This work presents a comprehensive study of natural radioactivity in building materials used in Iran. For this purpose, 177 samples of five types of building material, i.e. cement, gypsum, cement blocks, gravel and brick, were gathered from different regions of the country and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy to quantify radioactivity concentrations using a high purity germanium (HPGe) detector and a spectroscopy system. According to the results of this investigation, cement samples had maximum values of the mean Ra-226 and Th-232 concentrations, 39.6 and 28.9 Bq/kg, respectively, while the lowest value for mean concentration of these two radionuclides were found in gypsum samples 8.1 and 2.2 Bq/kg, respectively. The highest (851.4 Bq/kg) and lowest (116.2 Bq/kg) value of K-40 mean concentration were found in brick and gypsum samples, respectively. The absorbed dose rate and the annual effective dose were also calculated from the radioactivity content of the radionuclides. The results show that the maximum values of dose rate and annual effective dose equivalent were 53.72 nGy/h and 0.37 mSv/y in brick samples. The radium equivalent activities Req calculated were below the permissible level of 370 Bq/kg for all building materials. The values of hazard indexes were below the recommended levels, therefore, it is concluded that the buildings constructed from such materials are safe for the inhabitants. The results of this study are consistent with the results of other investigations in different parts of the world.
W pracy dokonano oceny narażenia środowiskowego mieszkańców miast na metale ciężkie, obecne w pyłach miejskich. Badania skoncentrowano na całożyciowym narażeniu osoby dorosłej oraz dziecka na Cr, Pb, Ni, Cu i Zn. W ocenie ryzyka zdrowotnego uwzględniono narażenie drogą pokarmową, inhalacyjną i dermalną. Szacowanie zagrożeń przeprowadzono w oparciu o metodę zalecaną przez Amerykańską Agencję Ochrony Środowiska (US EPA). Wyznaczone wartości indeksów zagrożenia, charakteryzujących ryzyko zdrowotne wykazały, że największe zagrożenie występuje na skutek przypadkowego wprowadzania substancji toksycznych drogą pokarmową. W mniejszym stopniu o zagrożeniu decyduje wnikanie metali przez skórę człowieka, natomiast w najmniejszym wnikanie drogą inhalacyjną. Zgodnie z przyjętym scenariuszem narażenia mieszkańca bardziej zagrożoną populacją są dzieci, dla których uzyskano większe wartości indeksów zagrożenia.
The paper assesses the environmental exposure of urban dwellers to heavy metals present in urban dusts. The research was focused on lifelong exposure of an adult and a child to chromium, lead, nickel, copper and zinc. The assessment of health hazard included exposure by digestion, inhalation and skin contact. The hazard estimation was carried out using a method recommended by the American Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). The determined hazard index values characterizing a health risk have shown that the highest hazard results from accidental unintentional intake of toxic substances. Skin penetration by metals is much less hazardous, whereas inhalation is least hazardous. According to the accepted scenario of human exposure, children are most at risk compared to other populations considered. The hazard index values obtained for them were the highest.
The present study in the Peenya Industrial Area in Bengaluru, India, carried out to assess the level of heavy metal contamination in the industrial area’s soil and groundwater. The study also discusses the potential health risks that inhabitants would suffer from consuming contaminated groundwater. In 116 bore well water samples collected before and throughout the monsoon season, heavy metals including cadmium, chromium, copper, zinc, arsenic, mercury, lead, nickel, and aluminium were examined. Heavy metals concentration (mg/kg) was analysed for 36 soil samples collected in the research area and for heavy metals like chromium, nickel, copper, zinc, arsenic and cadmium. In the current study, the heavy metal pollution index (HPI), hazard index (HQ(ing) ) and cancer risk factor (CR) were calculated to assess the potential health risk. The HPI value inside the Peenya industrial area exceeded the critical pollution index value of 100. The hazard index (HQ(ing)) via oral ingestion was found to be > 1.00 in Cr, Hg and As during both seasons, indicating maximum health impacts in the inhabitants of the study area. Cancer index values were > 10-4 in Cr, Ni, Cd, and Pb in the research area, posing cancer risk in people of all ages, from children to adults. Environmental and human health are both put at risk in a polluted region. To assess soil contamination, the following indices were utilized: geoaccumulation (I geo ), single contamination index (PI), and pollution load index (PLI).
The massive dune aquifer of Bouteldja is one of the most exploited aquifers in Algeria; as a result, its piezometric level has declined. Such pressure on the dune aquifer, in addition to its moderate-to-severe vulnerability to pollution, may lead to deterioration of groundwater quality. This study is intended to assess the quality of aquifer groundwater for drinking, irrigation and industrial purposes, and also to evaluate health risks. To this end, we analyzed data of 16 physicochemical parameters collected from 25 groundwater samples. Using the Durov diagram, principal component analysis (PCA), and Pearson’s correlation matrix, we found that most major ions show similar origins related to ion exchange and the proximity of the sea. Our results showed that, overall, the groundwater intended for drinking purposes was of good or excellent quality over most the aquifer, where the majority of wells are located. However, the groundwater is mostly unsuitable for irrigation purposes according to the Kelly index (KI), percentage of sodium (Na %), magnesium hazard (MH), and irrigation water quality index (IWQI). Further, calculations of corrosivity ratios (CRs) indicated that the groundwater is unsuitable for industrial uses. Finally, a health risk assessment of iron heavy metal related to the hazard index (HI) for both ingestion and dermal exposure in children and adults showed negligible-to-low risk from iron exposure.
