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The article reflects current discourse concerning the identity of the unborn life in the context of modern bioethics in the mirror of the ideal prevailing in this debate – the ideal of personal autonomy. In the sore spots of the entire discourse then reveals the need for a new understanding of the idea of subjective identity which would be liberated from the capture of the paradigm of natural science. My article tries to suggest one way of such new comprehension of identity which we can find in phenomenological-hermeneutical philosophy of Paul Ricoeur whose concept of narrative identity I will present as the understanding of selfhood which brings new perspective to bioethical discourse dealing with personal identity and autonomy as well.
Článek se zamýšlí nad patovou situací diskurzu uvnitř bioetiky týkající se identity nenarozeného života v jejím spojení s ideálem osobní autonomie. V bolavých místech celého diskurzu pak odhaluje potřebu nového pojímání myšlenky subjektivní identity, která by mohla být uvolněna z mezí paradigmatu přírodních věd i spojení s tradicí cogito. Jako možné východisko pak nabízí dimenzi fenomenologicko-hermeneutické filosofie Paula Ricoeura, jehož koncept narativní identity je novou perspektivou i pro bioetický diskurz věnující se fenoménu subjektivní identity respektive autonomie.
The study turns back to Shklovkyʼs term defamiliarization and Jakobsonʼs poetic function to show that, despite they are still stimulating aesthetic conceptions exposing the social role of art, they cannot wholly explain what happens during reading a work of art. Theories of fictional worlds can clarify more, showing that the semantic energy rising from defamiliarization makes us to create an autonomous fictional world. However, the semantic energy of art goes also beyond such a world — it becomes a part of our experience resonating in our future life. A few conceptions of aesth
Content available Theorie-Kulturen. Ein Erfahrungsbericht
From the biographical perspective of a scholar of German studies with positions formerly at the German universities of Bonn and Constance and now Charles University in Prague, the article describes the discussions about theory and literary studies since the 1980s. It focuses primarily on exchange processes among various (theoretical) cultures and at the end examines the reasons why certain obvious theory transfers had not taken place.
Článek popisuje z životopisného stanoviska germanisty s dřívějším působištěm v Německu (Bonn a Kostnice) a nyní na Karlově univerzitě diskuze o literární vědě a teorii, jež se v germanistice vedly od osmdesátých let. Hlavním tématem jsou směnné procesy mezi různými kulturami (teorie). Na závěr zkoumá důvody, proč k některým nabízejícím se přenosům teorie naopak nedošlo.
The paper is a review essay on the second edition of “The Methods and Principles of Legal Interpretation” by Jan Wintr, where the topics contained in the reviewed book are developed in an essay form. After summarizing the basic parameters of contemporary continental theories of legal interpretation, the author evaluates the reviewed book as an excellent summary of this paradigm. However, he pauses over Jan Wintr’s tendency to count as legal interpration also a situation where there is no (or where cannot even exist) a logical relationship between concrete facts and the law (or spirit of the law). It proposes an alternative, which postulates that where the necessary relationship between the spirit of the law and a particular case is lacking, it is for the court to establish a standard for this type of case. At the end of the review essay, the author briefly reflects on the conditions for the exercise of judicial power as an act of legal norm-making.
Příspěvek je recenzní esejí na druhé vydání knihy Metody a zásady interpretace práva od Jana Wintra, přičemž témata obsažená v recenzované knize jsou rozvíjena esejistickou formu. Poté, co autor shrne základní parametry současných kontinentálních teorií interpretace práva, hodnotí recenzovanou knihu jako vynikající shrnutí tohoto paradigmatu. Pozastavuje se však nad tendencí Jana Wintra považovat za interpretaci zákona i situace, kdy mezi konkrétními skutkovými okolnostmi a zákonem (respektive duchem zákona) žádný typ sylogismu neexistuje (ba někdy ani existovat nemůže). Navrhuje alternativu, podle níž kde chybí sylogismus mezi duchem zákona a konkrétním případem, je úkolem soudu vytvořit normu pro tento typ případu. V závěru recenzní eseje se autor v krátkosti zamýšlí nad předpoklady pro výkon soudní moci jako druhého a podpůrného článku právní normotvorby.
