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Originating in existentialism, the absurd is a response offered by the analysis of the existence in the works of Franz Kafka and Dino Buzzati. The 20th century was a century of great innovations in the field of literature, of philosophy, of the arts in general. The preoccupation for the human condition is a form of responsibility for the human destiny. The elements invading Josef K. and Giovanni Drogo’s lives (the characters in The Trial and The Desert of the Tartars) all of a sudden are more powerful than their will; therefore their tragic end is explained not by the fact that they are guilty, but by their not being able to justify their existence.
In the processual approach to identity, the role of the interaction between subjective and contextual factors in the process of its development is emphasized. Based on the model of Luyckx et al. (2008) relationships between identity and educational context, as well as the tendency to experience shame and guilt were analyzed.. 821 people aged from 14-25 and belonging to six educational groups: (1) lower secondary school, (2) basic vocational school, (3) technical upper secondary school, (4) general upper secondary school, (5) post-secondary school (medical rescue, massage therapy, cosmetology, occupational therapy) and (6) university, took part in the research. Two questionnaires were used: The Dimensions of Identity Development Scale (DIDS), to allow the measurement of the five dimensions of identity postulated by Luyckx et al (2008) and The Personal Feelings Questionnaire-2 (PFQ-2, Harder, Zalma, 1990) to measure of the shame and guilt proneness. The results show that general upper secondary school students in terms of the dimensions of identity are closer to lower secondary school students rather than to their peers from technical and vocational schools. Among general upper secondary school students not only was a higher intensity of an identity crisis observed, but also a strong tendency to experience shame and guilt. Among lower secondary school students and general upper secondary school students, people with diffusion and moratorium as identity statuses prevailed, while in the remaining groups the achievement and foreclosure identity were observed more frequently. A general relationship was also observed, namely, a greater tendency to experience shame was associated with a higher intensity of an identity crisis.
tom 67
Human dignity is a well-known concept among Western countries since after World War II, when states, in an effort to create a new platform of cooperation with a view to guaranteeing peace, were looking for an axiological foundation of the new order. The findings described in the article may serve to underpin the following notions, which have to be the object of further research on relations between the human dignity principle and rules of criminal liability, guilt in particular. First, the “guilt standard” is obligatory, whenever a state intends to punish a person. Second, punishment can be meted out only to an offender with an ability to bear responsibility. In other words, only a person whose characteristic derived from the principle of dignity is fully actualized can be punished. Third, punishing should be preceded by an analysis of the degree of guilt. The more eager the perpetrator was to act against the legal system and against the values protected by it, the severer punishment should be meted out. Finally, law should provide for exclusion of culpability when the human dignity principle demands one to act in a manner that is outwardly criminal, but was committed due to a motivation that ought to be excused in the light of the dignity principle.
tom 22
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In the article the technologies of self-reflection described by Seneca in his moral essays are discussed. The analysis is based on Foucault’s distinction between two conceptions of technologies of the self created in Antiquity and Early Christianity. One of them is related to an idea of self-studying and auto-creation with reference to social (or religious) rules, what was the main principle in Christian system. Different conception concerns technologies of the self understood as a care of the self in absolute meaning. It is an idea in which happiness and good of an individual are formulated from the subjective point of view. Senecan concept of selfworking is the specific fusion of these two conceptions. Mnemonic technologies discovering Nature’s order in a human being are connected with independence on external world of objects. This stoic view modified by Seneca, who had focused his attention on a role of will and conscience in an examination of the self, is the main issue discussed in this article.
L’article traite de la notion d’auto-réflexion décrite dans les essais de Séneque. La base de l’analyse est la distinction faite par Foucault, qui a identifié deux catégories des techniques de soi. Considérant les concepts auto-défini dans l’Antiquité et au début du christianisme, Foucault indique la méthode de Séneque comme l’idée reflétant ces deux catégories. Dans ce concept Séneque combine la conception stoicienne de la nécessité de découvrir les principes de la nature chez l’homme avec l’idée d’indépendance par rapport au monde extérieur, tant en physique et mentale. Cette méthode exige un engagement de volonté et de conscience, que Séneque définit comme un témoin et un juge d’ humain. Une création de soi dans le systeme de Séneque a été conçu pour développer une attitude de consentement a la réalité crée par fatum. Travailler sur soi doit conduire a une situation d’etre en harmonie avec soi-meme compatible avec une situation de consentir a des conditions de fatum.
