The originator and founder of hermetism was the mythical Hermes Trismegistos, a deity of the syncretic Hellenistic religion that came into being through the identification of the Greek god Hermes with the Egyptian god Thot. In later Hellenistsic times, various hermetic writers considered Hermes Trismegistos to have been a historical personnage, a king, prophet and philosopher (physician), as well as author of many widely disseminated writings that made up the so-called Corpus Hermeticum (eithteen separate treatises from the 2nd-4th centuries AD) and the the so-called Emerald Table (Tabula Smaragdina). The Corpus Hermeticum is a collection of treatises of a philosophical, religious, theological as well as theosophical nature. The collection played an important role in the development of the philosophy of alchemy and hermetism, and formed the basis for an alchemist philosophy of nature. There are currently two views among scholars on the origins of hermetism. According to one, hermetism derived directly from Egypt, while according to the other it orginated in Greece. In the years 1945-46 a number of hermetic texts forming part of the now famous gnostic „library“ were discovered in Nag-Hammadi (Chenosboskion) in Upper Egypt. The Coptic texts from Nag-Hammadi date from the middle of the 4th century AD, and according to experts are translations from the Greek. Some authors (R. Reitzenstein and T. Zieliński) have suggested that along with the appearance in Egypt of the Hermetic Books, attributed to Hermes Trismegistos, there also appeared a new god in Egypt, Poimandres, and a new religion was established, hermetism, which competed for influence with Christianity. The present article discusses the main of the hermetic treatises, including Poimandres, which contains an account of the creation of the world. The article also discusses the reasons for the decline of hermetism as a religion and stresses that in spite of this decline the doctrine managed to survive in the form of alchemic hermetism, which played an important role in the culture of the Renaissance. The article also cites the voluminous work by W. Scott and A.S. Ferguson (1924-1936), and A.D. Nock and A.-J. Festugiere (1945-1964), which contains contemporary, English and French, commentaries on and translations of the Corpus Hermeticum texts.
The article analyzes the short stories in V. Nazarenko’s collection Mechanical Egg in order to identify the writer’s stylistic idiosyncracies. There is no single point of view regarding this, which determines the discussions around this issue and the relevance of our intelligence. Research is performed in the context of studying modern Ukrainian novels. As a result of research conducted using philological, comparative, descriptive methods, component and semantic analysis, it was found that Nazarenko’s novels include elements of different styles: Gothic, Hermetic, meditation, and surrealism, which are organically combined. The artistic world of his short stories is characterized by an atmosphere of mystery, enhanced by symbolism, the intertwining of the real world with the afterlife, the isolation of the characters and distance from socio-cultural background, and their reflections on existential problems. The combination of these features provides a basis on which to speak of the stylistic polyphony of V. Nazarenko’s novels.
Artykuł analizuje nowele ze zbioru Mechaniczne jajko W. Nazarenki w celu zdefiniowania specyfiki stylistycznej maniery pisarza. Brak jednolitego stanowiska badaczy w tej kwestii i toczące się na ten temat dyskusje potwierdzają zasadność podjęcia wskazanej w temacie problematyki. W wyniku badań przeprowadzonych na tle współczesnej ukraińskiej nowelistyki oraz za pomocą metod – filologicznej, porównawczej, opisowej, analizy komponentowej i semantycznej stwierdzono, iż w nowelach prozaika współwystępują elementy różnych stylów: gotyku, hermetyzmu, medytacji, surrealizmu. Artystyczny świat nowel W. Nazarenki charakteryzuje atmosfera tajemniczości spotęgowana odpowiednią symboliką, splotem świata realnego i nierzeczywistego, wyobcowaniem bohaterów, zdystansowaniem się od tła społeczno-kulturowego, refleksją nad problemami egzystencjalnymi. Kontaminacja wskazanych wyżej cech pozwala mówić o stylistycznej polifoniczności nowel W. Nazarenki.
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