When designing new biomaterials for tissue contact devices it is important to consider their architecture as it affects different cell response. Surface modification of tubular structures requires the use of different techniques than in the case of flat samples. Similarly, analytical techniques also need to be adapted to the specific shape of substrate. For blood contacting devices this issue is critical because of shear forces generated by fluid flow and responsible for blood components activation. This necessitates the use of diagnostic techniques dedicated for material analysis in dynamic conditions in order to simulate physiological conditions. In the frame of the work, the flat samples as well as tube like elements were considered. The flat samples were prepared for basic research. Based on the results of the basic research the thin coatings were selected for the internal side of the tube like elements which have been analysed in contact with blood using blood flow simulator. The cross section of the coating-substrate interaction was tested using transmission electron microscopy. The attachment of cells to coatings was determined by radial flow chamber. Hemocompatible analysis was carried out in two ways. The quality of the blood after the dynamic test was analysed using flow cytometry. In this case the aggregates formation, platelet consumption and apoptosis derived microparticles were considered. The amount of cells adhered to the materials surfaces was determined by confocal laser microscopy.
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The aims of the present study were to synthesize the intercalated kaolinite samples with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), glutamic acid (GA), succinimide (SIM), cetylpyridiniumchloride (CPC), and hexadecyltrimethylammoniumchloride (HDTMA+); to characterize by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy-attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR), and to determine the hemocompatibility and the cytotoxic effects of the intercalated kaolinite nanoclays on human lymphocytes. It was found that the intercalation with DMSO did not cause any decrease in cell viability until its maximum concentration (500 μg/mL), however, the intercalation with SIM, CPC, and (HDTMA+) causd important decreases in lymphocyte viabilities. It was determined that no significant decrease was observed in protein content of the lymphocyte cells exposed to the kaolinite nanoclays except the ones intercalated with SIM. Furthermore, the pristine kaolinite nanoclays which were intercalated with DMSO, GA, and SIM exhibited high hemocompatibility and the nanoclays intercalated with CPC and (HDTMA+) were highly hemocompatibile for the amounts below 125 and 500 μg/mL, respectively. All the results of this work can serve for the human risk assesment of intercalated nanoclays.
An atrial septal defect (ASD) is one of the most common congenital heart defects in children and the most frequent congenital defect found in adults. Currently, several types of kits are available for percutaneous closure of ASD. The design of these implants is based on the Nitinol alloy. Despite the good biocompatibility of Nitinol alloys, the use of these materials for long-term implantation is questionable due to the high nickel content and the risk of releasing nickel ions as a result of corrosion in the body’s environment. A way to improve the hemocompatibility of Nitinol alloys is to modify their surface. As part of this work, the conditions for the production of SiO2 surface layers using the atomic layer deposition (ALD) method and laser surface modification with three different laser cutting speeds were developed to improve biocompatibility. This allowed us for the comparison of different surface modifications (ALD and laser modification) in terms of their impact on cell-material interactions. The general analysis concerning biocompatibility confirmed the biological usability of the designed ALD deposited coatings. Surface nanostructuring had a positive effect on the natural biological layer formation. The analysis performed indicated the appropriate behaviour of the natural biological layer, known in the literature as pseudointima, in contact with blood. It was evident that platelet activation on the surface was reduced.
This article presents the results of the development process for the preparation of micro and nano-sized polymer-colloid complexes (РСС) on the basis of water-soluble natural polymer chitosan (СTZ) and the sodium salt of chitosan succinylamid (SСTZ) with silver halide sols in aqueous media. Results of research of СTZ, sodium salt of SСTZ solutions and PСС of CTZ and SСTZ with colloidal particles of silver iodide influence on structurally-functional properties of erythrocytes’ membranes on model of acidic hemolisis are presented in the article. Their influence on the nature of erythrocytes distribution by degree of their stability and on kinetic parameters (the beginning, intensity and completion of process of their destruction) under the influence of the damaging agent (HCl) is shown. The comparative analysis of results convinces that СTZ, SСTZ solutions and disperse systems on the basis of PСС of СTZ and SСTZ with colloidal particles of the silver iodide are capable of modulating variously matrix properties of erythrocytes of blood.
