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The depletion of aquifer systems in arid and semiarid regions worldwide is causing acute water scarcity and quality degradation, and leading to extensive ecosystem damages. Groundwater is exposed to a variety of anthropogenic water pollution, such as raw wastewater disposal in the Draa Wadi and the use of septic tanks. In this respect, a study performed in some wells of Fezouata (South-east of Morocco) aimed at both discovering the main components of the aquatic subterranean fauna unknown up to now in this area, and the potential relationships between this fauna and the water quality The principal physico-chemical characteristics of water were measured between November 2019 to March 2021 for 15 wells, which were selected considering their position with respect to the pollution sources known in surface. The Fezouata groundwater is distinguished by its high salinity with an increasing gradient from upstream to downstream. The aquatic fauna in the 15 wells showed 12 stygofauna species. In the protected wells which are situated far from the pollution sources, the fauna is dominated by Cirolanidae, Hydrobiidae, Metacrangonctydae, Stenasellidae, and Thermosbaenacea. On the other hand, in the less protected well, close to the pollution sources, the fauna is made of epigean species, such as insect’s larva, mainly Culicidae and Chironomidae. The analysis of the water quality and the subterranean biodiversity shows that the latter decreases with increasing groundwater pollution. It seems that the impact of the acute pollution affected the stygocenose even by reducing drastically the biodiversity.
The protection and preservation of good groundwater quality is of critical importance worldwide, nowadays. Increasing urbanization, economic development and agricultural activities, combined with limited precipitation contribute to the quantitative and qualitative degradation of groundwater resources, especially in the eastern Mediterranean region. For this purpose, a series of actions are implemented including groundwater vulnerability mapping that can depict prone to pollution aquifers which need protection and/or restoration measures. In this study, the efficiency of two well-known methodologies (COP and DRASTIC) for groundwater vulnerability and pollution risk mapping was assessed in the Sperchios river basin. The vulnerability and pollution risk maps of the two methodologies were spatially compared to each other and the observed similarities and differences were discussed and explained. The output of the study shows that in the particular geoenvironmental conditions DRASTIC method performs better than the COP, particularly in the lowland, porous media aquifer.
The research was carried out in order to identify and assess groundwater contamination in the area of the former factory of paints and varnishes “Polifarb” in Gdańsk. A network of temporary boreholes allowed specifying the size of the active sources of contamination and estimating the volume of contaminated rocks and the amount of polluted water. Two zones of polluted water have been identified, with different specific substances. In the first zone, located in the area of the former “Polifarb” factory and close behind it, the water contained polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), volatile aromatic hydrocarbons (BTX), phenols, petrol and mineral oils. In the second zone, chloroorganic compounds (VOC) were detected. Diagnostic modelling and prognostic simulations allowed a preliminary evaluation of the rate of pollutants migration towards the wells of the “Czarny Dwór” groundwater intake.
Content available remote Trophic structure of Ozark cave streams containing endangered species
Six subterranean stream habitats in the central USA that contain rare and endangered cave animals were investigated. Water, sediment, and animal tissue were sampled to determine the degree of pollution inputs, and natural abundance stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were employed to determine trophic structure and hypothetical influence of nutrient pollutants. Environmental quality sampling revealed contamination of water, sediments, and animal tissue by nutrients, toxic metals, and coliform bacteria, originating probably from septic systems and land application of animal feedlot wastes. Stable isotope analyses did not detect nutrient pollutants in the food webs of these habitats, but these analyses did elucidate trophic structure. Three trophic levels are evident in these subterranean streams: a detrital food base of clastic sediment, bat guano, and surface inputs; a second trophic level of detritivores, primarily crustaceans and amphibians; and a top level of predators, primarily fishes. Monitoring and management of sediment quality and flux is recommended to protect subterranean stream habitats.
Content available remote Wpływ składowiska odpadów chemicznych na zanieczyszczenie wód podziemnych
Przedstawiono ocenę zmian jakości wód podziemnych odpływających z rejonu składowiska odpadów chemicznych. Ocenę tę wykonano na podstawie analizy zmian w wodach podziemnych wybranych wskaźników chemicznych, a także warunków geologicznych i hydrogeologicznych występujących w rejonie badanego składowiska odpadów. W latach 1998-2017 stwierdzono znaczne zmniejszenie zawartości głównych zanieczyszczeń w wodach podziemnych, takich jak aniony chlorkowy i siarczanowy, kation amonowy (jako N-NH4 +) oraz fenole.
