Oznaczono zawartość miedzi, cynku, ołowiu oraz kadmu w wybranych herbatach indyjskich i chińskich oraz naparach herbacianych za pomocą spektrometrii atomowo-absorpcyjnej. Stwierdzono, że zawartość pierwiastków w herbatach była zróżnicowana, zależnie od jej rodzaju.
Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd contents were determined in selected Indian and Chinese tea grades and tea infusions by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Extraction efficiency of the elements into tea infusions was estimated. The following characteristics were determined during this study: content of 10% HC1- insoluble ash, content of water-soluble ash, total ash content, alkalinity of soluble ash and tea moisture content. Sensory estimation both of dry tea and tea infusion was also performed. It was found that individual tea grades varied in their content of the elements. Content of Cu ranged from 13.57 to 26.61 mg/kg, of Zn from 22.34 to 37.33 mg/kg, Cd from 0.007 to 0.036 mg/kg, and the content of Pb was from 0.05 to 0.45 mg/kg. Cd and Pb were not detected in the tea infusions, while the extraction efficiency ranged from 20.8% to 43% for Zn and from 13% to 36% for Cu. The examined tea grades were free of foreign and ferromagnetic contaminations, while the results of the chemical and sensory assessment of dry tea grades and tea infusions were satisfactory.