Water is a precious commodity and water scarcity has become a serious issue in many parts of the world, especially in dense urban areas. Water resources are under increasing stress due to continuous population growth, agricultural development, urbanization, and industrialization. The gap between water demand and supply has also increased in recent years. This has resulted in increasing pressure on underground water resources as well as the depletion of groundwater aquifers at an alarming rate. Thus there is a growing need to explore viable methods and techniques to manage water availability, especially in urban areas. The objective of the current study was to determine the potential for rainwater harvesting (RWH) in the twin cities of Islamabad and Riwalpindi. We evaluated its suitability to supplement the water supply as well as contribute to groundwater recharge and flood control efforts. This could in turn help to overcome water demand, could potentially recharge depleting groundwater resources and could result in the development of a currently untapped additional water source for urban hubs.
MIKE SHE software was used to estimate recharge into the aquifers of Ogun and Oshun Basins. Abeokuta within the Ogun Basin and Oshogbo in the Oshun Basin are sub-divided vertically into two components: atmosphere, and unsaturated zone. The atmosphere zone comprises of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration, while the unsaturated zones, comprises of the Basement Complex and Sedimentary rock. Daily records from two rainfall stations, Oshogbo station (2008–2011) and Abeokuta station (2010–2014) water years were obtained for simulation of groundwater recharge processes using MIKE SHE model. The simulation results showed that daily groundwater recharge is influenced by rainfall and ranges from 0 mm∙day–1 in January when there was an insufficient rainfall in the two stations to 10.89 mm∙day–1 in Abeokuta and 29.85 mm∙day–1 in Oshogbo in the month of August when the soils had attained field capacity. The study found out that there are more daily groundwater recharge in Oshun basin compared to that of Ogun basin. This was alluded to more rain-fall and less evapotranspiration recorded at Oshun basin as compared to Ogun basin coupled with the sedimentary soil which allows more movement of water into the aquifer of the basin. It is recommended MIKE SHE model should be used to estimate recharge in other basins in Nigeria and Africa for quick and effective daily recharge calculations to permit better and scientific decision making in these areas.
Urbanizacja wywiera negatywny wpływ na procesy hydrologiczne w różnej skali, zachodzące zarówno na powierzchni, jak i pod powierzchnią ziemi. Nadal poszukuje się odpowiedzi na pytanie w jaki sposób zmiany użytkowania powierzchni wpływają na bilans wodny w skali regionalnej i narzędzi, które ją umożliwią. W niniejszej pracy wykorzystano symulacyjny model WetSpass do oceny struktury bilansu wodnego na obszarze miasta Wrocławia o powierzchni 295 km2, z czego około 40% posiada typowe cechy obszarów wiejskich. Przedstawiono zależności między użytkowaniem terenu a składowymi bilansu wodnego (infiltracja efektywna, ewapotranspiracja rzeczywista, spływ powierzchniowy) dla całej aglomeracji miejskiej, jak i poszczególnych historycznych dzielnic. Średnia roczna suma zasilania infiltracyjnego we Wrocławiu w wieloleciu 1981-2010 wynosiła zaledwie 16,5 mm/rok (ok. 3% rocznej sumy opadów), ewapotranspiracji rzeczywistej 443,7 mm/rok, natomiast spływu powierzchniowego 79,3 mm/rok. Na podstawie wyników symulacyjnych stwierdzono podobieństwo między Starym Miastem i Śródmieściem, gdzie notowano wartości ewapotranspiracji równe ok. 410 mm i spływu powierzchniowego ok. 110 mm oraz między Psim Polem i Fabryczną z wyższą ewapotranspiracją (450 mm) i niższym spływem powierzchniowym (70 mm).
Booming urbanization has negative impact on hydrological processes at different scales, which occurring both on and below the earth surface. However, there is still a question of how modifications in the land use affect the regional water balance and searching the tools that will enable it. In the current work, a simulation WetSpass model was used to assess the water balance structure in the city of Wroclaw (total area 295 km2, with significant share, amounting 40%, of typical rural areas). The relationship between land use and components of the water balance (groundwater recharge, actual evapotranspiration, surface runoff) for the entire urban agglomeration as well as individual historical districts has been presented. The average annual groundwater recharge in Wroclaw in the years 1981-2010 was only 16.5 mm/year (3% mean annual precipitation), evapotranspiration 443.7 mm/year, and surface runoff 79.3 mm/year. A similarity was observed between the Stare Miasto and the Śródmieście districts, where the values of evapotranspiration equal to approx. 410 mm and surface runoff of about 110 mm and between Psie Pole and Fabryczna districts with higher evapotranspiration (450 mm) and lower surface runoff (70 mm) were calculated.
Autorzy przeanalizowali zagadnienie wpływu niepewności danych na wynik obliczeń przestrzennego zróżnicowania odnawialności zasobów wód podziemnych zlewni Biebrzy. Do przeprowadzenia obliczeń zastosowano formułę przekształcenia stałoobjętościowego. Danymi wejściowymi były wartości odpływu podziemnego i czynników wagowych w postaci litologii utworów powierzchniowych i średniego rocznego opadu. Obliczenia wykonano w wersji deterministycznej bez elementu niepewności danych i w wersji losowej z uwzględnieniem niepewności. Wynik obliczeń wskazuje na wyraźny wpływ niepewności danych na obliczone przestrzenne zróżnicowanie odnawialności zasobów wód podziemnych w granicach poszczególnych wydzieleń geologicznych w zlewni Biebrzy.
Authors are considering the issue of data uncertainty effect on the outcome of calculations of the spatial diversity of groundwater renewability in the Biebrza river catchment. The constant volume transformation algorithm was used for the calculations. The input data were the values of underground runoff and the weight factors: surface lithology and mean annual precipitation. The calculations were deterministic without data uncertainty and probabilistic with data uncertainty. The results show significant influence of data uncertainty on the image of groundwater renewability in surface geological units of the Biebrza River catchment.
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