Changes in concns. of Cl, S and NH4 ions as well as PhOH in groundwater flowing out from a region of chem. waste landfill located near Tarnów city, PL, were analyzed in 1998-2017 in accordance with the relevant stds. Purfn. of waters from the landfill in a sewage treatment plant as well as cessation of the storage of new waste resulted in improved purity of the analyzed waters.
Wody dopływające do przecznicy wschodniej KWK Saturn na poz. 210 m są od 1978 r. ujmowane do celów pitnych. Głównym źródłem zasilania tego ujęcia jest rejon, w którym na skutek eksploatacji górniczej nastąpiło przerwanie warstwy izolującej rozdzielającej triasowe i karbońskie piętra wodonośne. Od początku lipca 1997 r. stwierdzono duże, istotne dla funkcjonowania ujęcia zmiany ilości i jakości wód. Pogorszenie jakości spowodowało utrudnienia w zaopatrzeniu w wodę pitną Zakładu Inżynierii Sanitarnej (ZIS) w Będzinie. Zwiększenie ilości dopływających wód spowodowało także utrudnienia w ich odpompowywaniu istniejącym systemem odwadniania kopalni i zrzutu do kanału powierzchniowego w rejonie szybu Paweł KWK Saturn. W pracy scharakteryzowano przyczyny stwierdzonych zmian. Mają one charakter naturalny związany z istotnymi zmianami warunków jego zasilania z opadów atmosferycznych na przełomie czerwca i lipca 1997 r. Istotną rolę odegrały także czynniki antropogeniczne, tj. prowadzone na dużą skalę roboty inżynieryjne w obszarze jego zasilania. W ich wyniku odsłonięto na bezpośrednią infiltrację około 170 000 m2 węglanowych utworów triasu. Wykonano także głębokie wykopy pod kolektory burzowy i ściekowy. Ułatwiło to infiltrację znacznych ilości wód opadowych.
Waters inflowing to the eastern crosscut of the "Saturn" hard coal mine (210 meters level) have been exploited as potable since 1978. The main recharge for this intake comes from the area where mining activity ruptured an impermeable layer which separated Triassic and Carboniferous water horizons. Since the beginning of July, 1997 significant changes in the volume and quality of waters have been observed which influenced the operation of the intake. Declining water quality affected the supply of potable water to the Department of Sanitary Engineering in Będzin. Increasing amounts of inflowing waters caused problems with their removal with the existing mine dewatering system and transfer to surficial canal in the vicinity of the "Paweł" shaft of the mine. The paper characterizes the reasons of observed changes. The reasons are natural and are related to the essential changes in recharge conditions by meteoric waters at the break of June and July, 1997. Important role has been also played by anthropogenic factors i.e. large-scale engineering activity in the recharge area which resulted in the exposure of about 170,000 square meters of Triassic carbonates to direct infiltration. Moreover, deep excavations have been made for the main storm and sewage drains. As a result, inflitration of a large volume of meteoric waters has been facilitated.
On-site wastewater treatment plants are designed to provide individual treatment of household wastewater to standards similar to those provided by municipal waste water treatment plants. In areas lacking sewage systems, they are an ecological alternative to septic tanks, but their correct functioning is determined by several factors, in particular sufficient infiltration parameters of soils and appropriate distance to the groundwater table. Failure to meet the above requirements may lead to disturbances in their functioning resulting in overflowing and, ultimately, pollution of surrounding soil and aquatic environment. This article shows a case study of groundwater pollution from sewage in a commune where over 400 on-site sewage treatment facilities were installed, funded from the EU programmes. During research conducted by the intervention team of the Polish Hydrogeological Survey it was found that the area of investment is characterized by low filtration parameters, and depth to the water table in many cases is limited and does not provide adequate filtration. Impact of the investment on the groundwater quality was demonstrated by analytical studies investigating the presence of microbial agents and pharmaceuticals.
