In the spring 1987, the author investigated of the mycoflora on the eel fry montée (Anguilla anguilla L.) and their environment in Mikołajskie Lake.
Wiosną 1987 roku analizowano występowanie grzybów wodnych na osobnikach narybku montće węgorza europejskiego (Anguilla anguilla L.) na tle czynników środowiskowych przybrzeżnej części jeziora Mikołajskiego. W wyniku badań ustalono na powłokach narybku rozwój takich grzybów wodnych jak: Saprolegnia ferax, Saprolegnia monoica oraz Candida albicans. Najczęściej występował grzyb Saprolegnia ferax, zaś najrzadziej - Candida albicans. Jest to pierwsze doniesienie o występowaniu na ciele węgorza, Anguilla anguilla, grzybów Saprolegnia monoica i Candida albicans.
The authors investigated the mycoflora developing on the eggs of six species of acipenserid fishes.
Autorzy badali w warunkach laboratoryjnych występowanie grzybów wodnych na ikrze 6 tak- sonów ryb jesiotrowatych. Badaniami objęto ikrę Acipenser güldenstädti, Acipenser güldenstädti persicus, Acipenser nudiventris, Acipenser ruthenus, Acipenser stellatus oraz Huso huso. Do doświadczeń używano wody ze stawu, z jeziora i rzeki, uwzględniając w niej poszczególne parametry hydrochemiczne. Ogólnie stwierdzono na ikrze rozwój 42 gatunków grzybów zoosporowych oraz 1 gatunek ko- nidialny (Candida albicans). Najmniej gatunków rozwijało się na ikrze Huso huso (7), najwięcej - na ikrze Acipenser güldenstädti (16). Wśród stwierdzonych gatunków grzybów 33 okazały się gatunkami nowymi dla ryb jesiotrowatych. Ponadto wśród nowych dla ryb jesiotrowatych grzybów 8 gatunków: Achlya colorata, Achlya glome rata, Achlya megasperma, Achlya treleaseana, Allomyces arbuscula, Isoachlya toruloides, Pythiopsis cymosa oraz Saprolegnia unispora okazało się gatunkami nowymi dla ryb w ogóle. Woda ze stawu byla najzasobniejsza w związki biogenne, zaś woda z jeziora Komosa zawierała ich najmniej. Toteż najwięcej gatunków grzybów rozwijało się na ikrze badanych ryb w wodzie ze stawu, najmniej zaś - w wodzie z jeziora.
The aim of work was settlement of occurrence of pathogenic fungus Trichosporon cutaneum in diverse ecological environments. Object to investigations farmer river Węgorapa, Supraśl, lakes of complex Mamry and Sejny group, of cultivation ponds in Popielewo and in Poryte Jabłoń a few springs of city Białystok. In investigations one used method of baits to isolated water fungus. Quality of waters determined by physico-chemistry methods. One fixed, that pathogcnic fungus Trichosporon cutaneum stepped out in waters north-east evn Poland on all investigated sites. It was developed in both strong poluted water of lakes and ponds also in good oxygened waters and springs it was too.
Fungi occur in almost all types of waters in the world and play an important role in many processes in the environment, particularly in organic matter decomposition. During the last several decades, extensive knowledge was obtained on the ecology of aquatic fungi, but on fungal biomass in the water column less. The study was aimed at simultaneous determination of seasonal and spatial variability of aquatic fungi biomass in the river waters in relation to selected physicochemical water parameters and trophic state in the 27 lowland rivers of north-eastern Poland with length between 17 and 308 km and mean annual discharge 1 – 100 m3 s-1. The chemical and mycological evaluation was provided on the basis of 64 water samples taken in the July and October 2010. The chromatographic method of determination of seston ergosterol as a specific organic compound typical for the majority of fungi, was applied. Fungi biomass was higher in summer than in autumn. The particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations had no effect on fungal biomass in the studied river, as well as forest cover of the catchment and river discharge. Statistically significant correlations of fungal biomass in the river water with concentrations of ammonium (N–NH4+), Kjeldahl (NKjel), total organic (TON) and total nitrogen (TN) and dissolved (DP) and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) were found. The principal component analysis indicates relations between (TIN) and phosphorus (SRP) and particulate phosphorus (PP) and freshwater fungi, specially in summer when aquatic fungi are able to modify the structure of the nutrients contained in the water column.
The community of epiphytes in mesotrophic lake phytoplankton. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 10: 267–272. Kraków. PL ISSN 1640 629X. ABSTRACT: Specific epiphyte host relationships were identified in the mesotrophic Lake Pławno, located in the Zielonka primeval forest near Poznań. Three colorless dinoflagellates Pachysoeca convallaria, Lagynion ampullaceum and L. subglobosus (Stylococcaceae) infected the diatom Asterionella formosa, with the fungus Rhizophydium planktonicum epiphytic on the chrysophyte Dinobryon divergens. Although these dinoflagellates are present in eutrophic lakes, they are not common in mesotrophic lakes (e.g. Lake Pławno). However, the environmental conditions that favoured their development occured in this mesotrophic lake and resulted in their infection of A. formosa, which is an ecological niche similar to their association in eutrophic lakes.
Epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) is a dangerous fish infection with the water fungus Aphanomyces invadans. It occurs in Asia, Australia and America, in the Florida region, and affects many inland fish species. In accordance with Council Directive 2006/88/EC, EUS is one of the exotic notifiable diseases in Europe. In the paper an attempt was made to answer the question concerning the possibility of Aphanomyces invadans infection occurring in fish reared in Poland. In order to answer this question, the analysis of the fungus biology was performed, the factors predisposing to the infection were evaluated and the EUS-susceptible fish species were presented. If the theory of climate warming is true, a gradual extension of the area inhabited by the stenothermal Aphanomyces invadans seems possible. Even now thermal water conditions in ponds fed with electric plant cooling water in Europe approximate those in Asiatic natural water basins. Many popular Asiatic aquarium fish species are susceptible to Aphanomyces invadans or could be carriers of this fungus. These fishes are a potential source of infection at least to some European fishes. Considering even the slightest possibility of Aphanomyces invadans introduction in Poland followed by EUS occurrence, the authors proposed some necessary preventive measures. Among others, the importation of aquarium fish species which are susceptible to EUS should be prohibited. Also certain legislative regulations of carp (Cyprinus carpio) movement for stocking purposes should be applied.
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