The current research focuses on investigating the effect of using reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) on performance of hot mix asphalt (HMA) prepared with polymer modified bitumen (PMB) binder. This PMB used for the first time with HMA contained RAP. The mechanical properties and performance of HMA were assessed using several standard tests including Marshall, indirect tensile strength, creep compliance, and wheel track test. The RAP replacement was conducted up to 70% of total aggregate in HMA with an increment of 10%. The results of investigation showed, that the use of PMB binder prepared by addition novolac (phenol formaldehyde solid resin) and hexamine to conventional bitumen, significantly improved the performance of HMA contained RAP. Also, the optimum percentage of RAP replacement was found to be 50% of total aggregate in HMA. For this level of replacement, the rut depth reduced up to 38% of its original value.
Quebracho tannin - hyperbranched polyglycerol blends as adhesives for wood bonding. Applicability of tannin-hyperbranched polyglycerol blends cured with hexamine in wood bonding was investigated. Adhesive performance of the systems was examined. It was shown that strengths of adhesive joints exceeded that of the substrate, therefore it was concluded that hyperbranched polyglycerols might be effective components of tannic adhesives.
Blendy garbników quebracho z hiperrozgałęzionymi poliglicerolami jako kleje do drewna. Przedmiotem badań było określenie przydatności blend garbnikowo-poliglicerolowych utwardzanych heksaminą do klejenia drewna. Wykazano, że wytrzymałość spoin klejowych może przewyższać wytrzymałość podłoża, co dowodzi przydatności silnie rozgałęzionych poligliceroli jako składników klejów garbnikowych.