This article presents the results of a pilot study on the content ofpharmaceuticals and hormones in groundwater samples taken from the national groundwater monitoring network of the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute. Samples were collected during the surveillance monitoring of groundwater bodies in 2016 from selected 93 groundwater monitoring sites and analysedfor a total of 31 active substances. These active substances contained compounds from the following groups of drugs: natural and synthetic oestrogen hormones, cardiovascular and respiratory medications, analgesics and anti-inflammatories, antidepressants, antimicrobial drugs and anti-epileptics. The study confirmed the presence of pharmaceuticals in 63% of groundwater samples taken.
Applications of geophysical mapping to structural geology, prospecting and environment protection purposes are presented. Both classic and more advanced geophysical methods can be employed to enhance either regional, semi-detailed or detailed mapping of geological structures. In the case of regional and semi-detailed studies, gravity and magnetotelluric methods are supplementary to seismic, especially where significant screening and attenuating of seismic waves occur. Detailed investigations of environmental protection issues might include a wide range of geophysical methods, but in the case of investigation of groundwater pollution usually resistivity methods are applied. Examples of geophysical works performed by the PBG Geophysical Exploration Company illustrate these applications.
Istotą badań przedstawionych w artykule jest wykazanie zależności pomiędzy sezonowością zmian właściwości fizykochemicznych wód podziemnych oraz stopniem ich bakteriologicznego zanieczyszczenia w rejonie pienińskich pastwisk owiec. Do badań wytypowano 10 poligonów badawczych z 28 źródłami, które objęto systematycznymi badaniami okresowymi prowadzonymi na przełomie kwietnia i maja, w sierpniu oraz w grudniu 2012 r. Badania terenowe obejmowały pomiar temperatury wód podziemnych, pH, przewodności elektrolitycznej właściwej oraz stężenia związków azotowych, jak również pobór próbek wód do oznaczeń stężeń jonów głównych w wodzie i badań bakteriologicznych.
The objective of the research is to demonstrate the correlation between seasonal changes of the physicochemical properties of groundwater and the level of bacteriological pollution in the vicinity of sheep pastures. In order to test the research hypothesis, 10 research areas with 28 springs were selected that were systematically investigated during such periods: at the turn of April and May, August and December 2012. The seasonal field investigations included accurate measurements of groundwater temperature, water reaction, the electrical conductivity of water and the concentration of the nitrogen compounds. Water samples were collected in order to measure the concentrations of major ions and the bacteriological analyses.
The research was aimed at identifying groundwater contaminants in the inflow area of the Gdańsk intakes of “Czarny Dwór” and “Zaspa Wodna”, and determining their origin. The hydrochemical study covered an area of over 12 km2; it also included the vertical variation in the chemistry of the aquifer. The study shows that the most common parameters decreasing the water quality are typical municipal sewage components, communication pollutants and, locally at several locations, compounds derived probably from some industrial plants or service facilities.In most of the area, the poor groundwater quality in the upper part of the aquifer, caused by anthropogenic influence, does not affect the quality of water in the central and lower parts of the aquifer. However, the water is mixed near the intakes, because of the induced groundwater inflow from the entire vertical section to the active wells. Migration of VOC compounds, which are heavier than water and gradually sink toward the aquifer's bottom, occurs in a different way. Based on a hydrochemical model, a prognosis of the time and direction of contaminants migration has been made.
W latach 2004-2009 na terenie dystrybucji paliw przeprowadzono prace związane z oczyszczaniem środowiska gruntowo-wodnego, pozostawiając teren do samooczyszczania przy pomocy obecnych w gruncie mikroorganizmów. Jednocześnie przeprowadzano analizy wód dwa razy w roku. Wahania poziomu zwierciadła wody gruntowej spowodowały pionowe przemieszczanie się warstwy zanieczyszczeń, stanowiąc źródło wtórnego zanieczyszczenia ziemi frakcjami rozpuszczalnymi. Wyniki badań wód gruntowych wykazały przekroczone dopuszczalne stężenia BTEX oraz związków ropopochodnych, wskazując na słaby stan chemiczny badanych wód. Stwierdzono, że teren ten należy poddać remediacji polegającej na przeprowadzeniu zabiegów inżynieryjnych, takich jak oczyszczanie wód gruntowych, wentylacja ziemi, bioremediacja stymulowana powietrzem wraz z biostymulacją i bioaugmentacją środowiska gruntowo-wodnego.
