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Since the mountains often represent a barrier for the pollutants in many regions, the concentrations of toxic elements in the tissues of alpine animals may remain relatively high and do not decrease in the current times. To estimate heavy metal contamination of alpine ecosystems Snow voles (Chionomys nivalis) are very useful monitors. They are small, easy to catch, have a territory of limited range, fairly short life span and they are closely adjusted to their environment The voles were monthly bait-trapped in the West Tatras, the Western Carpathians, Slovakia. The local population was studied at the Brestova mountain chain (49°13’29.43’’N; 19°40’46.07’’E, 1902 m.a.s.l.). The animals were trapped in September 2009 and from May to November 2010. The global sampling yielded a total of 50 samples (trapped and retrapped individuals). The lead concentrations in the tail vertebrae and the number of micronuclei in peripheral blood were examined. The Pb levels in voles were exceptionally high in overwintering mature animals (16.1 μg g–1dry weight in average) in comparison to young immatures (4.3 μg g–1). Females had significantly higher concentrations of Pb in their bones (13 μg g–1) than males (7.3 μg g–1). Snow vole adults caught in the spring exhibited significantly higher micronuclei frequencies in peripheral blood than immature ones trapped in summer or fall. Given that Pb is bioaccumulated in the diet of voles, this study showed that feeding on winter diet (mosses, lichens) could constitute a major pathway for the entry of Pb into food chain of alpine habitats. The usefulness of Snow voles as biomonitors of environmental contamination in alpine ecosystems was highly recognized.
“Effective Microorganisms” (EM) – a mixture of lactic acid bacteria, photosynthetic bacteria, yeasts and fungi are used mainly in agriculture and organic waste treatment. Recently, they have also been added to water and feed for animals, as well as to processing their excrements into compost and to eliminate the stench. The objective of the present study was to assess the influence of a 14-day administration of an EM solution in drinking water to layer hens on chosen haematological and biochemical indexes. The research was carried out on 120 hens divided into two equal groups. The birds in the experimental group were given drinking water with dissolved EM (5% solution), and those in the control group – water without the preparation. On the 64th day of the aviculture, the hens were weighted and their blood was taken from the wing vein for haematological and biochemical examinations. Administering EM with water to hens did not influence significantly their body weight nor chosen haematological and biochemical indexes. A significant increase was found only in the number of platelets, the level of albumins, the content of total cholesterol and the LDH activity, however, a decrease in the ALT activity was observed.
Badania wykonano na kaczkach mieszańcach (kaczor piżmowy x kaczka Pekin z rodu A-44), samicach i samcach w 9., 10., 11. i 12. tygodniu życia. Określano wskaźniki hematolo­giczne: Ht, Hb, RBC, WBC, MCV, MCH i MCHC. W zakresie badań biochemicznych oznaczano w surowicy: zawartość białka całkowitego, cholesterolu całkowitego, lipidów całkowitych, glu­kozy i wapnia oraz aktywność ALT, AST i AP. W badanym okresie życia (9-12 tyg.) nie wystąpiła zależność wartości badanych wskaźników hematologicznych i biochemicznych od wieku ptaków. Zależność od płci wykazywały - zawartość białka całkowitego i lipidów całkowitych w surowicy krwi. Wartości te były wyższe u samic niż u samców w 11. i 12. tyg. życia ptaków.
Crossbreed ducks (musk drake x Pekin duck of the A-44 race), female and male, aged 9, 10, 11 and 12 weeks, constituted the experimental material. The following hematological indices were determined: Ht, Hb, RBC, WBC, MCV, MCH and MCHC. The biochemical analyses of blood serum included the determination of: total protein, total cholesterol, total lipides, glucose and calcium content, as well as the activity of ALT, AST and AP. In the life period studied (i.e. 9-12 weeks), no relationship was found between the hematological and biochemical indices subjected to examination, and the age of birds. Total protein and total lipides content of blood serum depended on the sex of birds - it turned out to be higher in the case of females than in that of males, both groups aged 11 and 12 weeks.
