In putting forth a view of economic agents as autonomous individuals driven by self-interest, mainstream economics precludes the possibility of gift. Gift could be found in non-market, “collectivist”, societies, where “informal” norms would include gift-giving. In this context, the paper argues that mainstream views regarding the impossibility of the concept of gift are inaccurate, via an analysis of conceptual and empirical contributions of other social sciences, notably sciences of mankind “par excellence” such as anthropology and philosophy. In particular, the paper shows that critiques of mainstream views that are based on simple contrasts and qualifications do not provide conceptual instruments for a rigorous critique (such as “collectivism”, “informality”, “altruism”). This is also the case with the more “heterodox” views that underscore the unrealistic character of mainstream models of social interactions and norms. The mainstream arguments of self-interest and exchanges, based on expectations of future returns as universal traits of human beings, are indeed not easy to refute, including with the conceptual tools of other social sciences. This paper instead argues that a deeper analysis of concepts such as selfishness, interest, exchange, or the individual yields a more relevant critique of mainstream conceptions of gift—“the interest of whom?” and “exchange shaped by what?” being the pertinent questions. Other social sciences show that these concepts actually always presuppose the pre-existence of societies before that of individuals, and this is expressed by the many facets of the conceptualisations of the act of giving, whether societies are market or non-market ones.
W ostatniej dekadzie fenomen empatii stał się często badanym zjawiskiem na gruncie społecznej neuronauki. Badania dowodzą, że reakcje empatyczne mogą być modyfikowane na gruncie relacji międzyludzkich poprzez wiele różnych czynników, takich jak np. konflikty międzygrupowe, zmienne kulturowe czy kontekst sytuacyjny. Badania z użyciem technik obrazowych pozwalają na zaobserwowanie bezpośrednich zmian w aktywności struktur mózgowych związanych ze współodczuwaniem (empatią). Celem tej pracy jest przegląd najnowszych badań naukowych dotyczących neuronalnych mechanizmów leżących u podłoża reakcji empatycznej w kontekście relacji międzygrupowych. W ramach tego zagadnienia przedstawiona zostanie szeroka definicja empatii, metodologia ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem schematów stosowanych w badaniach neuronalnych korelatów empatii wykorzystujących techniki neuroobrazowania mózgu, a także czynniki modyfikujące behawioralne oraz neuronalne przejawy empatii.
In the last decade, the phenomenon of empathy has received widespread attention in the field of social neuroscience. Studies have shown that empathic response may be affected by many factors such as: social context, group membership, cultural background. Recent developments in human neuroimaging allowed to indicate neural correlates and computations underlying the ability to share feelings of others. Nowadays, neuroimaging technologies – functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in particular – can expand theoretical understanding of the psychological processes underlying empathic response. The aim of this paper was to review recent studies on neural correlates of empathy in reference to intergroup relations. To this end, we presented a multifaceted definition of empathy and research paradigms used to investigate empathy in the field of social neuroscience. Special focus was made on neural mechanisms of in-group bias and factors that may influence empathy on its behavioral and neural level.
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