Contents of Cd and Pb as well as C6-C12, C12-C35 hydrocarbon fractions and aromatic hydrocarbons in groundwater samples, taken from 4 boreholes, were detd. using at. emission spectrometry with excitation in induced plasma and gas chromatog., resp. Based on the anal. results, the quality classes of the tested water samples were detd. in accordance with sp. national legal regulations. Water samples from 2 drilling holes were highly polluted and addnl. technol. boreholes for pumping the polluted water, water treatment stations, pump systems as well as multifunctional boreholes for ventilation, aeration and biopreparations were recommended to protect the environment.
Landfill leachates (LFL) collected from Sfax (Tunisia) discharge area are characterized by high chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonium and salts contents. They constitute a source of phytotoxicity and pollution for ground water and surface water resources which requires an adequate treatment process. To evaluate the efficiency of the coagulation/flocculation treatment, special attention was paid to the effect of pH, coagulant and flocculant doses. Then, effect of zero valent iron was also studied alone and in combination with coagulation/flocculation pretreatment. Our results indicate high removal efficiencies by coagulation/flocculation (46% COD and 63% turbidity) and Fenton process (48% COD and 76% turbidity). The combined application of coagulation/flocculation and Fenton revealed higher COD removal (62%) and turbidity reduction (90%). These results showed the applicability of this combined treatment method for the degradation of organic compounds and reduction of the treated leachate toxicity.
Badania zawartości tri- (TCE) i tetrachloroetenu (PCE) w wodach podziemnych, ujmowanych na potrzeby zaopatrzenia ludności, na szeroką skalę rozpoczęły się w Polsce w 2008 r. i doprowadziły do ujawnienia zanieczyszczeń na wielu ujęciach w Bornem Sulinowie i Nowej Dębie. W artykule omówiono badania modelowe wykonane metodą rozwiązania zadania odwrotnego i autodopasowania parametrów na potrzeby określenia lokalnych kierunków przepływu, w warunkach niedostatecznego rozpoznania hydrogeologicznego, na przykładzie ujęcia w Bornem Sulinowie. Udało się tam z wystarczającą wiarygodnością odtworzyć warunki hydrogeologiczne i powiązać istniejące potencjalne ogniska zanieczyszczeń ze studniami, w których stwierdzono zanieczyszczenie. Zaprezentowano również metodę opróbowania wód podziemnych z wykorzystaniem techniki stożków gubionych zastosowaną w trakcie prac zrealizowanych w rejonie ujęcia w Nowej Dębie. Zastosowanie tej metody może znacznie obniżyć koszty i przyspieszyć prace, szczególnie w warunkach braku izolacji i jednorodnego wykształcenia warstwy wodonośnej. Autorzy mają nadzieję, że artykuł stanie się przyczynkiem do dyskusji na temat metodyki rozwiązywania problemów zanieczyszczeń tri- i tetrachloroetenem w warunkach polskich. The study of groundwater contamination by organic chlorine compounds on the example of intakes in Borne Sulinowo and Nowa Dęba.
Large-scale studies on the content of tri- (TCE) and tetrachloroethene (PCE) in groundwater that is used as drinking water supplies, have been conducted in Poland since 2008. As a result, TCE and PCE have been detected in numerous locations including water intakes in Borne Sulinowo and Nowa Dęba. This paper describes model tests on the example of the water intake in Borne Sulinowo, with use of an inverse task and parameters auto-adjustment methods in order to estimate local groundwater flow directions under the conditions of insufficient hydrogeological reconnaissance. The methods enabled reliable reconstruction of hydrogeological conditions as well as defining relations between potential contamination sources and contaminated water intakes. Additionally, the lost cone drilling method used for groundwater sampling is presented on the example of field work conducted in the area of Nowa Dęba water intake. The above-mentioned method significantly reduces costs and time related to field work, particularly in the areas where the aquifer is unconfined and has a homogeneous structure. The authors hope that this paper will trigger off the discussion on the methods of dealing with tri- and tetrachloroethene contamination in Poland.
