The same young cropping ‘Regina’ sweet cherry trees were foliar treated with prohexadione-calcium (Pro- Ca) in two consecutive years at a concentration of [ 125, 125 x 2, 250 ]-(A) and [ 250, 375, 500 ]-(B) mg ProCa l-1, respectively. The following year some trees from A-treatments were left untreated to observe carry-over effects (C). None of A-treatments influenced tree trunk, shoot extension and internode growth, whereas B-treatments reduced shoot extension and internode length, simultaneously increasing flower bud density, particularly by 500 mg ProCa l-1. There were no carry-over effects produced by C-trees, except some retardation in shoot extension. None of the treatments influenced the tree cropping level. Fruit diameter was reduced by A-treatments, but fruit shape (L/D ratio) and mass were reduced by treatments B, and such reduction was also exhibited by C-trees (residual effects).
Wszyscy zdajemy sobie sprawę z tego, jak ważne jest wspomaganie rozwoju małych dzieci, jednak nie zawsze wiemy, jak to robić. W niniejszym artykule autorka przedstawiła, w jaki sposób możemy wpływać na prawidłowy rozwój małych dzieci. Spróbowała przybliżyć, jak ważne są pierwsze dwanaście miesięcy w życiu każdego człowieka i co wpływa na jakość przemian w psychomotoryce niemowlęcia, dziecka w wieku poniemowlęcym i dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym.
We are all aware of how important it is to support the development of small children, but do not always know how to do it. In the article, the author presented how we can influence the healthy development of young children. She tried to show how important the first twelve months in the life of every human being are and what affects the quality of psychomotorics changes in infant, child and toddlers aged child in preschool.