Content available remote Tradice, diskontinuita a etická dimenze literární historie
This article focuses on aspects of the theoretical issues involved in writing literary history. These reflections are based on the apparently acute conflict between historical analyses which promote discontinuity as an instrument and object of research (Michel Foucault) and concepts of literary history, which endeavour to base themselves on some kind of continuity. The author sees a way out from this stark theoretical contradiction represented by the terms ''tradition'' and ''discontinuity'' in a shift of attention towards the ethical aspects of literary history, finding arguments for seeking an ethical dimension in literary-history work, particularly in the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer, Paul Ricoeur, a book by Polish researcher Ewa Domańska Historia egzystencjalna (2012) and the New Historicism of Stephen Greenblatt. Based on his analysis of the ethical aspects behind the ideas of these theorists, the author concludes that the essence of the past makes itself felt in its disturbing uncertainty, mutability, multiplicity and otherness. Any text from the past that becomes the subject of historical research is based on an ethical relationship involving the idea of debt. Literary history does not consist in the confirmation of continuity (e.g. national historiography), but quite the reverse in its constant querying and pursuit. Every text may be perceived as a resonating board (a ''trace'' of the past) that facilitates a confrontation with otherness. In this way attention might be focused on neglected phenomena, such as human emotions, desires, fear, pain and corporeality through marginal or forgotten texts, as records of the ''movements'' of living human beings who strove for something and who actually lived.
Článek se věnuje teoretickým problémům psaní literární historie. Východiskem úvah je zdánlivě ostrý konflikt mezi historickými analýzami, které prosazují diskontinuitu jako nástroj i předmět výzkumu (Michel Foucault) proti koncepcím literární historie, jež se snaží vycházet z nějakého typu kontinuity. Autor spatřuje východisko z této ostré teoretické kontradikce zastoupené pojmy „tradice“ a „diskontinuita“ v přesunu pozornosti k etickým aspektům literárních dějin. Argumenty pro hledání etické dimenze literárně-historické práce nachází zejména v hermeneutice H. G. Gadamera, P. Ricoeura, v knize polské badatelky E. Domańské Historia egzystencjalna (2012) a v Novém historismu S. Greenblatta. Na základě analýzy etických aspektů v koncepcích těchto teoretiků autor vyvozuje, že podstata minulosti se ohlašuje svou zneklidňující nejistotou, nestálostí, mnohostí, jinakostí. Jakýkoliv text minulosti, který se stává námětem historického výzkumu, zakládá etický vztah vedený ideou dluhu. Literární historie nespočívá na potvrzování kontinuity (např. nacionální historiografie), ale naopak z jejího neustálého hledání a zpochybňování. Každý text může být vnímán jako rezonanční deska („stopa“ minulosti) zpřístupňující setkání s jinakostí. Do centra pozornosti by se tak mohly dostávat opomíjené fenomény, jako jsou lidské emoce, touhy, strach, bolest, tělesnost, a to i skrze okrajové či zapomenuté texty, jakožto záznamy „pohybů“ živých lidských bytostí, které o něco usilovaly a skutečně žily.
The paper examines the relationship between the poetic works of Otokar Březina and its translations and interpretations by Emil Saudek. The aim is to put Saudek’s interpretations of Březina into the context of mysticism, neomytologism and neovitalism of the early 20th century modernism, the philosophical background of which Saudek knew very well. It can be said that in Saudek’s translations, criticism, and readings of Březina an ideal symbiosis of a translator and/as interpreter.
With the real earthquake in Lisboa, 1755, as well as the revolutionary ones in France and the shocks of the Napoleonic wars, the model of a temporally linear development of modernity, with ‘Progress’ as its universal goal, was shaken; and beyond the impact on Enlightenment rationality and philosophy of reason, it affected all assumed meaning of history, knowledge, and apparent certainties. This ‘state of crisis’ induced Heinrich von Kleist first to his novella The Earthquake in Chile (Das Erdbeben in Chili, 1806/1807) and then to suicide, whereas F. D. E. Schleiermacher responded with his theory of modern hermeneutics as a synthesis of the individual and the general. Building on Hana Šmahelová’s V síti dějin literatury národního obrození (2011), the paper focuses on the model of temporalisation of historical processes and in particular the ‘event of national reawakening’ as part of the ‘project of modernization’.
Content available remote Stoletý solitér Hans Albert v kontextu evropské filosofie (nejen) 20. století
On the occasion of the hundredth birthday of an important proponent of critical rationalism, Hans Albert, this article maps the key moments of his intellectual development and above all outlines his relationship to selected philosophical currents of (not only) the twentieth century. Albert’s philosophical “breakthrough” occurred in the 1960s in an open dispute with the Frankfurt School. He then published his Traktat über kritische Vernunft (Treatise on Critical Reason), which stands out especially because of its surprising observations about the context of seemingly unconnected concepts in various problem areas. Albert thus finds, for example, a common property between scholastic and modern approaches to justifying knowledge (see the problem of justifying knowledge) and a similar inclination on the part of both neo-positivism and existentialism to create a conflict between objective knowledge and subjective decision (see the problem of value-neutrality), as well as finding an effort to create autonomous areas in analytical metaethics and philosophical hermeneutics (see the problem of the relativization of truth). The aim of this article is to explain these apparent incommensurabilities, especially through the prism of Albert’s Traktat über kritische Vernunft that will soon be published in the Czech translation.
