Przeprowadzono optymalizację procesu spalania gazu koksowniczego w eksperymentalnej komorze grzewczej. Wyniki badań potwierdziły, że oczyszczony gaz koksowniczy stanowi wysokoenergetyczne paliwo zapewniające stabilną pracę wysokotemperaturowej komory grzewczej. Przeprowadzone symulacje dowiodły, że wykorzystanie metod numerycznych do przewidywania produktów spalania stanowi nieodłączny i niezastąpiony element badań. Uzyskane wyniki świadczą o możliwości wykorzystania opracowanego mechanizmu do przewidywania składu spalin dla różnych warunków procesu spalania gazu koksowniczego bez konieczności prowadzenia wielogodzinnych pomiarów.
Coke oven gas was burned in an exptl. quartz chamber equipped with a vortex burner. The temp. profile and the compn. of exhaust gases along the combustion chamber were detd. Numerical simulations were performed to predict combustion products. They were consistent with the exptl. detd. exhaust gas compn. The possibility of using the developed combustion process mechanism to predict the compn. of exhaust gases in various conditions without the need to carry out long-term measurements was proven.
The paper presents the first off-grid system designed to supply electricity to the equipment mounted on components of the district heating network in district heating chambers. The proposed off-grid system is equipped, among other things, with a turbine and a generator intended for electricity production. On-grid power supply is a common way of providing electricity with strictly defined, known and verified operating parameters. For off-grid power supply, however, there are no documented testing results showing such parameters. This paper presents selected results of tests and measurements carried out during the operation of an off-grid supply system powering the equipment installed in a district heating chamber. The values of voltage obtained from a turbine-driven generator are analysed in detail. The analysis results can be used as the basis for further works aiming to optimize the off-grid system of electricity supply to devices installed in district heating chambers.
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