Content available remote Przebaczenie śmierci – szkic filozoficzny
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Tematem artykułu jest związek przebaczenia i śmierci, w szczególności pytanie – kto, komu i czyją śmierć ma prawo (obowiązek) przebaczyć. Autor opowiada się za poglądem, że przebaczenie śmierci ma sens tylko wtedy, gdy została ona zadana przez człowieka, będąc równocześnie złem dla umierającego (niezależnie od tego, czy jest ostatecznym kresem życia, czy też bramą wieczności). Ofiara nie ma jednak nigdy obowiązku przebaczenia swojemu oprawcy, chociaż ma do tego prawo; prawo do przebaczenia śmierci jest jednak ograniczone do śmierci własnej i to tylko w takim zakresie, w jakim może być ona krzywdą dla umierającego). Nikomu jednak z nas nie wolno przebaczać w imieniu innych osób, będących ofiarami zbrodni; prawa takiego nie ma nawet Bóg, nie może bowiem wiedzieć, czym byłaby śmierć dla konkretnej osoby pozbawionej życia.
The subject of the article is a connection between forgiveness and death and, especially, the question of who has the right (duty) to forgive whom and whose death. The author expresses the opinion that forgiveness of death is reasonable only when it is inflicted by a human and, simultaneously, being evil to the one who dies (whether it is final end of life or gates to eternity). However, the victim does not have a duty of forgiving his torturer although there is a right to do it; still, the right to forgive the death is limited to one’s own death and only within the limits of its being harm to the dying. No one has the right of forgiving on the behalf of others who are the victims of crime; even God does not have this right. No one knows what had been death to a specific person deprived of life.
On the basis of the relatively more individualistic British culture versus the relatively more collectivistic Polish culture (Hofstede 1980), the conceptualisations of British English shame and guilt were compared with those of their respective Polish counterparts wstyd and wina to determine whether the former showed a pattern that conformed to what is normally found in individualistic cultures and the latter to collectivistic cultures. The results from the GRID instrument (Scherer 2005) were consistent with these expectations despite the reservations that were raised concerning conceptual and methodological criticisms of individualism and collectivism, and whether Polish culture had been particularly exposed to external influences in recent years following the fall of communism that might have increased its individualism. There was a trend showing that norm transgression was conceptualised by the British participants more as guilt and by the Polish participants more as shame. Other findings showed that shame had a higher outward action and focus than wstyd and that there was a greater distinction between wstyd and wina than between shame and guilt in terms of outward action versus withdrawal. Pearson correlation performed on the complete profile of 144 GRID features supported the relatively greater similarity of shame and guilt. These results are consistent with the relatively greater salience of guilt in British culture and of shame in Polish culture.
This article lists the connection between the theory of guilt, specially intentionality and unintentionality, and the concept of non-accountability in criminal act. The author points out the need to change the stance of Penal Code 1997 non adjust normative theory of guilt in 31 article. It is justified in new, modern inclusion the theory of guilt.
The novella "The Judge" by Ernst Wiechert gives testimony to the poet’s critical analysis and examination of the immediate National Socialist past and, at the same time, tries to provide some forward-looking re-orientation in terms of a comprehensive humanism based on Christian ideals. Wiechert’s narrative follows a dramatic structure in accordance with the tragedies of Classical Greek Antiquity. Faced with an existential crisis, the title character has to prove his moral integrity and steadfastness. Deluded by the pervasive Nazi ideology, the judge’s son goes astray by killing a former friend but finally, thanks to his father’s cautious, gentle guidance, finds his way back. At the end of the novella the son even atones for his wrongs while his father, an unfaltering representative and unswerving advocate of law and justice, resigns from his office in the face of the lawlessness he has experienced under the Nazi terror regime. Apart from analysing the plot of Wiechert’s novella, this study also examines the clearly outlined characters as well as the complex theme of guilt, repentance and forgiveness. Finally, the article focuses on the author’s intention of taking part in the social and political discourse of post-war Germany by conveying his message of humanity and moral integrity.