U příležitosti stých narozenin významného představitele kritického racionalismu, Hanse Alberta, mapuje tato stať klíčové momenty jeho intelektuálního vývoje, a především nastiňuje jeho vztah k vybraným filosofickým proudům (nejen) dvacátého století. Albertův filosofický „průlom“ nastal v šedesátých letech minulého století v otevřeném sporu s Frankfurtskou školou. Poté vydal svůj Traktat über kritische Vernunft, který vyniká zejména překvapivými postřehy ohledně souvislostí zdánlivě nespojitých koncepcí v různých problémových oblastech. Tak Albert například nachází společný rys mezi scholastickými a novověkými přístupy ke zdůvodnění poznání (viz problém zdůvodnění poznání) nebo podobný sklon novopozitivismu a existencialismu vytvářet rozpor mezi objektivním poznáním a subjektivním rozhodnutím (viz problém hodnotové neutrality) či snahu o vytvoření autonomních oblastí u analytické metaetiky či filosofické hermeneutiky (viz problém relativizace pravdy). Cílem této stati je vysvětlení těchto zdánlivých nesouměřitelností zejména prizmatem Albertova Traktat über kritische Vernunft, který se brzy dočká i českého vydání.
Content available remote Dvě výročí Přemysla Blažíčka
This article analyses the interpretation method devised by Přemysl Blažíček, based on his phenomenology-oriented philosophy and hermeneutics. It raises the question whether it is possible for an interpretation to go beyond a literary-historical and formal analysis of literary texts and to refer to a new experience of the world that is offered to the reader. It also incidentally atempts to seek out the philosophical foundations on which an interpretation of this kind is based.
Literary history commonly grounds itself in the heritage of philosophical positivism. It is not only its predilection for facts, but also a belief that the facts themselves can provide for the contours of syntheses and concepts of major styles and genres. The era of symbolism marked the renewed interest in philosophical hermeneutics, and, consequently, the realization that empirical knowledge is structured by a ground of a-priori assumptions (the rehabilitation of “prejudice”). This ground gave rise to a series of major concepts, the best known of which are Ferdinand Saussure’s “langue” and “parole”, but there are many more of similar pairs: Viktor Shklovsky “story” (fabula) and “plot” (syuzhet), Jan Mukařovský’s “semantic gesture” and “structure”, or Yury Tynianov’s “tightness of a verse line” and “syntax”. In the field of philosophy it is Arnold Toynbee’s pair of terms “challenge” and “answer”. Husserl’s concept of “Lebenswelt” is the most important explication of this approach in philosophy.
This article deals with the problem of teaching the history of literature, specifically with regard to Polish (and Czech) literary history in the context of foreign study, namely in Germany. The authors are concerned with the question of whether it is possible to teach the history of literature to foreign students according to the standards set for Polish (and Czech) students, i.e. through a historical and literary perspective, division into epochs and, above all, with regard to the canon. In view of the fact that undergraduate curricula in Germany provide only a few hours of instruction in literary history, and that German students are not taught the literary canon at school but rather learn to question the normative value of every author or text, the teaching of ‘traditional’ literary history in Germany is problematic. Drawing on their own biographical experience as part of the ‘twilight of the canon generation’, the authors argue that the didactic process requires an awareness both of the need for a canon — as a kind of ‘map’ to navigate the territory of literature — and of its constant questioning, deconstruction, rewriting, and expansion. In the next part of the article, the authors discuss the ‘poststructuralist turn’ in literary historiography and examine selected poststructuralist textbooks on the history of national literatures, especially those that do not abandon the basic assumptions of literary synthesis in their ambition to give new order to the material. Another part of the article discusses the textbook Polnische Literatur im langen 19. Jahrhundert. Grundkonzepte — Author:innen — Textinterpretationen, created by the Leipzig Institute of Slavic Studies in cooperation with the Polish Academy of Sciences, a textbook that aims to present the history of Polish literature 1822–1939 as a history of Polish attitudes towards both cultivating and questioning the Polish canon. The handbook was conceived on the basis of the programs of the B.A. Polish literary courses in Leipzig and its preparation involved the participation of the students as translators and commentators on chapters written in Polish. The conclusion of the article is a plea for a hermeneutical consideration of the didactic relevance of canons as interpretationalcommunicational tools giving students and others the possibility to mediate between the orientation skills a tradition can provide and its critical inquiring, as well as to make different point of views intelligible to one another.
The author analyzes Svatoň’s reflection of literature, paying attention to the dialectic of a potential dual approach to literary facts being so constantly offered in his books and articles. This examination of interpretative options is not performed directly either as the Socratian quest for the only truth, or as the Hegelian transposition of binary opposites into triads, wherein the third member abolishes the original antagonism. The opposites under scrutiny — factual description and context, irony and hermeneutics, work and genre, monologue and dialogue, linearity and cyclicity etc. — are expounded by Svatoň as anthropologically conditioned vantage points.
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