Protection of groundwater intended for human consumption has a transcendental importance in Europe. Its protection is arranged mainly by the establishment of groundwater source protection areas. In this paper, twelve methods selected as the most appropriate for granular porosity aquifers will be analysed, comparing results of their application to four catchments in a detritic aquifer located in the Duero river basin, northwestern Spain, for 1 day, 50 days, 4 years and 25 years travel time. Results obtained by other methods that do not consider travel time, will also be evaluated. Results from mathematic simulation made with VisualMODFLOW and VisualMODPATH codes will be used as reference for cartographic overlap of the protection areas. Comparison of results obtained with the different methods shows that the error is small in zones delineated by 1 and 50 days travel time, and that it increases for the furthest zone (usually of several years travel time). This analysis will allow to establish differences between methods and to estimate their accuracy for different hydrogeological conditions, so it might guide selection of the most suitable ones in any area with similar characteristics.
Ochrona wód podziemnych przeznaczonych do picia ma największe znaczenie w Europie. Jest ona organizowana głównie przez ustanawianie obszarów ochrony formowania się zasobów wód podziemnych. W artykule przeanalizowano 12 wybranych metod oceny czasu przepływu wód podziemnych dla t = 1 dzień, 50 dni, 4 lata i 25 lat w porowym ośrodku skalnym, porównując wyniki obliczeń wykonanych dla 4 ujęć znajdujących się w zlewni rzeki Duero w północno-zachodniej Hiszpanii. Oceniono również wyniki uzyskane innymi metodami, które nie pozwalają na ocenę czasu przepływu wody. Wyniki matematycznej symulacji przepływu z wykorzystaniem programów VisualMODFLOW i VisualMODPATH posłużyły jako odniesienie do kartograficznego odwzorowania obszarów ochronnych. Wyniki badań wykonanych różnymi metodami wskazują, że małe błędy występują przy ocenie zasięgu przepływu wód dla czasu od 1 do 50 dni, lecz wyraźnie zwiększają się przy dalszych zasięgach przepływu, zwykle dla czasu wynoszącego ponad kilka lat. Przeprowadzone analizy pozwalają ocenić różnice między stosowanymi metodami obliczeń i określić ich dokładność dla różnych warunków hydrogeologicznych, co umożliwia wybór najwłaściwszej metody badań dla dowolnego obszaru o podobnej charakterystyce.
Przedstawiono wyniki doświadczenia wazonowego i lizymetrycznego z uprawą miscanta olbrzymiego (Miscanthus giganteus L.) w różnych wariantach nawozowych i nawodnieniowych. Okreslono wielkość plonów, bilans składników nawozowych (NUE) oraz wielkość stężeń nutrientów w odciekach lizymetrycznych.
Pot and lysimeter expts. were carried out with Miscanthus giganteus in 3 fertilizing and irrigation variants. The yields, balance of fertilizer components (NUE) and nutrient concns. in lysimeter leachate were detd. The calcd. NUE balances showed significant losses of fertilizer components of 28.5–49.2%, 10.5–32.4% and 35.2–44.0% for N, P and K, resp.
Groundwater is a vital resource that provides drinking water to over half of the world's population. However, groundwater contamination has become a serious issue due to human activities such as industrialization, agriculture, and improper waste disposal. The impacts of groundwater contamination can be severe, including health risks, environmental damage, and economic losses. A list of unknown groundwater contamination sources has been developed for the Wang-Tien landfill using a groundwater modeling system (GMS). Further, AI-based models have been developed which accurately predict the contamination from the sources at this site. A serious complication with most previous studies using artificial neural networks (ANN) for contamination source identification has been the large size of the neural networks. We have designed the ANN models which use three different ways of presenting inputs that are categorized by hierarchical K-means clustering. Such an implementation reduces the overall complexity of the model along with high accuracy. The predictive capability of developed models was assessed using performance indices and compared with the ANN models. The results show that the hybrid model of hierarchical K-means clustering and ANN model (HCA-ANN) is a highly accurate model for identifying pollution sources in contaminated water.
