This study aimed to determine the relationship between hepcidine levels and some hematological and biochemical parameters after anemia in natural theileriosis cows. This research was conducted with a total of 25 cattle, including 10 healthy controls and 15 cattle with natural theileriosis. 1098 bp positivity was determined according to the PCR result. Leukocyte (WBC), erythrocyte (RBC), hematocrit (HCT) and hemoglobin (HGB) levels were decreased. However, red blood cell distribution width (RDW), Platelet (PLT) and hepcidin levels were increase determined in natural theileriosis cows according to the control group. In addition, a positive correlation was detected between hepsin and iron parameters although there is no statistical significance between them and a negative correlation was determined between hepcidine and HCT, HGB and RDW parameters. As a result, it was determined that erythrocyte parameters decrease and increase in iron parameters and heptidine levels in cattle with theileriosis. It can be concluded that the diagnostic importance.