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Hans Blumenberg’s reflection is grounded on the phenomenology of history that can be considered as one of the most heretical Husserl’s developments. Blumenberg sees these developments as a way of thinking, a “source” of inspiration, a “legacy” and a sort of “legitimacy.” The purpose of this paper is to stress two different but connected ques-tions on this heresy: on the one hand, the path of Blumenberg’s phenomenology not as continuum of historical substances, but as “reoccupation” of problems that a thinker bequeaths to another; on the other hand, the metaphor, as Blumenberg’s “semantic anomaly” and Husserl’s Lebenswelt images (e.g. “ground,” “horizon,” “leap”) as “infi-nite” heresy of their premises.
This study contributes to the research on anti-Hussite propaganda and on the policies of Sigismund of Luxembourg. The subject of analysis is represented by Sigismund’s writings and correspondence (diplomas, public and private letters) which contain to varying degrees several propaganda passages. From the viewpoint of form and content and compared to the papal and imperial anti-Hussite campaigns, these passages do not represent a novelty if not for the fact that their formulations were determined by the political interest of Emperor Sigismund. It manifested itself through a variety of nuances depending on the type of environment for which the documents were intended for – whether the Catholic (both in the Czech lands and the Empire) or the Hussite. For Emperor Sigismund these propaganda texts fulfilled two roles – on the one hand they presented him as the defender of Catholic orthodoxy and of the Church, while on the other hand they justified his own policies against the Hussites.
Thanks to pictorial sources, we can deepen our knowledge of witchcraft of the early modern era. An analysis of the used techniques alone brings us to the conclusion that the idea of witchcraft was widely known among common people. Numerous iconographic works prove that the witch-flight was at the time one of the most perplexing issues. Selected representations of witches simultaneously consolidated folklorist beliefs and connected them with the idea of witchcraft as a heresy, which was especially encouraged by the Church.
The question of the religious other is discussed from the perspective Gregory of Tours himself would have identified with: namely, that of eternal salvation (a necessary prerequisite for which is embracing the Catholic doctrine) or condemnation Arians, Jews and Catholics lapsed into heresy shall eventually face. Gregory’s portrayal of the followers of Arius (who, according to him, not only cannot be called Christians, but follow in footsteps of pagan Roman persecutors of Christianity) is discussed; the futility of theological debate as a mean to influence those non‑Trinitarians is showed and the miraculous is stressed as the only effective tool of gaining them for the Church. Secondly, the question of Jews in Gregory’s narrative: their loss of the chosen people status, their inability to read the Old Testament Christologically and their not partaking in the miraculous that proved so decisive for the conversion of Arians is stressed; the political pressure of secular and ecclesiastical authorities is presented as the only, albeit ineffective, way of integrating members of the Jewish community into the Church. Finally, the learned heresies produced by the Church elite, that can be effectively addressed by employing the theological discourse and hierarchical admonition, are contrasted with the unrest caused among common people by popular prophets challenging the Church authority and her monopoly on the miraculous.
Content available Jan Hus – 600 lat później
W dniu 14 stycznia 2016 roku w holu Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej otwarto wystawę Jan Hus – 600 lat później, zorganizowaną przez Czeskie Centrum w Warszawie oraz Bibliotekę Jagiellońską. Otwarciu towarzyszył polsko-czeski panel dyskusyjny. Wzięli w nim udział ze strony czeskiej dr Petr Janyška i mgr Jakub Smrčka, a ze strony polskiej dr Paweł Nowakowski oraz dr Tomasz Graff. Ilustracje stanowiące ekspozycję wraz z tekstami w wersji polskiej i angielskiej umieszczono na 18 tablicach, ukazujących życie i działalność Jana Husa, jego edukację, aktywność uniwersytecką, pisarską, kaznodziejską i śmierć na stosie w roku 1415.
The exhibition entitled Jan Hus 600 years later – organized by the Czech Center in Warsaw – was opened at the Jagiellonian Library on 14th January 2016. It was followed by a discussion panel, the Czech part of which was represented by Petr Janyška Ph.D. and Jakub Smrčka M.A., while the Polish part was represented by Paweł Nowakowski Ph.D. and Tomasz Graff Ph.D. The exhibition consisted of illustrations with explanatory notes in Polish and Czech placed on 18 boards showing the life and work of Jan Hus, i.e. his studies, his academic and literary career, his preaching and his death at the stake in 1415.
Author tells the story of his close and very long-lasting acquaintance with Leszek Kołakowski as well as commentates on his intellectual biography and achievements as political and literary essayist, philosopher, historian of ideas, and public figure. In particular he describes in details the first half of Kołakowski’s life, namely the period when he made his long journey from being communist in his student years to becoming as a young scholar the leading figure of Marxist revisionism in the late fifties and after a time a principled critic of Marxism itself and a fervent anti-communist. In many respects Kołakowski’s itinerary was not exceptional but it had at least two noteworthy characteristics. First, in opposition to quite a few other cases his way away from communism turned out to be scholarly fruitful as it resulted in an uniquely in-depth historical research covering the founders, the golden age and the breakdown of so called “scientific socialism” (his voluminous work Main Currents of Marxism remains one of the best and the most comprehensive monographs of the topic). Second, Kołakowski’s abandoning of his former Weltanschauung was followed by his discovery of religion as an extremely important part of human experience and sine qua non condition of the survival of civilization permanently menaced by barbarians. However it is to be doubt whether he may be considered as a convert or a religious thinker in the strict sense of the word since he believed in horrors of the absence of God rather than in the real presence of his in the world. As defender of transcendence and tradition Kołakowski certainly became a kind of catholic-Christian without denomination but as a critical philosopher remained at the same time highly sceptical about everything. Dreaming of solid fundamentals he was all his life an uncompromising enemy of any fundamentalism. Being nostalgic about the Absolute he was incurable antiabsolutist.