Warstwy azotowane typu TiN + Ti2N + αTi(N) wytworzone w warunkach wyładowania jarzeniowego mają charakter dyfuzyjny, a ich właściwości fizykochemiczne mogą być kształtowane warunkami technologii procesu azotowania, tj. azotowania na potencjale katody albo z tzw. aktywnym ekranem (potencjał plazmy). W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań warstw azotowanych wytworzonych w niskotemperaturowej plazmie na potencjale katody oraz z aktywnym ekranem. Omówiono wyniki badań topografii powierzchni, mikrostruktury (SEM), chropowatości powierzchni (AFM, profilometr optyczny), składu chemicznego (EDS, SIMS) oraz zwilżalności w kontekście właściwości biologicznych z płytkami krwi. W pracy wykazano, że warstwa azotowana wytworzona na potencjale katody charakteryzuje się mniejszą zawartością azotu, większą chropowatością i większą grubością niż wytworzona na potencjale plazmy, jednocześnie ma lepszą zwilżalność oraz charakteryzuje się mniejszą adhezją i aktywacją płytek krwi. Warstwa ta może znaleźć zastosowanie w wytwarzaniu implantów kardiologicznych.
The nitrided surface layers TiN + Ti2N + αTi(N) type produced under glow discharge conditions have a diffusion character. Their surface physicochemical properties can be modified by processing conditions, such as the execution of the process on the potential of the cathode or in plasma region (active screen plasma nitriding). The paper presents the results of nitrided surface layers produced in low-temperature plasma applying the cathode potential or the active screen. Obtained data of surface topography, the microstructure (SEM), surface roughness (AFM, optical profilometer), chemical composition (EDS, SIMS) and wettability are discussed in context biological properties of platelets. Studies have shown a larger thickness with a lower nitrogen content and a greater roughness of the layer formed on the cathode potential as compared with the layer formed on the plasma potential. Simultaneously on the surface of the titanium nitride layer produced on the cathode potential were less platelets adhesion and they were less activated than on the second layer. Thus, the results show that the relevant properties of the surface can restrict blood clotting and titanium nitride layer produced on the cathode potential could be applied in the production of cardiological implants.
Surface engineering is becoming more and more widely used in shaping both biological properties of titanium alloys especially those working in contact with blood and their functional properties such as improving of resistance to frictional wear as well fatigue and corrosion resistance. The article describes microstructure, topography of surface, chemical and phase composition of surface layers produced in the process of glow discharge assisted oxynitriding as well as morphometric examinations of the number of adhered blood platelets and created platelet aggregates depending on the method of material sterilization. The examinations showed that the surface layers produced by glow discharge assisted oxynitriding are characterized by good antithrombogenic properties after gas sterilization.
Inżynieria powierzchni znajduje coraz szersze zastosowanie w kształtowaniu właściwości biologicznych stopów tytanu, szczególnie pracujących w kontakcie z krwią, a także użytkowych, takich jak zwiększanie odporności na zużycie przez tarcie oraz odporności zmęczeniowej i korozyjnej. W artykule omówiono mikrostrukturę, topografię powierzchni, skład chemiczny i fazowy warstw wytworzonych w procesie tlenoazotowania jarzeniowego oraz badania morfometryczne ilości zaadherownych płytek krwi i tworzących się agregatów płytkowych w zależności od zastosowanej metody sterylizacji materiałów. Badania wykazały, że warstwy tlenoazotowane jarzeniowo po zastosowaniu sterylizacji gazowej charakteryzują się dobrymi właściwościami antytrombogennymi.