Studia Gilsoniana
tom 4
nr 2
Of all the characters that undertake a search for redemption in Martin Scorsese’s films, perhaps it is the story of Jake La Motta in Raging Bull that for many reasons presents the greatest challenge to understanding redemption’s role in the narratives of his films. Is Jake La Motta a redeemed character at the end of Raging Bull? I argue that Scorsese uses Raging Bull to criticize a ritualistic view of redemption by portraying the beginning of Jake’s search as a futile attempt to submit himself to a public spectacle of ritual violence in the boxing ring while visually relating this to the Catholic sacraments and the crucifixion. It will only be later—in the loneliness of a jail cell, estranged from his family and without having to have had gone through a rite—that Jake achieves the self-awareness redemption requires.
Content available remote Przebaczenie w Biblii
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Przebaczenie w Biblii jest tematem przewijającym się od pierwszej do ostatniej strony z całym bogactwem treści i dramatyzmem przejawów. Z jednej strony sięga samych podstaw metafizyki stworzenia poddanego „marności”, a z drugiej dotyka Boga, który w bogactwie swego miłosierdzia okazuje stworzeniu niestrudzenie wyrozumiałość i przebaczenie. Odpowiedzią Boga na grzeszność człowieka jest według Objawienia przebaczenie pod warunkiem, że grzesznik stanie w pełnym świetle prawdy swego grzechu. Warunkiem równie istotnym, aby dostąpić Bożego przebaczenia, jest przebaczenie tym, którzy nas skrzywdzili, popełnili jakąś niesprawiedliwość, zadali ból, zgorszyli, pozbawili mienia czy dobrego imienia. Można przyjąć, że niedoskonałość i grzeszność człowieka to duchowa przestrzeń, w której objawia się szczególny przymiot Boga – Jego miłosierdzie, skutkujące wyjednanym przez ofiarę Jego Syna przebaczeniem.
Forgiveness is a subject that runs through the Bible from its first to the last page with all the richness of its contents and dramatic indications. On one hand, it reaches the very foundations of the metaphysics of creation subject to “vanity”; on the other hand, it touches upon God who, using the wealth of his mercy, tirelessly shows understanding and forgiveness. According to the Revelation, God's answer to human sinfulness is forgiveness only if the sinner turns into the light of the truth concerning his sin. An equally important condition for being granted God’s forgiveness is showing forgiveness to those who did us harm, committed injustice, inflicted pain, shocked, took something away, or damages our reputation. One may assume that human imperfection or sinfulness is a spiritual space where a special attribute of God manifests itself – his mercy which results in forgiveness coaxed thanks to his Son’s sacrifice.
Content available remote Czy możliwe jest przebaczenie w relacjach międzynarodowych?
