Despite many studies on the hydrological responses to forest cover changes in micro and mesoscale watersheds, the hydrological responses to forest cover alterations and associated mechanisms through the large spatial scale of the river watershed have not been comprehensively perceived. This paper thus reviews a wide range of available scientific evidence concerning the impacts exerted by the forest removal on precipitation, water yield, stream flow, and flow regimes. It is concluded that there is no statistical correlation between forest cover and precipitation and water yield at the micro and mesoscale. In contrast, there is a relative correlation coefficient (r = 0.77, p < 0.05) between forest cover and water yield at large scales (>1000 km2). These findings help our understanding of the hydrological response to forest disturbance at large and regional scale and provide a scientific perception to future watershed management in the context of human activities and natural hazards.
Today sclerotherapy is the elective treatment for most cases of telangiectases. The main exceptions are "red" telangiectases, those with a caliber <0.3 mm and those with high flow, which do not respond to sclerotherapy or are aggravated by it as they require high concentrations of locally and generally toxic sclerosant solutions.The aim of the study was to remove all types of telangiectases, reduce doses and concentrations of sclerosant drugs, reduce risks and side effects, improve course and recovery time and increase long-term effects.Material and methods. We treated the types of telangiectases above-mentioned (563 cases on the legs, 375 on the face) with laser photocoagulation and two different techniques, called Laser-Video Sclerotherapy (LVST) and Laser-Video Therapy (LVT), utilizing also the videocapillaroscope coupled with diode laser 532 nm.Results. All types of telangiectases of the face disappeared, and 22 cases only haven't results on the legs. Relapses had be minus than 10% of cases of legs, and minus than 7% on the face. No side effectives appears in any cases.Conclusions. We achieved four on five objectives purposed, using LVT and LSVT in selected cases. Relapses are the greater problem still no-eliminated.
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The issue of trend detection in long time series of river flow records is of vast theoretical interest and considerable practical relevance. Water management is based on the assumption of stationarity; hence, it is crucial to check whether taking this assumption is justified. The objective of this study is to analyse long-term trends in selected river flow indices in small- and medium-sized catchments with relatively unmodified flow regime (semi-natural catchments) in Poland. The examined indices describe annual and seasonal average conditions as well as annual extreme conditions—low and high flows. The special focus is on the spatial analysis of trends, carried out on a comprehensive, representative data set of flow gauges. The present paper is timely, as no spatially comprehensive studies (i.e. covering the entire Poland or its large parts) on trend detection in time series of river flow have been done in the recent 15 years or so. The results suggest that there is a strong random component in the river flow process, the changes are weak and the spatial pattern is complex. Yet, the results of trend detection in different indices of river flow in Poland show that there exists a spatial divide that seems to hold quite generally for various indices (annual, seasonal, as well as low and high flow). Decreases of river flow dominate in the northern part of the country and increases usually in the southern part. Stations in the central part show mostly ‘no trend’ results. However, the spatial gradient is apparent only for the data for the period 1981–2016 rather than for 1956–2016. It seems also that the magnitude of increases of river flow is generally lower than that of decreases.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono badania nad możliwością poszerzenia wykorzystania półprzewodnikowych wzmacniaczy optycznych SOA w systemach optotelekomunikacyjnych. Badania objęły zastosowania wzmacniaczy SOA zarówno do transmisji sygnałów, jak i całkowicie optycznego przetwarzania sygnałów. W ramach pracy naukowo-badawczej przebadano możliwość realizacji systemów DWDM o uproszczonej budowie i dużej pojemności transmisyjnej, wykorzystujących wzmacniacze SOA. Przebadano najważniejsze ograniczenia transmisji w oknie telekomunikacyjnym 1310 nm i określono zależności między pojemnością a zasięgiem dla badanej klasy systemów transmisyjnych. Zrealizowano i przebadano eksperymentalny system transmisyjny DWDM 8x40 Gbit/s i 8x54 Gbit/s wykorzystując SOA na pasmo 1310 nm. Przedstawiony system transmisyjny może być wykorzystany zarówno do połączeń 400 G i 1000 G Ethernet, jak i dla potrzeb centrów gromadzenia oraz przetwarzania informacji. W dalszej części pracy zaproponowano i przebadano innowacyjną metodę konwencji formatu modulacji OOK-QAM. Przedstawiono zasadę działania konwertera formatu modulacji OOK-QAM. Przedstawiono zasadę działania konwertera formatu modulacji OOK-QAM wykorzystującego konwertery długości fali. Następnie zweryfikowano możliwość generacji sygnałów 16-QAM w konwerterze wykorzystującym dwie równolegle połączone struktury SOA-MZI. Określono wrażliwość generowania sygnałów 160 Gbit/s 16-QAM na typowe zniekształcenia w transmisji światłowodowej oraz możliwość ich wykorzystania w systemach transmisyjnych o bardzo wysokiej pojemności. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdziły poprawną generację sygnału 16-QAM w proponowanym układzie konwertera formatu modulacji. Zaproponowany konwerter formatu modulacji może być wykorzystany do realizacji całkowicie optycznego styku sieci OOK i QAM oraz do generacji sygnałów o bardzo wysokich przepływnościach.
The present work is dedicated to research on further expansion of semiconductor optical amplifier SOA applications in opto-telecommunication systems. The research covers transmission and all-optical signal processing applications. The feasibility to realize low-complexity high capacity DWDM transmission utilizing semiconductor optical amplifiers in the 1310 nm window is verified. Major transmission limitation in the 1310 nm window are identified, along with a presentation of countermeasures. The trade of between transmission capacity and distance is investigated. The 8x40 Gbit/s and 8x54 Gbit/s DWDM transmission system in the 1310 nm window utilizing semiconductor optical amplifiers was built and tested. The demonstrated system can be utilized in ultra-high speed 400 G and 1000 G Ethernet, as well as inter and intra center transmission. Next, a novel all-optical OOK-QAM modulation format conversion method has been presented. The principle of operation of the OOK-QAM modulation format converter based on the wavelength conversion is explained. Further feasibility of the 16-QAM signal generation in the proposed modulation format converter utilizing two parallel SOA-MZI is investigated including studies on the generated 160Gbit/s 16-QAM signal resilience to the typical fibre transmission impairments. The conducted wok has shown proper operation of the investigated OOK-QAM modulation format converter. The proposed converter can be applied at the OOK and QAM networks interface and to generate ultra-high bit rate signals.
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