1.1. Cel pracy badawczej Proces migracji zanieczyszczeń w warstwie wodonośnej jest obecnie przedmiotem wielu badań. Zagadnienie to jest aktualne z uwagi na realną możliwość zanieczyszczenia wód podziemnych przez szereg ognisk zanieczyszczeń, takich jak nieodpowiednio zabezpieczone składowiska odpadów, nieprawidłowo nawożone pola uprawne czy wylewiska rożnego rodzaju ścieków. Zanieczyszczenia, po przesączeniu się przez strefę aeracji, dostają się do strumienia wód podziemnych, powodując często niekorzystne zmiany składu fizyczno-chemicznego wód (rys. 1.1). Istotne jest zatem rozpoznanie sposobu przemieszczania się rożnych substancji zanieczyszczających w warstwie wodonośnej oraz rozpoznanie możliwości ich usuwania lub rozcieńczania. Do prognozowania migracji zanieczyszczeń stosuje się obecnie w hydrogeologii rozwiązania analityczne oraz metody symulacji komputerowych. Zarówno rozwiązanie równań analitycznych, jak i przeprowadzenie modelowania procesów migracji metodami numerycznymi wymaga zdefiniowania warunków granicznych (brzegowych i początkowych) oraz znajomości parametrów. Celem podjętej pracy było wypracowanie metody, pozwalającej na identyfikację, czyli wyznaczanie wartości, parametrów migracji potrzebnych do prognozowania przemieszczania się zanieczyszczeń w porowatym ośrodku hydrogeologicznym. W trakcie przeprowadzonych badań uwzględniono parametry występujące w ma tematycznym opisie takich procesów, jak: adwekcja, dyfuzja, dyspersja oraz sorpcja (Kleczkowski (red.), 1984; Małecki i in., 2006; Visual MODFLOW..., 2002): a) parametry przenoszenia adwekcyjnego (konwekcyjnego): – współczynnik filtracji k, – współczynnik porowatości całkowitej n i współczynnik porowatości aktywnej na, – współczynnik sprężystej pojemności wodnej Ss i współczynnik grawitacyjnej pojemności wodnej Sy, b) parametry dyfuzji i dyspersji hydrodynamicznej: – stała dyspersji α, – współczynnik dyspersji całkowitej D, – współczynnik dyfuzji molekularnej DM, c) parametry sorpcji: – stała podziału K, – współczynnik opóźnienia R. 1.2. Zakres badań W badaniach migracji substancji w ośrodku hydrogeologicznym można obserwować istniejące ognisko zanieczyszczeń lub przeprowadzić zaplanowany eksperyment. Należy jednak mieć na uwadze fakt, że przy wyznaczaniu parametrów migracji znaczenie ma skala badań: skala regionalna, skala lokalna (hydrowęzła) lub skala próbki (laboratoryjna). W ramach niniejszej pracy zdecydowano się na wypracowanie metody identyfikacji parametrów migracji na podstawie zaplanowanej serii eksperymentów przeprowadzonych w skali laboratoryjnej. Przy wyborze skali badań kierowano się następującymi względami: – początkowy etap badań, – możliwość dobrego rozpoznania składników bilansu przepływu i koncentracji znacznika, – zebranie danych do zaplanowania eksperymentu w większej skali, – relatywnie niski koszt badań, – stosunkowo krótki czas badań. W pierwszym etapie badań przeprowadzono osiemnaście doświadczeń laboratoryjnych na aparacie nazwanym sorpcjometrem kolumnowym SK-2000 (Marciniak i in., 2001). Doświadczenia obejmowały badania migracji wybranych substancji przez próbki gruntu. Badania laboratoryjne przeprowadzono na trzech rodzajach naturalnych gruntów, zróżnicowanych granulometrycznie, przy użyciu trzech rożnych roztworów, z których każdy zawierał wybrane jony pełniące funkcję znaczników (rys. 1.2). W wyniku eksperymentów uzyskano krzywe przejścia znacznika idealnego (znacznika ulegającego procesom adwekcyjno-dyspersyjnym) i znaczników sorbowanych (znaczników ulegających procesom adwekcyjno-dyspersyjnym i sorpcji). Zarejestrowane doświadczalnie krzywe przejścia znaczników przez grunty były następnie przedmiotem interpretacji, przeprowadzonej metodą numeryczną. W programach Visual MODFLOW Pro v.3.1 i MT3D99 skonstruowano modele, odtwarzające geometrię próbki gruntu i warunki z doświadczeń laboratoryjnych. W wyniku kalibracji modeli numerycznych uzyskano wartości parametrów dyspersji hydrodynamicznej i parametrów sorpcji. W celu weryfikacji otrzymanych wartości parametrów dodatkowo przeprowadzono sprawdzające obliczenia analityczne. Punktem wyjścia do obliczeń były uzyskane w doświadczeniach laboratoryjnych krzywe przejścia.