В научной статье описываются различные подходы к классификации церковных разделений новейшего периода истории Церкви. Особенное значение нового подхода к исследованию церковных разделений имеет факт наличия в них исторических, политических, социологических, психологических, культурных и цивилизационных особенностей и характеристик. Кроме того, изучение расколоведения с точки зрения предложенной классификации в стенах духовных школ, очень важно для воспитания будущих священнослужителей и для Единства Православной Церкви.
This academic article describes the different approaches to the classification of church divisions in latest period in the history of the Church. Of particular importance for a new approach to the study of church divisions is their historical, political, sociological, psychological, cultural and civilizational features and characteristics. In addition, the raskolovedeniya study of the proposed classification in the walls of religious schools, are very important for the education of future priests and for the unity of the Orthodox Church.
W artykule naukowym opisano różne podejścia do klasyfikacji podziałów kościelnych ostatni okres w historii Kościoła. Szczególne znaczenie nowego podejścia do badań podziałów kościelnych jest fakt ich cechy historyczne, polityczne, socjologiczne, psychologiczne, kulturowe i cywilizacyjne i cechy. Dodatkowo, warunki badania raskolovedeniya proponowanej klasyfikacji w murach szkół religijnych, to jest bardzo ważne dla kształcenia przyszłych kapłanów i dla jedności Kościoła prawosławnego.
The paper describes the types of crimes against the faith and unity of the Church. The following crimes were analysed in detail: heresy, schism, and apostasy, the perpetration of which causes one to be removed from the communion with the Church. The Author explains the difference between sin and crime, emphasising that ecclesiastical criminal law punishes a crime, not sin, mentioning relevant penalties, namely excommunication and interdict. The consequences of such penalties, incurred by the active subject of crime, i.e. the perpetrator, are enumerated. The Author recalls the disposition of can. 1357 of CIC/83 and provides an interpretation thereof, suggesting that the mission of the Church is not to punish people since punishments in the Church have a healing nature that fosters moral conversion.
W artykule scharakteryzowane zostały typy przestępstw przeciwko wierze i jedności Kościoła. Szczegółowo analizie poddano przestępstwa: herezji, schizmy i apostazji, których popełnienie przez wiernych powoduje wyłączenie ze wspólnoty z Kościołem. Autor wyjaśnił różnicę między grze-chem i przestępstwem oraz zaznaczył, że w kościelnym prawie karnym karalne jest popełnienie przestępstwa, a nie sam grzech. Opisał także związane z tymi przestępstwami kary – ekskomuniki i interdyktu. Wymienił skutki odnoszące się do zaciągnięcia wskazanych kar przez podmiot czynny przestępstwa, czyli sprawcę. Autor przypomniał również dyspozycję kan. 1357 Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r. oraz dokonał jego interpretacji. Zauważył przy tym, że celem misji Kościoła nie jest karanie ludzi, ponieważ system kar w Kościele ma charakter leczniczy, który prowadzi do nawrócenia.
Content available L’islam, une religion d’ascendance abrahamique?
Nurt SVD
nr 2
La lecture du Coran et des hadiths, paroles attribuées à Muhammad, procure généralement un sentiment contrasté. D’un côté on peut être frappé par la proximité entre ces textes et les traditions juives et chrétiennes. D’un autre côté, on perçoit des différences majeures, voire des traces d’une rupture catégorique. Selon la tradition musulmane, la proximité entre les religions dites révélées provient donc de la finalité inscrite dans le projet divin de création. Ce qui est commun vient de l’unique source divine, transmise fidèlement par Muhammad, la différence provient de l’oubli ou de la déviation. Qu’en est-il de l’approche chrétienne? Quel est le statut théologique de l’islam au regard de la foi chrétienne: est-ce une hérésie chrétienne ou bien une religion intimement liée au dessein salvifique de l’unique Dieu? Cet article examine les différentes positions et évalue leur portée théologique.
Lektura Koranu i Hadisów (słów przypisywanych Mahometowi) prowadzi do sprzecznych wniosków. Z jednej strony uderza analogia pomiędzy przesłaniem tych tekstów a tradycjami judaistyczną i chrześcijańską. Z drugiej zaś zadziwia fakt istotnych różnic, a nawet kategorycznego rozłamu pomiędzy wspomnianymi tradycjami. Według tradycji muzułmańskiej, podobieństwa pomiędzy religiami objawionymi wynikają z Bożego planu stworzenia. Źródłem zbieżności i jednomyślności tych religii jest sam Bóg – o czym wiernie pouczył Mohammed. Różnice pomiędzy religiami wynikają z ludzkich błędów i zaniedbań. Jakie stanowisko reprezentuje w tym względzie chrześcijaństwo? Jaki status przyznaje ono islamowi? Czy jest on chrześcijańską herezją czy też religią ściśle powiązaną z Bożym planem zbawienia? Niniejszy artykuł przeprowadza ewaluację poszczególnych stanowisk i analizę ich teologicznego znaczenia.
Study of the Quran and the Hadiths (sayings attributed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad) may lead to opposite conclusions. On the one hand, they contain striking similarities to the Judaistic and Christian holy texts. On the other hand, however, there are such profound differences that set the other two worlds apart. According to the received Muslim wisdom, the former are part of God’s plan for His creation. The latter are the result of human errors and negligence. Whatever the three religions have in common had come directly from God and was faithfully transmitted by the prophet Muhammad. What is the Christian stance on it? What is Islam in the Christian scheme of things? A christian heresy? Or a true religion, an integral part of God’s plan of salvation? This article provides an assessment of various opinions on the matter and their theological implications.
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