was, quite falsely, found to be an eighteenth century precursor of Darwin. Meanwhile the original organic form, representing a successive element in a chain, emerged in a separate, independent, precisely successive creative act of nature, which thus was oriented towards to the final and most important act - the creation of man. Herder excluded the possibility that the structural type of a living being could change, and thus he excluded the possibility a process of transformation of one organic form into another over time. The stability of the structural type was conceived by Herder as the precondition of life. Within the type, however, Herder did allow for the variability of forms, with the causative factor behind such changes being climate, which in those times was a factor that was most frequently regarded as a source of variability. The most interesting thing was that the mechanism of change that Herder described made him a Lamarckist at a time when the original views of J. B. Lamarck (1744-1829), presented in his Philosophie zoologique (1809), were not yet known. The antitransformationism that characterized the naturalist views of Herder is testified to at many points in the text of his Ideen. Herder expressed his theoretical attitude in a variety of ways, one of which consisted in his categorical and unequivocal view that there is a fundamental difference between ape and man, the origin of which was to be found in the nature of individuals of the two species. By producing successive organic forms, nature has been preparing to create man by means of repeated trial and experiment, so that the ultimate result - man - could turn out as well as possible and could become a perfect creation. Thus the species of plants and animals that exist on the Earth are traces of those trials and experiments left by nature to their own devices, whenever it turned out that the products did not meet the expectations of the ceaselessly creative nature. Thus, it is not only (higher) animals that are according to Herder the older brethren of man. One could say that the whole animate world of the Earth, all living beings are the numerous siblings of man, whose shared mother is nature. Among those siblings man came last, and turned out to be the youngest of the siblings: man thus shares similarities with the whole of the animate world. Both Herder and Goethe described this significant affinity with the help of the notion of morphological type. As for the diversity of organic forms, they described it by means of the compensation principle, and accounted for it by reference to the particular conditions of the environment in which type was realized. Herder was not satisfied to limit himself to a description of the creative nature. He made an attempt to explain the basis on which the process of creation was taking, to explain its mechanism. Here Herder resorted to his theory of forces, making use of a notion which was in common currency in 18th century science, both in science concerned with animate and inanimate nature. He believed that he did a good job of the task he posed before himself. However, the theory is far inferior to other scientific achievements of Herder’s: its theoretical and methodological aspects were not very carefully developed, it was superficial and of dubious cognitive value, it was very reminiscent of the speculative naturalist concepts of German romanticist philosophy, to which in fact it had given rise. This theory will be the subject matter of the second part of the present article.
Artykuł wskazuje i omawia kilka przykładów specyficznego postrzegania roli rozwijającej się w XIX wieku archeologii w konstruowaniu oraz podtrzymywaniu narodowej tożsamości, zwłaszcza w obliczu utraty politycznej podmiotowości państwa, co skutkowało niekiedy nawet definiowaniem opozycji odkrywania, kolekcjonowania oraz badania artefaktów rodzimej „starożytności” wobec dynamicznie rozwijającej się w zachodniej Europie archeologii śródziemnomorskiej (starożytny Egipt, Grecja, Rzym).
The article identifies and discusses several examples of specific perceptions of archeology developing in the 19th century in constructing and sustaining national identity, especially in the face of the loss of the political subjectivity of the state, which sometimes even resulted in outlining an opposition of discovering, collecting and studying artifacts of native “antiquity” against the dynamically developing Mediterranean archeology (ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome) in Western Europe.
Content available Kulturowy wymiar „Za kulisami” Cypriana Norwida
Tematy i Konteksty
tom 8
nr 3
The article constitutes a chapter from the book “Mój teatr Norwida” (“My theatre of Norwid”) by Kazimierz Braun, prepared for the publication by the University of Rzeszów publishing house. The article contains the analysis of “Behind the scenes” by Norwid from the point of view of the history of culture, drama and theatre. At the same time, the article refers to the author’s experience who – as the director – staged the play at the TV Theatre in Warsaw (in 1966) and at the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Cracow (in 1970).