The aim of research work The process of pollutants migration in an aquifer has been investigated by a lot of research. The issue is an object of current interest because of the possibility of the groundwater pollution coming from many pollution sources, such as inappropriately secured landfills, improperly fertilized farmland or places for spillage communal and industrial wastewaters (Fig. 1.1). The pollutants cause unfavourable changes of water quality. Therefore, it is important to recognize the way the pollutants migrate in an aquifer and to identify the possibilities of their removal or dilution. To predict how the pollutants migrate analytical solutions and computer simulation methods are used in hydrogeology. However, both solving analytical equations and conducting of the migration process modelling by numerical methods require, apart from defining the boundary and initial conditions, the knowledge of hydrogeological parameter values. The aim of the research was to work out a method, which would allow identifying the hydrogeological parameters of water filtration and pollutants migration (achieving the parameter values) required to predict the pollutants transport in a groundwater porous medium. During the research the parameters appearing in a mathematical description of such processes as advection, dispersion and sorption were taken into account. The scope of research The research procedure included two basic stages. First the planned sequences of column experiments in laboratory conditions were conducted. The eighteen identification experiments were done by means of an apparatus called a column sorptiometer SK-2000 (Fig. 3.1, Phot. 3.2–3.3). The experiments involved the exploration of chosen substances migration through the ground samples (40 mm wide and 100mmhigh). The experiments were carried out with three kinds of natural grounds (coarse sand, semi-coarse sand and fine sand) for three types of solutions (Fig. 1.2– see below), all of which included selected ions performing as tracers. Chloride ions were used as a conservative tracer undergoing advection and dispersion processes. Lithium ions and ammonium ions were treated as the sorbed tracers undergoing advection, dispersion and sorption processes. For each of the tracers a continuous injection and a short injection of solution were applied (Fig. 2.11, Fig. 2.13). As a result of these experiments the jump and the impulse breakthrough curves of the tracer were accordingly registered. In all 18 breakthrough curves were registered (Fig. 4.3–4.18). In the course of the experiments selected parameters as a pHvalue, a temperature and a flow rate were monitored. After completing the laboratory research, in the second stage of work the registered breakthrough curves were interpreted by the numerical method. The eighteen numerical models of the filtration column were constructed by means of Visual MODFLOW Pro v.3.1 and MT3D99 programs. Each experiment had a separate model, which reflected the geometry of a ground sample in a 1:1 scale and simulated the conditions of the laboratory experiment (Fig. 5.2–5.3). The hydrodynamic parameters’ values were examined on the basis of the measurements taken during laboratory research as well as on the basis of figures resulting from porosimetric research. The migration parameters’ values were searched in the process of individual model calibration. The calibration of the model was carried out by comparing the calculated breakthrough curves to experimental ones (Fig. 5.5). The calibration process was carried out by applying the consecutive approximation method until the assumed compatibility criteria were met. As the result of the applied investigation procedure, hydrodynamic dispersion and sorption parameters were determined (Tab. 5.8–5.10). Calibration correctness was proved by additional analytical calculations, which enabled estimating hydrogeological parameters’ values (Fig. 5.8). The research results As the result of the laboratory and model research, the method that allows identifying the chosen migration parameters necessary for predicting the pollutants transport in a groundwater porous medium has been worked out. The research procedure presented in the paper concerns the identification experiments carried out in laboratory conditions and enables obtaining parameters’ values in the laboratory scale. As the result of numerical model calibration a longitudinal dispersivity value αL (for a sample scale) and a distribution coefficient Kd for a linear sorption isotherm were obtained. The hypothesis of the possibility of identifying pollutants migration parameters in a well and medium permeable porous medium by the method of the column experiment modelling was proved. The identification method shown in this work has its limitations, which result from the assumed advection dispersion and sorption scheme of migration process. In the course of the research it was confirmed that the reliability of the obtained results is strongly dependent on