Many fields of study whose goals and methods differ in many ways have been engaged in researching rural settlement and dwellings. Different approaches to research and documentation can be traced even at different workplaces within one field. Comparison between the conception of Documentation of Rural Settlements prepared and coordinated by the National Heritage Institute in Prague and the questionnaire focused on settlements, houses and living prepared by the National Institute of Folk Culture in Strážnice as a part of the project Identification and Documentation of Traditional Culture can serve as an example. While the preservationists’ documentation observed primarily concrete material forms of settlements and buildings, the questionnaire focused on identification of folk culture and paid more attention to the relation of social and family life and customs. Many ethnologists and museum workers participated in both research projects. The results show that different concepts allow creation of many interesting points of view, inspire further research and offer many impulses to museums. Sometimes they contribute to the enrichment of museum collections and to the utilization of acquired documentation for the purpose of presentation through thematic exhibitions.
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This article describes three reconstruction designs for the Eagle Pavilion (Pawilon pod Orłem, trans. by author) developed by three architects at different moments in history and created using different methods in accordance with the technical means available at the time. The article presents a comparative analysis of the methodologies applied with these designs with regard to the context of the historical accuracy of reconstruction. In the conclusion of the article, I refer to the dilemmas related to the justification of restoring historical objects understood as the reconstruction of historical space, as well as the risks of conveying improper meaning that bears the appearance of authenticity.
Przedmiotem artykułu są trzy projekty rekonstrukcji Pawilonu pod Orłem, opracowane przez trzech architektów w różnych przedziałach czasowych, realizowane przy użyciu różnych metod w zależności od dostępnych środków technicznych. W artykule przeprowadzona zostanie analiza porównawcza zastosowanej w nich metodologii w kontekście wiarygodności historycznej rekonstrukcji. W konkluzji artykułu odniesiono się do dylematów związanych z zasadnością przywracania dziedzictwa w formie szeroko rozumianych rekonstrukcji zabytkowej przestrzeni i związanych z tym niebezpieczeństw błędnego przekazu noszącego pozory autentyczności.
Wilgoć jest głównym zagrożeniem dla zabytków. Prowadzi bezpośrednio do degradacji substancji zabytkowej oraz uruchamia procesy niszczące niewystępujące bez jej udziału. Poprawne rozpoznanie źródeł zawilgocenia pozwala na podjęcie odpowiednich kroków w stronę skutecznej i trwałej renowacji. Jednak właściwa diagnoza często nie jest łatwa, a z pozoru oczywiste obserwacje mogą owocować sformułowaniem błędnych wniosków i wdrożeniem działań, które przyniosą więcej szkody niż pożytku. Artykuł opisuje najczęstsze przyczyny powstawania zawilgoceń w budynkach zabytkowych oraz zwraca uwagę na podstawowe czynniki, które należy wziąć pod uwagę, chcąc uniknąć nieskutecznych i kosztownych napraw. Szczególnie podnosi problem tzw. wilgoci wstępującej od gruntu, zdecydowanie zbyt często i łatwo wskazywanej jako główny powód zawilgocenia.
Dampness is considered to be one of the most serious threats to heritage buildings. It leads directly to degradation of historical fabric and triggers damaging processes that would not appear without it. Correct diagnosis of the source of damp is necessary for implementing appropriate measures that will lead to effective and lasting renovation. But making a correct diagnosis is not easy, and what appears obvious from observation can lead to formulating incorrect conclusions and actions, which do more harm than good. The paper describes the most common causes of dampness in heritage buildings and draws attention to the basic factors, which need to be taken into account, in order to avoid ineffective and costly repairs. Special attention is devoted to the so-called damp rising from the ground, which is too often and too easily implicated as the main cause of dampness.
The corrosiveness and pollution of the atmosphere in the Old City of Havana – Cuba, have come to be over the last decades a growing concern regarding the durability and the aesthetics of heritage and historic concrete buildings. The chlorides and sulfates present in the air are capable to deposit over the concrete and have a direct impact on the deterioration of buildings. Chloride anions induce localized corrosion on the reinforced steel, while sulfates produce severe cracking in concrete. Based on Cuban climate parameters, it is important to develop an analytical method suitable to quantify the amount of these substances in the mass of concrete. The aim of this study was to develop two analytical procedures for the quantification of water-soluble chlorides and sulfates in hardened concrete in used buildings. Basic evaluation of the precision, accuracy and uncertainty of the proposed methods was done. In order to determine the content of water-soluble chlorides, mercury(II) nitrate was used as a titrant, and mix of bromophenol/diphenylcarbazone as an indicator. The sulfates content was determined gravimetrically. The study concluded that both methods, as well as the statistical analysis performed are satisfactory, allowing the quantification of the amount of water-soluble chlorides and sulfates in concrete heritage buildings.
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