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Zaprezentowana w artykule odpowiedź na pytanie zadane w tytule jest następująca: tak, przebaczenie może być osiągnięte w stosunkach międzynarodowych, nawet jeżeli zdarza się to rzadko, jest trudne do osiągnięcia i nie jest doskonałe. W pierwszej części artykułu autor omawia kilka istotnych etapów przebaczenia jako odpowiedzi na zadaną krzywdę. Pierwszym krokiem jest rezygnacja z zemsty, następnym – rezygnacja z dochodzenia sprawiedliwości przed sądem. Jednak najgłębszy sens przebaczenia został doskonale objawiony w Ewangelii. Autor podkreśla, że ​​przebaczenie jest przede wszystkich działaniem Boga, zrealizowanym przez Jezusa Chrystusa w tajemnicy Odkupienia. Z chrześcijańskiego punktu widzenia każde przebaczenie dokonane przez człowieka jest zakorzenione w Bożym miłosierdziu i Jego nakazie miłosierdzia skierowanym do wszystkich Jego uczniów. Przypowieść o synu marnotrawnym (Łk 15, 11–32) wskazuje, że ​​istotą przebaczenia jest wola pojednania ze sprawcą zła, którego brak jest uznawany za większe zło niż to, którego dopuścił się winowajca. Druga część tekstu zawiera refleksję na temat niektórych przykładów wysiłków podejmowanych przez Kościół katolicki w Polsce na rzecz budowania postawy przebaczenia. Jak się wydaje, pierwszy z nich zakończył się sukcesem (pojednanie polsko-niemieckie), ale kolejne (dotyczące pojednania polsko-rosyjskiego i polsko-ukraińskiego) nie przyniosły już takich efektów. Autor zastanawia się nad przyczynami tego stanu, wskazując na znaczenie dobrego przygotowania procesu pojednania między różnymi narodami i państwami. W konkluzji autor wyjaśnia, dlaczego proces przebaczania musi mieć charakter ciągły  i co należy zrobić, aby go wesprzeć.
The answer to the above question presented in the lecture is as follows: yes, forgiveness can be achieved in the international relations, even if it is rare case, difficult to realize and never perfect. In the first part of his report, author discusses some important steps of forgiveness as a response to the harmful violation. The first step is a withdrawal from the revenge, the next one – resignation from the trial by jury. Yet the deepest meaning of forgiveness is perfectly revealed in the Gospel. Author stresses out that the forgiveness is first of all God’s action, performed by Jesus Christ in the mystery of Redemption. From the Christian point of view every human forgiveness is rooted in the God’s mercy and in His command to be merciful addressed to all His followers. The Parable of Prodigal Son (Lc 15, 11–32) shows that the very essence of forgiveness is the will to reconciliation with the performer of violation, whose absence is recognized as greater evil than the harm  he has done. The second part of the report includes reflection on some recent examples of the efforts aiming to achieve the attitude of forgiveness, undertaken by the Polish Catholic Church. One of them seems to be very successful (the Polish-German reconciliation), the other ones (concerning the Polish-Russian and the Polish-Ukrainian relations) not so much. Author reflects on the reasons of this difference pointing out the importance of the good preparation of a process of reconciliation between the different nations and states. In the conclusion, author explains why this process must have a permanent character and what should be done to support it.
Artykuł stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o znaczenie społecznego przywiązania dla funkcjonowania mechanizmów regulacji emocji wstydu oraz poczucia winy u młodych dorosłych. W badaniach uzyskano rozbieżności w zakresie regulacji emocjonalnej dla kobiet i mężczyzn o podobnych wynikach na wymiarach przywiązania. W przypadku mężczyzn zaobserwowano ujemną korelację unikania i poczucia winy oraz dodatnią korelację lęku przywiązaniowego i eksternalizacji winy. U kobiet zanotowano dodatni związek unikania ze wstydem oraz dodatni związek lęku przywiązaniowego ze wstydem i poczuciem winy.
The article is an attempt to answer the question about the meaning that social attachment has on the functioning of shame regulation mechanisms and the feeling of guilt within the young adults. In research there were considerable discrepancies in the range of emotional regulations between men and women who achieved the same results on the basis of their level of attachment. There was a negative correlation between avoidance and the feeling of guilt, along with a positive correlation between the fear of attachment and the externalization of shame among the male group. Whereas, among the females, both of the mentioned correlations were positive.
Wina, oprócz karalności i karygodności, stanowi element definicji przestępstwa. Literatura fachowa szeroko opisuje problemy związane z istotą winy i tworzy jej definicje. Nie ma jednak w tym względzie zgody i przedstawiono kilka dalszych istotnych teorii winy. Kodeks z roku 1997 po raz pierwszy wprowadził przyznanie się do winy i rozwiązania dotyczące winy, które zasadniczo różnią się od poprzednich. Autorka niniejszego artykułu próbuje przyjrzeć się bliżej problemowi winy, jego istotności dla odpowiedzialności karnej, jak również stara się wskazać, które rozwiązania dotyczące winy sprawcy przestępstwa zostały przyjęte przez obowiązujący kodeks.