Dust samples from roads classified based on traffic volumes (low, medium and high traffic) were collected from three different urban roads in Enugu South LGA, Enugu State, Nigeria followed by assessment of human health risks of each heavy metals. The concentrations of heavy metals in road dust were determined using computerized Agilent FS240AA Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The heavy metal concentrations were dominated by Fe and Mn with mean concentration of 247.03 mg/kg and 26.43 mg/kg respectively. Other dominant elements were Cu and K with mean concentrations of 121.85 mg/kg and 73.39 mg/kg, respectively. The results revealed that the highest heavy metals in road are highest in industrial road site and commercial road while the dust from residential area has the lowest heavy metal concentration. Contrary to most metals detected, mercury (Hg) shows no detection. The health risk assessment through ingestion, dermal and inhalation contact was conducted according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) model for children and adults. The assessment of health risk indicated that there were mainly three exposure pathways for people: ingestion, dermal contact and inhalation. The main exposure pathway of heavy metals to both children and adults is ingestion. The values of HQ and HI are lower than the safe level (HI< 1), indicating no health risk exists in present condition. The cancer risk (CR) for children and adults from exposure to Pb, As, Ni, and Cr was found to be negligible (≤ 1 × 10−6). Meanwhile, the HI value for children is higher than that for adults, indicating that children have higher potential health risk than adults in the studied areas in Enugu state.
The decline in the quality of groundwater occurred in Bandung District, especially in three areas, namely Ciparay, Dayeuhkolot and Margaasih sub-districts. Pattern shifting in the use of drinking water occurred from groundwater sources to refill drinking water sources. Refill drinking water as a new emerging source is inseparable from contamination. Therefore, a public health risk assessment is carried out due to the use of refill drinking water. Analysis of physicochemical and microbial of refill drinking water was carried out on 45 refill drinking water sample in three areas. Risk characterization is carried out by quantitative methods of calculating the value of the Hazard Quotient (HQ), Hazard Index (HI), and Excess Cancer Risk (ECR) with Monte Carlo analysis. Quality of refill drinking water exceeds the quality standard of Indonesian Minister of Health Regulation No. 492/2010 on the parameters of E. coli, total coliform, and heavy metals (Fe, Al, Se). Oral exposure from refill drinking water showed an acceptable non-carcinogenic risk (HI ≤ 1) in all categories from three areas but adult category in Ciparay Subdistrict has maximum tolerable value for Excess Cancer Risk (ECR), 1 x 10-4, shown that the use of refill drinking water in this area can affect to human health in long-term situation for adults. Reducing public health risk can conducted by improving the process in refill drinking water station, evaluate the quality regularly, and revised the land use masterplan by the government.
Ogrody pracownicze lub rodzinne, zwane potocznie działkami lub ogrodami działkowymi, są bardzo popularnym miejscem wypoczynku i rekreacji mieszkańców miast. Niejednokrotnie wykorzystywane są także w amatorskiej uprawie warzyw i owoców. Z uwagi na spełniane funkcje powinny być zlokalizowane na obszarach wolnych od zanieczyszczeń powietrza, gleb oraz wód gruntowych. Niestety, w większości polskich aglomeracji ogrody działkowe są rozmieszczone w okolicach zakładów przemysłowych, tras komunikacyjnych oraz na terenach poddanych rekultywacji, gdzie często obserwuje się zanieczyszczenie metalami ciężkimi i innymi substancjami.
The paper assesses the human health risk for users of allotment gardens in Wrocław. The assessment is made on the basis of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Zn) hazard. It takes the two main routes of exposure into account: accidental ingestion of contaminated soil and dermal contact with contaminated soil. Attention was focused on recreational scenario of hazard. The methods used have been recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Results of the analysis show the highest value of the hazard index can be observed for children, in the allotment gardens located in Wroclaw – Grabiszyn, in the area of environmental impact of Hutmen factory.
The samples of particulate matter (PM10) were collected at five sampling sites of various character situated in the Moravian-Silesian Region (Czech Republic). Concentrations of heavy metals bound to particulate matter were determined by the method of ICP – optical emission spectroscopy. The contamination of heavy metals was expressed as the pollution load index – PLI. Human health risk assessment was performed by U.S. EPA method – using the hazard quotient – HQ, hazard index – HI, and excess lifetime cancer risk – ELCR. The pollution and resulting carcinogenic risks increase during the winter season. The potential non-carcinogenic risks are not significant.
Próbki pyłu zawieszonego (PM10) zebrano w pięciu miejscach o różnym charakterze w regionie Morawskośląskim (Republika Czeska). Stężenie metali ciężkich związanych z cząstkami stałymi oznaczano metodą ICP - optycznej spektroskopii emisyjnej. Zanieczyszczenie metalami ciężkimi zostało wyrażone jako wskaźnik obciążenia zanieczyszczeniem - PLI. Ocenę ryzyka dla zdrowia ludzkiego przeprowadzono metodą US EPA - z wykorzystaniem ilorazu zagrożenia - HQ, wskaźnika zagrożenia - HI i zwiększenia ryzyka wystąpienia raka w całym okresie życia - ELCR. Zanieczyszczenie i związane z tym ryzyko rako-twórczości zwiększa się w sezonie zimowym. Potencjalne zagrożenie nierakotwórcze nie jest znaczące.
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