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Wprowadzenie: Wrzodziejące zapalenie jelita grubego (CU) to choroba zapalna, predysponująca do występowania raka jelita grubego; częściej niż w raku sporadycznym występują tu raki metachroniczne i synchroniczne. Opis przypadku: W tym opisie prezentujemy przypadek pacjentki z wieloogniskowym rakiem jelita grubego w przebiegu wrzodziejącego zapalenia jelita grubego oraz jej leczenie operacyjne. Dodatkowo u kobiety pooperacyjnie rozpoznano pierwotne stwardniające zapalenie dróg żółciowych (primary sclerosing cholangitis; PSC).
Pulmonary embolism is a condition that occurs when an artery in the lung becomes blocked. In most cases the blockage is caused by one or more blood clots that come to the lungs from another part of an animals body. In rare instances other substances, such as a fat globule, tissue from a tumor or a clump of bacteria, may lodge in the arteries of the lungs. Pulmonary embolism can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are general and resemble those of other diseases. The study presents the case of a dog with pulmonary embolism caused by adenocarcinoma cells.
The aim of the research was to show the immunocytochemical expression of MT and Ki-67 and the correlation between these markers in spontaneous epithelium mammary gland cancer in bitches. The samples used in the research were extracted during surgical procedures from 20 bitches of different breeds, ranging from 6 to 15 years of age who had been diagnosed with mammary gland tumors. The prepared samples were then photographed with a microscope, to be later analyzed by a workstation comprised of a computer hooked up to a Carl Zeiss microscope model: Axiophot. The workstation was able to register images and then digitally analyze them. The MultiScaneBase V 8.08 program working on a Microsoft Windows platform was used to gather readings. The average correlation value between the Ki-67 and MT expression confirmed by many tests indicated a high index value of Ki-67 antigen as the prognostic agent. The study concluded that the presence of metalotionein in adenocarcinamas of the mammary gland in bitches does not indicate its connection with an increased proliferation potential of the cancer cells as is in the case in womens mammary gland tumors.
A cervical smear is a test aimed at detecting precancerous lesions and cancer at an early clinical stage. The intro­duction of a Pap smear as a screening test has reduced the number of newly diagnosed squamous cell carcino­mas of the cervix by 42% in 20 years. At the same time, an increase in the incidence of adenocarcinomas origi­nating from glandular, endocervical cells, has been observed. The Bethesda system, which documents the presence or absence of glandular cells of the cervix and defines their pathologies, is currently recommended for evaluation of cervical cytology. Most of the prevention programs recommend to screen every 2–3 years. We report a case of two women with cervical clear cell adenocarcinoma – a rare subtype (5–7%) of adenocarcinomas, diag­nosed in stage FIGO IB2 that developed despite regular (every year) cytological screening. The last Pap smears were performed 12 and 13 months before the diagnosis and no abnormalities were found. The results were normal and no endocervical cells were found in the smear. The radical surgical treatment was implemented, followed by an adjuvant therapy. In post-surgical tissues, HPV-18 DNA was detected in both patients. During 24 and 19 months of follow-up, no recurrences were noticed.
Cytologia szyjki macicy jest badaniem ukierunkowanym na wykrywanie zmian przedrakowych lub nowotworów we wczesnym stopniu zaawansowania klinicznego. Wprowadzenie cytologii jako badania przesiewowego spo­wodowało zmniejszenie w ciągu 20 lat liczby nowo rozpoznawanych raków płaskonabłonkowych szyjki macicy o 42%. Jednocześnie odnotowano wzrost częstości występowania gruczolakoraków, wywodzących się z gruczo­łowych komórek endocerwikalnych. Obecnie do oceny cytologii zaleca się wykorzystanie systemu Bethesda, który między innymi dokumentuje obecność lub brak komórek gruczołowych szyjki macicy oraz definiuje ich patologię. Większość programów profilaktycznych rekomenduje wykonywanie badań przesiewowych co 2–3 lata. Przedstawiono opis dwóch pacjentek z jasnokomórkowymi gruczolakorakami szyjki macicy – rzad­kim (około 5–7%) podtypem gruczolakoraków, rozpoznanymi w stopniu zaawansowania IB2 według klasy­fikacji FIGO, mimo regularnie, corocznie prowadzonej profilaktyki cytologicznej. Ostatnie badania wykonano na 12 i 13 miesięcy przed rozpoznaniem. Wyniki były prawidłowe, ale nie stwierdzono obecności komórek endo­cerwikalnych w rozmazie. Chore poddano radykalnemu leczeniu operacyjnemu oraz leczeniu uzupełniającemu. W materiale pooperacyjnym dokonano oznaczenia DNA HPV i wykazano obecność HPV-18. Obie pacjentki po­zostają pod obserwacją. W ciągu 24 i 19 miesięcy obserwacji nie wystąpiła u nich wznowa choroby.