Prezentowany artykuł jest rozdziałem przygotowywanej do druku przez Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego książki Kazimierza Brauna „Mój teatr Norwida”. Artykuł zawiera analizę Za kulisami Norwida z punktów widzenia historii kultury, dramatu i teatru. Odwołuje się również do doświadczeń reżyserskich autora, który sztukę tę zrealizował w Teatrze Telewizji w Warszawie (1966) i w Teatrze im. J. Słowackiego w Krakowie (1970).
tom 58
The centenary of the establishment of the Department for the History of Polish Culture at the Jagiellonian University is a good opportunity to recall the scientific achievements in this discipline. In Galicia, in the second half of the 19th century, research on the history of education, literature and culture was conducted at the Academy of Arts and Sciences, founded in 1872, and the Jagiellonian University, where Stanisław Tarnowski, Ignacy Chrzanowski, Kazimierz Morawski, Józef Szujski, Wacław Szujski, Antoni Karbowiak, Jan Ptaśnik, Jan Leniek and others delivered lectures. However, it was not until Stanisław Kot’s scientific activity that he was appointed associate professor at the Department for the History of Polish Culture at the Jagiellonian University in 1920. His seminar on the history of culture has enjoyed significant popularity and was attended by students of various political orientations and national identities. Between 1925 and 1939, Kot promoted 22 doctors and four of his students obtained habilitation. Due to his political involvement, the Sanation authorities, introducing a new law on academic schools in 1933, decided to abolish his chair. After the Second World War and a short diplomatic episode as an ambassador in Rome from 1945 to 1947, Kot remained in exile. In Kraków, research on the history of culture and education was continued by his students, Henryk Barycz and Jan Hulewicz. The administrative and human resources structure of their teams was changed several times. In 1971, the Department for the History of Education and Culture was established. After Barycz’s retirement, it was consecutively managed by Jan Hulewicz, Kamilla Mrozowska, Renata Dutkowa, Julian Dybiec, Andrzej Banach and Krzysztof Stopka. Currently, the entity bears the name of the Department for the History of Culture and Education. Its six employees carry out extensive research in the fields of cultural history, the history of science and education as well as the history of Polish Armenians.
Artykuł zawiera analizę struktury, funkcji, zmian i znaczenia kulturowego telewizyjnych podsumo-wań roku bądź stulecia jako znaczących „postaci pamięci zborowej” dla kulturowej pamięci zbioro-wej. W tekście wykazano na przykładach, że takie obiekty warto analizować w ramach mediolin-gwistyki o profilu analityczno-kulturowym. Badania tego rodzaju mogą stawiać sobie przykładowo za cel wypracowanie za pomocą analiz dyskursu, analiz kulturowo-historycznych i kulturowo-kontrastywnych, jak multimodalne elementy pamięci są semiotycznie adaptowane, strategicznie ra-mowane a także instrumentalizowane w aspekcie wspomnieniowo-politycznym i jakie dyskursy jak się z nimi wiążą względnie powinny wiązać.
Content available remote Uwagi o jarmułce
nr 1(15)
Polish jarmułka ‘Jewish skullcap’ is generally considered to be an old Turkish loanword. In Bohdan A. Struminsky’s 1987 article this etymology is contested and replaced with a Latin one. However, Struminsky failed to present convincing arguments against the Turkish origin of the Polish word and his Latin explanation does not seem absolutely perfect either. This article critically examines Struminsky’s study and provides specific arguments against the Turkish trail. The etymology and the evolution of both the guise and the meanings of Polish jarmułka appear to be more complicated than previously thought; thus, the present article should be looked on as picking up an interrupted discussion and, in addition, an invitation to reexamination of the Latin etymology and the semantic aspects of all explanations suggested so far.
Content available Droga naukowa Profesora Edwarda Potkowskiego
The text presents the scholarly accomplishments of Edward Potkowski, a historian of the written culture of the Middle Ages, researcher of the history of manuscripts. Edward Potkowski was a professor at the University of Warsaw and the Aleksander Gieysztor Academy of Humanities in Pułtusk, as well as director of the Central Archive of Historical Records in Warsaw (1981–1986) and member of many scholarly institutions, both Polish and foreign.
W tekście przedstawiono drogę naukową Edwarda Potkowskiego, historyka kultury piśmiennej średniowiecza, badacza dziejów książki rękopiśmiennej. Edward Potkowski był profesorem Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego oraz Akademii Humanistycznej im. Aleksandra Gieysztora w Pułtusku, a także dyrektorem Archiwum Głównego Akt Dawnych w Warszawie (1981–1986) i członkiem wielu instytucji naukowych, zarówno polskich, jak i zagranicznych.
The article characterises the achievements and specificities of research into the Polish cultural history of the interwar period. It outlines the difference in exploring cultural history between sociologists and historians. The text is structured into two parts – the introductory first and the main one, presenting the contribution of Polish sociologists to the reflection on the history of culture.
W artykule podjęto próbę charakterystyki dorobku i specyfiki badań polskiej historii kultury okresu międzywojnia. Zarysowano różnicę w sposobach uprawiania historii kultury pomiędzy socjologami a historykami. Tekst składa się z dwóch części – pierwszej, mającej charakter wprowadzający i zasadniczej – prezentującej wkład wniesiony przez reprezentantów rodzimej socjologii do refleksji nad dziejami kultury.
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