Three-year studies were conducted in the area of the Centre of Forest Environment Studies and Chase Game Breeding of Agricultural University of Wrocław. The subject of the investigation was the alimentary base for the deer family in the existing and newly established green crops in this area. The crop yield, botanical composition and alimentary value of the ground flora were determined. The hematological and biochemical indexes were determined in blood and serum of roe deer, deer and fallow deer during a hunting season within deer-hunting periods. Besides, pH, N-NH3 and LKT sum were determined in rumen content samples taken from the animals shot during hunting. The alimentary value of fodder coming from green crops depended on the brand composition of ground flora, particularly with regard to protein; fibre and its fractions (ADF, NDF). The level of protein-energy metabolism metabolites in the animals’ rumen depended on the species. The hematological and biochemical indexes of blood and blood serum were considerably diversified depending on the species and showed great divergence within species.
Badaniem objęto 25 krów rasy czarno-białej, w wieku 4-8 lat, o wysokiej wydajności mlecznej (średnia wydajność mleczna krów wynosiła 5123). W dziennej dawce żywieniowej krowy otrzymywały 30 kg kiszonki z kukurydzy, 20 kg buraków, 3 kg siana oraz paszę treściwą do 2 kg dziennie. Wszystkie krowy były badane klinicznie, a materiał - krew i mocz - od nich pobrany poddano analizom laboratoryjnym. Badania prowadzono czterokrotnie: 2 tygodnie przed poro­dem, tydzień, miesiąc i 2 miesiące po porodzie. Jednorazowo przeprowadzono badania koproskopowe i badanie moczu. W zakresie badań hematologicznych oznaczano Ht, Hb, Erys, w zakresie badań biochemicznych - poziom białka całkowitego i jego frakcji, aktywność AspAT, GGTP, AP, ChE, stężenie glukozy, WKT i związków ketonowych. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na istnienie zaburzeń u badanych krów, polegających na zachwianiu gospodarki energetycznej. Oznaczane wskaźniki okazały się wystarczające do ich diagnozowania. Powyższe badania dały podstawę do prowa­dzenia postępowania zapobiegawczego i terapeutycznego.
Исследования охватывали 25 коров черно-пестрой породы, в возрасте 4—8 лет, с высокой молочной продуктивностью (средняя молочная продуктивность коров сос­тавляла 5123). В суточном рационе коровы получали 30 кг кукурузного силоса, 20 кг свеклы, 30 кг сена, а также до 2 кг в день концентрированного корма. Все коровы были исследованы клинически, а взятые у них кровь и мочу анализировали лабо­раторным путем. Исследования были проведены четырехкратно: за 2 недели до родов и через неделю, месяц и 2 месяца после родов. Однократно провели также копроско- пические исследования и исследование мочи. В ходе гематологических исследований определяли Ht, Hb и Erys, а в биохимических - уровень общего белка и его фракции, активность AspAT, GGTP, АР, ChE, концентрацию глюкозы, свободных жирных кислот и кетоновых соединений. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о нарушениях обмена у исследованных коров, сущность которых заключается в расстройстве энергетических превращений. Определяемые показатели оказались достаточными для их диагностики. Вышеуказанные исследования могут служить основой для проведения профилактических и терапев­тических мероприятий.
The investigation included 25 cows of black-white breed, aged 4-8 years, with high milk productivity (the average milk productivity of the cows was 5123). The daily ration of the cows included 30 kg of maize silage, 20 kg of beets, 3 kg of hay, and nutritive fodder up to 2 kg per day. All the cows were clinically examined, and material such as blood and urine sampled from them was subject to laboratory analyses. The investigation was carried out 4 times: 2 weeks before delivery, 1 week, 1 month and 2 months after delivery. Coproscopic examinations and urine examination were carried out once. Within haematological investigation, Ht, Hb, Erys were determined, within biochemical investigation the level of total protein and its fractions, activity of AspAT, GGTP, AP, ChE, concentration of glucose, WKT and ketones-bodies were determined. The results obtained show the existence of disturbances in the cows under examination, the nature of which lies in the loss of energy balance. The indices determined appeared to be sufficient for establishing the diagnosis of them. The above investigation enabled conducting prophylactic and therapeutic procedures.
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