Przełyk Barretta charakteryzuje się występowaniem nieprawidłowego nabłonka walcowatego w dolnej części przełyku. Wiąże się on ze znacznym wzrostem ryzyka zachorowania na gruczolakoraka przełyku. Do niedawna jedyną metodą leczenia pacjentów z przełykiem Barretta i dysplazją dużego stopnia było postepowanie chirurgiczne. Obecnie coraz szerzej stosowane są endoskopowe metody leczenia, a wśród nich terapia fotodynamiczna. Celem pracy jest omówienie obecnego stanu wiedzy na temat wykorzystania terapii fotodynamicznej w leczeniu przełyku Barreta oraz gruczolaku przełyku.
Barrett's esophagus is characterized by abnormal columnar epithelium in the lower esophagus. It binds with a significantly increased risk of developing esophagus adenocarcinoma. Until recently, the only treatment of patients with Barrett's esophagus and high-grade dysplasia was surgical operation. Currently, they are more widely used endoscopic treatment, including photodynamic therapy. The purpose of this article is to review the present state of knowledge on the use of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma.
The aim of the study: Perianal gland tumors in dogs are the third most prevalent tumors among all neoplastic diseases in males, and are considered a serious health impairment. It has been shown that perianal gland tumors are hormone-dependent, and the most frequently diagnosed type of these tumors are adenomas. The aim of the study was to evaluate the occurrence of perianal tumors in dogs in the Lublin region. Moreover, dogs with perianal gland tumors were subjected to antihormonal treatment. Materials and methods: This study involved the use of both Tamoxifen, as an antiestrogen, and Androcur, as an antiandrogen. Tamoxifen and Androcur were administered on the basis of sex hormone levels in the serum of the dogs. The study was performed on 45 male dogs aged 8-17 years, which suffered from perianal tumors. The diagnostic procedure was based on the histopathological examination of biopsies and on serum 17β-estradiol and testosterone concentrations determined by the ELISA method. In all experimental groups, 27 cases were diagnosed as adenoma (non-malignant tumors), 14 dogs suffered from epithelioma (low malignancy), and 4 patients had carcinoma (malignant tumors). Basic antihormonal treatment lasted for one month. Dogs with an elevated 17β-estradiol level underwent antiandrogen treatment, whereas an increased concentration of testosterone was the diagnostic criterion for antiandrogen treatment. Results: The antihormonal therapy of dogs with adenoma was effective in 90% of cases, and there was no recurrence of the disease during the 6-month period of observation. In 10% of adenoma cases, the size of perianal tumors was reduced significantly, and there was no bleeding. In such cases, the antihormonal treatment was prolonged for another two weeks. Eventually, all adenoma tumors disappeared completely, and the disease did not recur. In the case of epithelioma, the treatment was effective in 70% of patients, whereas in the remaining 30% of animals the size of tumors was significantly reduced. However, in the latter group, the extension of therapy by 2 weeks did not eliminate neoplastic changes. During the 6-month period of clinical observation, 60% of epithelioma cases showed recurrence. The antihormonal treatment of dogs with carcinoma resulted only in a reduced size of perianal tumors. In all such cases, the recurrence of neoplastic disease was observed with the following rapid growth of the tumors. Conclusions: This study has shown that antihormonal treatment was the most effective in dogs suffering from adenoma, less effective in patients with epithelioma, and the least effective in those with carcinoma.
Colorectal and prostate cancers have one of highest occurrence rate in Poland and the incidence is constantly increasing. Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are known factors that promotes the development of cancer. Pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α are produced in normal cells and are responsible for controlling key processes. However overproduction associated with chronic inflammation may induce tumor transformation and support tumor growth by expression of cytokines by tumor microenvironment cells. The concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the serum and expression in tumor tissue may be a diagnostic and prognostic factor for patients with colorectal or prostate cancer, and anti-cytokine therapy may increase patients survival.
Nowotwory jelita grubego i prostaty są jednymi z najczęściej występujących nowotworów w Polsce, a zapadalność na nie stale rośnie. Przewlekły stan zapalny i stres oksydacyjny są znanymi czynnikami promującymi rozwój nowotworów. Cytokiny prozapalne, takie jak IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 oraz TNF-α, są wytwarzane w prawidłowych komórkach i odpowiadają za kontrolę kluczowych procesów. Związana z występowaniem przewlekłego stanu zapalnego nadprodukcja może jednak indukować transformację nowotworową, a następnie wspomagać rozwój nowotworu przez ekspresję cytokin przez komórki mikrośrodowiska guza. Stężenie cytokin prozapalnych w surowicy krwi oraz ekspresja w tkance guza mogą być czynnikami diagnostycznymi i prognostycznymi u pacjentów chorych na raka jelita grubego lub prostaty, a terapia antycytokinowa może wydłużyć czas ich przeżycia.
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