Greenhouses are artificial growing environments that can provide the growth factors required for the production of crop plants out of season. In these structures, the low temperature values that occur during the year cause losses in yield and quality because they are not suitable for plant cultivation. In order to be able to grow out of season in these periods, the amount of heat required by the plants should be provided with additional heating. In the study carried out to determine the amount of heat needed in greenhouses throughout the year for the provinces of Kırşehir and Kahramanmaraş, which are located in two different regions of Turkey, the heat requirements that will arise in the presence or absence of a thermal screen in greenhouses with the same characteristics were calculated. In the calculations, the most common tomato plant grown in both provinces has been considered. Accordingly, if the greenhouse temperature is kept at a constant temperature of 18°C throughout the year, the heat energy requirements that emerge during the year are 469.90 kWh m.-2 for Kırşehir and 254.71 kWh m.-2 for Kahramanmaraş. In the case of using a thermal screen, these values were calculated as 401.53 kWh m.-2 for Kırşehir province and 218.91 kWh m.-2 for Kahramanmaraş province. As a result of the study, the amount of heat energy needed in greenhouses in provinces decreased with the use of thermal screens. It has been determined that this situation is extremely important in terms of reducing the share of heating in production costs and the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by fossil energy sources used for heating purposes.
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Na podstawie zależności teoretycznych przeanalizowano wpływ temperatury zewnętrznej, prędkości wiatru, natężenia promieniowania, wentylacji i infiltracji na zapotrzebowanie na ciepło w tunelu foliowym. Dla uzyskanych wyników przedstawiono zależności graficzne oraz znaleziono model aproksymacyjny, określający wpływ analizowanych zmiennych niezależnych na niezbędną wartość strumienia ciepła. Uzyskane wyniki stanowić będą bazę danych do zweryfikowania uzyskanych wyników w badaniach eksperymentalnych.
On the basis of theoretical considerations, the effects of ambient temperature, wind velocity, radiation intensity, ventilation and infiltration on the heat requirement in a foil tunnel were analysed. Obtained results were presented in form of graphical relationship and an approximation model was developed to determine the effect of analysed independent variables on indispensable value of the heat flux. Obtained results included into data base will be used to verification of experimental research results.
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Przedstawiono wybrane wyniki badań zbiorowości budynków szkolnych dotyczących sezonowego zużycia ciepła Q do ich ogrzewania i mocy szczytowej q. Wspomniane wyniki są fragmentem znacznie szerszych badań i analiz cech budynków szkół mających wpływ na ich parametry cieplno-energetyczne, a tym samym na energochłonność ogrzewania pomieszczeń w tych obiektach w okresie sezonu grzewczego. Badaniami statystycznymi pełnymi objęto 50 budynków szkół w Częstochowie zarządzanych przez Urząd Miasta. Przedstawiono pojawiające się różnice między teoretycznymi a rzeczywistymi potrzebami cieplnymi budynków szkół. Wielkości te są reprezentowane przez rzeczywiste sezonowe zużycie ciepła Q i przez sezonowe zapotrzebowanie na ciepło Qq obliczone na podstawie mocy szczytowej q.
Selected examination results of a set of school buildings are presented. The examination concerns seasonal heating energy (Q) consumption in the buildings and peak power (q) value. The results are a part of much wider examinations and analyses concerning building features influencing their thermal energy parameters. The influence includes thermal energy consumption of the school rooms in the buildings during heating season. Full statistic examinations were carried out. The examinations covered 50 school buildings administered by the Town Council in Częstochowa. The visible differences between theoretical and real heat requirements of the school buildings are given. The quantities mentioned are represented by the real seasonal heating energy consumption (Q) and the seasonal heat requirement (Qq ), calculated from the value of peak power (q).
Prognozowanie stanowi jeden z istotnych elementów zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem. Zarządzanie strategiczne i operacyjne ma wpływ na działalność przedsiębiorstwa. W szczególny sposób konieczność prognozowania dotyczy sektora energetycznego, w tym ciepłownictwa. W przypadku przedsiębiorstwa ciepłowniczego długoterminowa prognoza zapotrzebowania na ciepło uwzględniająca zmiany w jego otoczeniu gospodarczym pozwala na podjęcie strategicznych decyzji dotyczących rozwoju systemu ciepłowniczego.
The importance of the long-term prognoses, concerning heat and power requirements of heat engineering plants, is described. The influence of the changes in the economic surroundings on the heat engineering companies are taken into account.
In order to survive periods of adverse cold climatic conditions, plant requirements are satisfi ed by means of physiological adaptations to prevent cells from freezing. Thus, the growth of woody plants in temperate regions slows down and they enter into a physiological state called dormancy. In order to identify the chilling and heat requirements to overcome the dormancy period of Cupressaceae pollen type in the south of Europe, we have carried out our study with aerobiological data from a 10-year (1996- 2005) period in Ponferrada, León (Spain). For the chilling requirements the best result was with a threshold temperature of 7.1ºC and an average of 927 CH. Calculation of heat requirements was carried out with maximum temperature, with 490 growth degree days (GDD) needed, with a threshold temperature of 0ºC. We have used the 2002-2003, 2003- 2004 and 2004-2005 periods in order to determine the real validity of the model. We have not used these years in developing the models. The dates predicted differ in only a few days from those observed: in 2002-2003 there was a difference of 11 days, in 2003-2004 predicted and observed dates were the same, but in 2004-2005 the difference obtained was of 43 days.
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W artykule zwrócono uwagę na konieczność uwzględniania zagadnień cieplno-wilgotnościowych w projektowaniu balkonów i tarasów. Podano przykłady uszkodzeń będących skutkiem pomijania tych kwestii przez projektantów i wykonawców.
The article notices the necessity of taking into account thermal and humidity issues in designing of balconies and terraces. Examples of damages resulting from omitting these issues by designers and constructors are presented.
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