Guilt, besides punishability and culpability, constitutes an element of the definition of a crime. Scientific literature broadly describes problems pertaining to the essence of guilt and it creates its definitions. However, there is no agreement in this respect and a few more important theories of guilt have been put forward. The 1997 code for the first time introduced the declaration of guilt and the solutions about guilt which principally differ from the previous ones. The Author of the present paper makes an attempt to get a closer look at the problem of guilt, its importance for penal liability as well as trying to point out which solutions concerning the perpetrator’s guilt have been adopted in the present code.
Wartykule przeprowadzono analizę autobiograficznej powieści „Spowiedź” Łarysy Hieniusz. Autorka ukazuje w niej w znacznym stopniu w sposób emocjonalny „świat łagru”, bezpodstawne przetrzymywanie większości więźniów łagrów, bez winy ukaranych, których jedynym “przewinieniem” była bezgraniczna miłość do swojej ojczyzny. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na kobiecy dyskurs w przekazie przeżyć, odczuć, wrażeń oraz innych gorzkich doświadczeń osoby, która trafiła w tryby sprawnie funkcjonującego „sowieckiego” aparatu śledczego i łagrów.
The article contains an analysis of the autobiographical novel of Łarysa Hieniusz “The Confession”. The author shows ’the world of a labour camp’ in a highly emotional way, unfounded detention of most prisoners, punished without guilt whose only offence was an unbounded love of their homeland. A particular attention was paid to women’s discourse to convey feelings, emotions, and bitter experiences of a person who got into a well-functioning Soviet investigative organisation and labour camps.
The object of analysis is the amended art. 28 § 1 of the Penal Code, which stipulates that „whoever commits an act while being in justifiable error as to a circumstance constituting a feature of an prohibited act, shall not commit a crime”. The new regulation of 28 § 1 of the Penal Code is the next attempt to statutorily define the concept of an offence based on the methodology of a strict separation of the object of evaluation from the evaluation itself, that is, primarily a radical separation of mens rea of a prohibited act from guilt. Therefore, the authors of the change have consistently attempted to eliminate all normative attributes from the scope of „recklessness” and „negligence”. This is a result of the view that assumes a pure descriptive character of the set of criminal offence features (Ger. „Tatbestand”) including subjective features (offences of intentional and unintentional character). In this context, acts committed while being in justifiable error as to a circumstance constituting a feature of a prohibited act exclude guilt, however the fulfilment of the features of criminal acts of unintentional character is limited to the fulfilment of objective features (a consequence of the concept of the unintentional character of an offence as a plain negation of intent). The negative wording of art. 1 § 3 of the Penal Code, the objective and general interpretation of the term found in art. 9 § 2 „could have foreseen” (a transfer of the so-called objective foreseeability to the category of objective attribution) and the concept of committing an act while being in justifiable error as to a circumstance constituting a feature of a prohibited act excluding guilt lead, in the area of unintentional character of an offence, to the presumption of guilt on the basis of the fulfilling only the objective features of a criminal act. The author of the article demonstrates the inaccuracy of this argument for a strictly descriptive character of the features of a prohibited act, and in particular the features of intent (intentional character of an offence). The object of intent (a feature of a criminal offence) has a evaluative character (evaluation), therefore determining intent can generally constitute a premise for accepting guilt (intended), unless the circumstance of excluding guilt exceptionally occurs. In the case of an unintentional character of an act, such a relation does not occur, and the guarantee functions (the rule of positive establishment of the perpetrator’s guilt) thus require subjective (specific and individual evaluation) interpretation of the premise „could have foreseen” found in art. 9 § 2 of the Penal Code.