Dotychczas nie przeprowadzono weryfikacji biologicznej dyfuzyjnej warstwy azotowanej TiN + Ti2N + αTi(N) wytworzonej w warunkach niskotemperaturowego azotowania o atrombogennych właściwościach, jako podłoża dla komórek śródbłonka. Dlatego celem badań była ocena wpływu warstwy azotowanej TiN w strefie zewnętrznej na adhezję, proliferację i aktywację śródbłonków naczyniowych. Badano próbki ze stopu tytanu z warstwą azotowaną wytworzoną metodą niskotemperaturowego azotowania jarzeniowego, sterylizowane plazmowo. Materiałem kontrolnym były szkiełka podstawowe z komór inkubacyjnych Lab-Tek (Nunc) oraz referencyjny stop tytanu Ti-6Al-4V. Właściwości warstwy badano w zakresie mikrostruktury, topografii oraz morfologii powierzchni (SEM, AFM), chropowatości (optyczny profilometr skanujący), składu fazowego (XRD) oraz składu chemicznego (GD-OES). W badaniach biologicznych analizowano ilość i rozmieszczenie fibrynogenu i albuminy, składowych biofilmu wytworzonego po inkubacji osocza dawcy krwi na badanym materiale oraz adhezję i proliferację komórek śródbłonka linii HUVEC (Lonza). Ponadto badano aktywację śródbłonków, oceniając ekspresję P-selektyny i ICAM-1. Warstwy dyfuzyjne TiN + Ti 2N + αTi(N) o grubości ok. 8 μm charakteryzowały się jednorodną powierzchnią o parametrach chropowatości: Ra = 0,138 μm, Rq = 0,180 μm, Rz = 1,93 μm. Biofilm wytworzony na TiN zawierał większą ilość albuminy i mniejszą ilość fibrynogenu w porównaniu z biofilmem na stopie tytanu Ti-6Al-4V. Komórki śródbłonka charakteryzowały się wrzecionowatym kształtem i brakiem ekspresji adhezyny ICAM-1 przy wzroście na powierzchniach opłaszczonych FBS oraz aktywnością proliferacyjną większą niż na wyjściowym materiale – stopie tytanu Ti-6Al-4V. Otrzymane wyniki badań wskazują na korzystne właściwości warstwy azotowanej na stopie tytanu Ti-6Al-4V jako biomateriału – podłoża dla proliferacji śródbłonków. Uzyskane wyniki biologiczne są analizowane w korelacji z właściwościami powierzchni TiN.
The verification of diffusion nitrided layers of type TiN + Ti 2N + αTi(N) produced under low-temperature conditions characterized by atrombogenic properties, as a substrate for endothelium cells had not been conducted till now. Therefore the aim of this investigation was to estimate the influence of the nitrided TiN surface in the external zone on the adhesion, proliferation and activation of endothelium. Samples of titanium alloy with a nitrided layer produced by the glow discharge nitriding process at low temperature, sterilized in plasma were investigated. Lab-Tek glass slides (Nunc) and a reference titanium alloy, Ti-6Al-4V, were used as controls. The properties of the layer were studied in respect to their microstructure and topography as well as morphology of the surface (SEM, AFM), roughness (optical profilometer), phase (XRD) and chemical (GD-OES) composition. In the biological part, the amount and arrangement of fibrinogen and albumin in biofilm produced after incubation with the serum of donor blood on biomaterial, and the adhesion, as well as proliferation of endothelial cells (HUVEC; Lonza) were studied. Furthermore, the activation of endothelium by P-selectin and ICAM-1 expression was evaluated. The diffusive layers of type TiN + Ti 2N + αTi(N) of c.a. 8 μm thick, exhibited a homogenous surface with roughness parameters: Ra = 0.138 μm, Rq = 0.180 μm, Rz = 1.93 μm. The biofilm produced on TiN contained more albumin and less fibrinogen in comparison to biofilm on the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. The endothelial cells on the nitrided layer were spindle-shaped and showed a lack of ICAM-1 expression after incubation on a coated FBS surface and greater proliferation activity than those incubated on the titanium alloy T-i6Al-4V. The obtained results indicate favorable properties of the nitrided surface layer on the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V as a biomaterial for endothelial proliferation. The biological results are discussed in respect to the surface properties of TiN.
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