recognizing the processes occurring during ions migration through a given medium as well as on determining precisely the parameter values measured in an identification experiment. During numerical model calibration the particularly big influence of the permeability coefficient k and the effective porosity na values on the obtained result was registered. On the basis of the research done on the identification of pollutants migration parameters in a groundwater porous medium, the following practical conclusions can be drawn: – The application of 3-D numerical solutions enables simulating spatial character of examining migration processes and it allows avoiding excessively complicated analytical solutions. – Making use of the obtained research results for predicting migration processes in a bigger scale requires recalculating parameters’ values onto a forecast model scale. On the basis of the research one may expect that the presented identification procedure can be also applied when the identification experiments are car- ried out in outdoor conditions, i.e. in a local or even regional scale. The numerical model can refer to the selected fragment of the research area, maintaining its representativeness, with no necessity of changing a scale. The parameters’ values determined by a numerical model can be entered into a proper forecast model, designed in the same computer program. Further research will be carried out towards the possibility of using the developed method for identifying selected migration parameters in a local scale, better recognition of the conditions of an identification experiment as well as the algorythmization of a model calibration process.
High-resolution measurements of rainfall, water level, pH, conductivity, temperature, [K⁺], [NO₃⁻] and [Ca²⁺] of the Landiantang epikarst spring at Nongla, Mashan County in Guangxi Province, China were recorded by using data loggers with a time interval of fifteen minutes. The results showed that the pH of the Landiantang Spring dropped and the conductivity fell as well. As Ca²⁺, Mg²⁺ and HCO₃⁻ were the dominant ions, the linear relationships between conductivity and those ions were developed to calculate variations in SIC, SID and LogPCO2 of the spring during rainfalls. The LogPCO2 of Landiantang Spring during rainfalls was lower than that at lower flows, and its SIC and SID also were lower. It can be figured out that the dilution of precipitation controls the hydrochemical variations of Landiantang Spring during rainfall, and the water-rock-gas interactions control the hydrochemical variations of the spring at the usual time. The process of water-rockgas is universal to Landiantang Spring because after rainfall, gas with high CO₂ concentration dissolves in water flowing as spring, which in turn becomes more highly undersaturated, dissolves more dolomite to make up for the effect of precipitation dilution, and the conductivity renews slowly after rainfall. However, to explain the hydrological and chemical changes, the dilution of precipitation may be more important during rainfall, because it is the key process to controlling the chemical evolutions of the spring. The [K⁺] and [NO₃⁻] rise rapidly as the [Ca²⁺] falls during rainfall. Therefore, an important conclusion is hypothesized that the restricted growth of plants in karst regions is possibly caused not only by the low labile trace elements in soil, but also by the loss of these nutritional elements in the ecosystem. Moreover, fertilizers, for example, can also be brought away through the epikarst zone by flowing water due to high fissure and permeability of the epikarst zone, which will contaminate epikarst spring and groundwater, and may produce serious environmental problems. Thus, how to develop effective solutions to karst water-related environmental challenges will become the primary study of karst aquifers and water resources in the future.
Seen in the light of increasing anthropogenic impacts on the environment and a growing demand for potable water, pollution of groundwater is a very important issue, especially in large city areas. The present research includes analyses ofthe chemical composition at 109 measuring points in the Wrocław area, and of the spatial distribution of groundwater components with regard to land use, geological structure and hydrogeological conditions. Based on spatial analyses, it has been noted that changes depend mainly on land use and the kind of activity carried out in close proximity of water intake. Shallow groundwater in Wrocław is characterised by a great variability of main components. Factor analysis has made it possible to distinguish these components and determine the degree of their influence on the chemical composition of shallow groundwater in the entire study area. The current research demonstrates the high sensitivity of aquifers to pollution and emphasises the role of human activity in levels of groundwater pollution in urban areas.
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