In seinen Werken beschäftigt sich Urs Faes mit der Aufarbeitung der Geschichte seines Landes und der eigenen Vergangenheit. Damit ist die Erinnerung die wichtigste Antriebskraft seiner schriftstellerischen Arbeit und darum spürt er dem Phänomen Erinnerung und seinen Funktionen in Bezug auf deren literarische Möglichkeiten nach. Sein Hauptanliegen ist dabei der Blick hinter die Fassade der Alltäglichkeit – er beabsichtigt also zu entlarven, was sich in Wirklichkeit hinter Normalität und Ordnung verbirgt. Auf diese Weise deckt er verdrängte Erinnerungen auf, unerfüllte Sehnsüchte, unlösbare Schuld und eine unbewusste Flucht aus existentiellen Verstörungen. Der Beitrag unternimmt den Versuch, anhand der Romane Sommerwende, Augenblicke im Paradies, Und Ruth sowie Liebesarchiv, die als eine Tetralogie bezeichnet werden können, die auffälligen Merkmale der Poetik der Schweizer Schriftstellers zu charakterisieren.
Urs Faes in his literary work deals with the analysis of the history of his country and his own past. Memories are the main driving force of his work, therefore he focuses on the phenomenon of memory and its functions in relation to the literary possibilities. The key task of the author is to look at the facade of everyday life and indicate what actually lies behind the normality and order. In this way, he discovers repressed memories, unfulfilled longings, unresolved guilt and escape from the existential shocks. This article is based on his four novels Sommerwende, Augenblicke im Paradies, Und Ruth and Liebesarchiv which could be called a tetralogy. It is an attempt to characterize typical features of the poetics written by this Swiss author.
W swych utworach Urs Faes zajmuje się analizą historii swego kraju oraz swej własnej przeszłości. Wspomnienia są główną siłą napędową jego twórczości, dlatego skupia się on na zjawisku pamięci, a także jej funkcjach w odniesieniu do literackich możliwości. Kluczowym zadaniem autora jest spojrzenie za fasadę codziennego życia i wskazanie, co w rzeczywistości kryje się za normalnością i porządkiem. W ten sposób odkrywa wyparte wspomnienia, niespełnione tęsknoty, nierozwiązywalną winę i ucieczkę od egzystencjalnych wstrząsów. Artykuł analizuje te aspekty twórczości Faesa w powieściach Sommerwende, Augenblicke im Paradies, Und Ruth oraz Liebesarchiv, które można określić mianem tetralogii. Jest on równocześnie próbą scharakteryzowania typowych cech poetyki szwajcarskiego pisarza.
This is an attempt of a mimetic interpretation of Acts 5:1‒11. The article juxtaposes the narrative of Ananias and Sapphira with the story of the sudden death of Nadab and Abihu from Lev 10:1‒7. The Author argues that apart from situational resemblance, both passages are similar on a deeper level: they are set at the beginning of new orders. Ananias and Sapphira are Adam and Eve of the early Christian community and like them violate their marital unity. Since marriage has become a symbol of Christ’s faithful and loving relationship to humanity, the couple’s treacherous connivance constitutes the ‘original sin’ of Christianity. Nevertheless, as a sacrificial text, Acts 5:1‒11 has had a negative influence on Christian religiosity.
Autorka podejmuje próbę mimetycznej interpretacji Dz 5,1‒11. W artykule opowiadanie o Ananiaszu i Safirze zostaje zestawione z historią nagłej śmierci Nadaba i Abihu z Kpł 10,1‒7. Autorka stwierdza, że poza sytuacyjnym podobieństwem oba teksty są podobne na głębszym poziomie: umiejscowione są u zarania nowego porządku. Ananiasz i Safira tworzą Adama i Ewę wczesnochrześcijańskiej wspólnoty i podobnie jak oni niszczą małżeńską jedność. Ze względu na to, że małżeństwo stało się symbolem wiernej, miłosnej relacji Chrystusa do ludzkości, oszukańcze współdziałanie pary małżeńskiej z Dz 5,1‒11 stanowi „grzech pierworodny” chrześcijaństwa. Tym niemniej, jako ofiarniczy tekst, Dz 5,1‒11 wywarł negatywny wpływ na chrześcijańską religijność.
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