Brands are an important element of consumer culture. They represent communication of symbolic meanings, in which they are realised, and confirm critical aspects in social, cultural and psychological life contexts. Not only is the function of brands to explain the world of (im)material values and options and make them accessible but they also aim to reduce feelings of uncertainty with regard to multiple purchase decisions in conditions of expanding consumer options. Historically, trademarks change the traditional personified relationships of trust between local merchants and customers and generate its new impersonal form in the global environment of interactive relationships of manufacturers and consumers. The modern consumer is thus no longer a passive object of pervasive techniques and manipulative strategies used by the retailers, but also an active actor in the processes of production, innovations, product presentation and creation of the brand value. The study aims to show that brands should be communicated as open contexts, inspiring and motivating the consumers to fulfil them, make them complete, adjust and develop them in accordance with who the consumers are and who they would like to become. In the current marketing context, the trustworthiness, meaningfulness and attractiveness of these contexts is reflected via the social environment of the dominant values (individualism and hedonism) represented by advertising slogans such as “Just Do It” or “No Limits”.
This paper deals with critical analysis of western hedonism in the light of Indian theory of peace. Indian Philosophers have made ‘peace’ the goal of worldly human life, which is keeping equidistance from pleasure and pain. Attachment is the reason behind the presence of these two ‘sovereign masters’ of Human life. External thing or any other human being is not capable of indulging us either of them; it is the worldly attachment which brings Pleasure and pain. Pleasure and pain always come together. Western Hedonists could not go to the root of pleasure or pain in life. Their observation was mere empirical. Indian thinkers, except those of Carvaka school, have given a particular philosophy which is Peace oriented and which finds worldly pleasures or pains temporary and mostly ‘man-made’.
Since about 1970 there is a growing scientific interest in the concept of happiness (or its measurable equivalent – subjective well-being SWB). It is assumed that if augmenting happiness is assumed as the aim of social development, it can be assessed if real progress is being made. It should replace traditional concept of GDP. Researchers like Richard Layard, Mark Anielski and Richard Easterlin use the concept of happiness to mount a critique of contemporary free-market capitalism. They suggest that instead of consumption and competition, governments should promote happiness, tightening interpersonal relationship, building social trust, timing strive for prestige. However other researchers (Ruut Veenhoven, Betsey Sevenson and Justin Wolfers among others) defend economical growth as a foundation of every social development. The discussion has a philosophical paradox in it – those how attack capitalism from a humanistic angle use a hedonistic and selfish concept of subjective happiness while those who defend capitalism appeal to values that goes beyond it.
Hedonism, driven by mass culture and widespread consumerism, is a salient factor in the modus vivendi of contemporary Western civilization. This general psychological and behavioral backdrop is exploited in the article as an opportunity to both reinvigorate and re-appraise the theoretical underpinnings of modern hedonism as developed by John Stuart Mill in his Utilitarianism. The article proceeds in two steps: Firstly, a detailed exposition of Mill’s arguments for the principle of utility is undertaken, with an accompanying elucidation of the core notions of utility, expediency, happiness, and pleasure. Secondly, five points of criticism (logical, phenomenological, and analytical in method) are raised to challenge what the author thinks are the weakest links in Mill’s syllogistic chain.
Autorzy artykułu pragną zaprezentować współczesne realizacje architektoniczne z regionu aglomeracji łódzkiej, które zostały wykreowane zgodnie z doktryną etyczną wg której przyjemność, rozkosz, unikanie przykrości stanowi najważniejsze dobro, cel życia i motyw postępowania. Analizowane obiekty były zaprojektowane w dwóch pierwszych dekadach aktualnego stulecia. Ocenie poddano obiekty kubaturowe, jak i ukształtowane hedonistycznie miejskie przestrzenie publiczne. Analizowano dokumentację budowalną oraz krytyczne wypowiedzi użytkowników. Celem podjętej analizy jest ocena zjawiska polegającego na poszukiwaniu powrotu do dziewiętnastowiecznego charakteru zabudowy Łodzi i okolic odbieranego jako hedonistyczny wobec krytycznego stosunku do architektury neomeodernistycznej. Jest to aktualnie temat powszechnej debaty społeczeństwa łódzkiego w odniesieniu do programu rewitalizacji przestrzeni miejskiej.
The authors of the article would like to present contemporary architectural implementations from the Łódź agglomeration region, which were created in accordance with the ethical doctrine - pleasure and avoidance of unpleasantness are the most important values, purpose of life and motive of conduct. The analyzed objects were designed in the first two decades of the current century. Cubature objects as well as hedonistically shaped urban public spaces were evaluated. Construction documentation and critical user input were analyzed. The aim of the analysis is to assess the phenomenon of searching for a return to the nineteenth-century character of Łódź›s buildings and the surrounding area perceived as hedonistic as opposed to critical attitude towards neomodernist architecture. This is currently the topic of widespread debate of the Łódź society in relation to the Urban Space Restoration program.
Dyskusje nad wciąż aktualnym zagadnieniem przerywania ciąży koncentrują się obecnie na problemie jego godziwości, czyli na aspekcie moralnym, oraz dopuszczenia go przez prawo pozytywne, czyli na aspekcie legislacyjnym. Przeciwnicy przerywania ciąży odwołują się do argumentów, które – jak się wydaje – powinny spotkać się z powszechną aprobatą, a tym samym wpływać na dokonywane wybory i na ogólną mentalność. Jest jednak faktem niedomagającym się specjalnego dowodzenia, że te argumenty wciąż są mało znane albo są wprost odrzucane. Dla zrozumienia istniejącej, dość paradoksalnej, sytuacji jest konieczna analiza historyczno-kulturowa genezy abortyzmu, rozpowszechnionego w dzisiejszych wypowiedziach zwolenników przerywania ciąży, wpływającego jednak w dużym stopniu na traktowanie problemu w naszych czasach i na dokonywanie jego spłyconej oceny etycznej. Należy sądzić, że dopiero na gruncie pogłębionego rozumienia zachodzących zjawisk, a przede wszystkim ich przyczyn będzie można podjąć bardziej adekwatne środki służące obronie życia na jego początku, która jawi się jako fundamentalny wymóg obrony cywilizacji miłości wobec narzucającej się ostentacyjnie kultury śmierci.
The debates concerning the problem of termination of pregnancy are currently concentrated upon the question of its decency, namely, on its ethical aspect and on the issue of the acceptance by positive law, that is on legislative aspect. The adversaries of termination of pregnancy refer to arguments which – as it seems – should meet with universal approval and by the same token should have influence on decisions and general morality. However, it appears to be quite self-evident that these arguments are still not known enough or they are simply rejected. For the understanding of this, rather paradoxical, situation it is necessary to analyse the historical and cultural origins of abortionism which affects considerably the point of view of the proponents of termination of pregnancy and which today has massive influence on the public perception of the problem and on its oversimplified ethical assessment. Therefore, only the profound understanding of the on-going events, all the more their reasons will make it possible to take more adequate steps towards the defence of life from its beginning, which manifests itself as the fundamental requirement of the defence of a civilisation of love as opposed to the obtrusive and ostentatious culture of death.
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