In this article, design and analysis study of thermoelectric generation reactor and its applications are described, Thermoelectric (TE) Heating and Cooling technology has many advantages in power generation and industrial purposes.This paper introduces a new cooling system approach that extracts heat from outer surface space to get it to a lower temperature than the air surrounding it. This system uses the "Thermoelectric Generator module (TEG)" which works on thermoelectric cooling, with the goal of cooling by using thermoelectric effect. Effect which states that when DC voltage is applied across two junctions of significantly different electrical conductors; heat is absorbed from one junction and heat is discharged at another junction which causes a temperature difference. A difference in temperature applied at the atomic scale allows the carriers of charge in the substance to migrate from the hot side to the cold side. This process requires electrical and thermal conductivity for the metals to supply the water using heat exchangers that reduces power consumption. In order to improve theperformance of the TE cooling systems, the hot side of the TE should be directly connectedto efficient heat exchangers for dissipation of the excessive heat.
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W artykule omówiono wpływ liczby i rozmieszczenia połączeń radiatora z płaszczyzną masy na poziom emisji promieniowanej. Analizę przeprowadzono dla kilku konfiguracji układu, dla których pokazano wyniki pomiarów i obliczeń numerycznych.
Influence of the number of ground points and its location on heat sink radiation is presented. The analysis is performed for a few heat sink configurations and some numerical and experimantal reasults are also presented.
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In this paper, influence of heat sink dimensions and source location on radiated emission is presented. Some numerical and experimental results show radiated electric field for different heat sink configurations.
W artykule omówiono wpływ zmiany lokalizacji pobudzenia i zmiany rozmiarów radiatorów na poziom emisji promieniowanej. Analizę przeprowadzono dla kilku konfiguracji źródła ciepła i radiatora, dla których pokazano wyniki pomiarów i obliczeń numerycznych.
W pracy omówiono, istotne z punktu widzenia wymiany ciepła, parametry radiatorów wykorzystywanych do chłodzenia elementów elektronicznych. Przedstawiono proste stanowisko eksperymentalne pozwalające na pomiar oporu cieplnego radiatorów w warunkach konwekcji naturalnej i wymuszonej, jak również na badanie charakterystyk cieplnych radiatorów w zmiennych warunkach pracy. Przybliżono zagadnienie zastosowania materiałów zmiennofazowych PCM (Phase Change Materials) w radiatorach do chłodzenia elektroniki. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań doświadczalnych charakterystyk pracy dwóch radiatorów z wbudowanymi zasobnikami z PCM. Przeprowadzone badania były symulacją awarii zasadniczego układu chłodzenia procesorów.
In the paper basic properties of heat sinks used in electronics cooling, important from the point of view of heat transfer phenomena, were presented. Simple experimental set-up for the measurement of thermal resistance of heat sinks was described. The unit allows to perform studies in both forced and free convection conditions. The possibilities and example applications of the use of phase change materials (PCMs) for electronics cooling were discussed. Two heat sinks with PCM incorporated in their structures were shown. Results of experimental investigation of thermal performance characteristics of these radiators were given and discussed in details. In the tests performed the thermal behavior of heat sinks with PCM in simulated failure of primary cooling system was investigated.
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