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The ground-penetrating radar (GPR) method has been used for many years in archaeological research. However, this method is still not widely used in studies of past architecture. The biggest problem with the implementation of the GPR method at such sites is usually connected with extensive debris layers, plant cover and standing relics of walls and other features that restrict the available measurement area. Despite of these, properly performed GPR surveys, even on a small area, can yield significant information concerning underground architectural relicts. Moreover, the results of GPR profiling integrated with historical and archeological data allow for three-dimensional reconstruction of the examined architectural monuments and in the next step, they track architectural transformations. Relics of the Romanesque St. Peter monastery, located in the northern part of the Island of Rab, is a good example of the successful GPR survey. Results of the performed geophysical reconnaissance in conjunction with the query of archival materials made it possible to visualize a spatial (3D) appearance of three main phases of the site architectural development, despite a very limited area available for geophysical survey. According to the authors, such a comprehensive approach should be a standard in contemporary geophysical research focused on relics of the past architecture.
Sand dunes are the most prominent subjects of geological and geomorphological interest along the Curonian Spit - a mega-barrier that separates the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea. To date, an assessment of various parameters of migrating dunes along the spit has been based on comparative analysis of old maps or aerial and satellite images, as well as geodetic measurements. These investigations have allowed assessment of dune dynamics over a relatively short historical period (~1700s to present). The most recent detailed investigations of the Dead (Grey) Dunes along the Lithuanian part of the spit using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and magnetic susceptibility (MS) surveys, supported by a radiocarbon (14C) chronological framework of palaeosols and infrared optically stimulated luminescence (IR-OSL) ages of sand horizons, have advanced our understanding of aeolian landscape evolution. The interpretation of dune activity and stability phases has been generally based on IR-OSL dating results of the sand layers located between radiocarbon-dated palaeosols. However, the influence of soil-forming processes on the IR-OSL dating results related to possible migration of natural radioactive isotopes via aeolian sand layers has not been previously considered. Hypotheses of dune reactivation and migration caused by abrupt regional climate shifts, catastrophic forest fires, anthropogenic influence, and more local forcings have been tested. An integrated approach to dune investigations has offered an estimate of the rates of sand accumulation and key phases of aeolian dynamics during both stormy and calm periods, as well as helped to extend the record of dune evolution to the mid-Holocene. The palaeoenvironmental and palaeodynamic reconstructions of the Dead Dunes suggest that this mid-Holocene phase of dune activity was of a local character and likely did not exceed several centuries.
The article presents application of the new geophysical amplitude data comparison method (ADCM), resulting from integrated geophysical survey using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and magnetometry. The ADCM was applied to recognize the horizontal and vertical stratigraphy of a Roman senatorial villa located in Santa Marina (western part of Croatian Istria). The measurements were carried out in 2017−2019 at this site, accompanied by a use of GPR and gradientometer. These two methods significantly differ from each other, but on the other hand, they are complementary to some extent. This is due to the fact that the methods register different types of underground materials. The GPR records electromagnetic waves reflected from real buried remains or boundaries between geological or archaeological layers that differ significantly in electrical properties. The magnetic method, in turn, records the anomalies of the magnetic field intensity resulting from the underground concentration of ferromagnetic minerals, hence it is ideal for searching structures filled with organic matter or burning material. However, a separate usage of these methods does not guarantee a full picture of archaeological structures that are preserved underground. Only the application of the ADCM allowed for a comparison of GPR and magnetic amplitude data reading, following which a spatial image (2D and 3D) of the preserved archaeological structures and the geological stratigraphy of the Santa Maria site were obtained.
In 2019, new research was initiated at two archaeological sites located on the Ropa River, in Gorlice County, in the southeastern part of Małopolska Province. The first site was the Castle Hill in Biecz, and the second one was the fortified stronghold in Kobylanka. The research consisted of three stages. Firstly, extensive archival and library queries were conducted in order to gather basic information about both sites. Secondly, surface research was performed in order to collect any movable monuments. During the third stage, a reconnaissance by means of GPR, electrical resistivity imaging and geo-magnetic survey was carried out. These provided plenty of new valuable information on the spatial layout of both sites. In the case of the Castle Hill, the analysis of the discovered anomalies allowed for the interpretation of some of the finds as remnants of the brick elements of the castle, e.g. the tower, which corresponds with the plan from 1877. The results of the analyses of the anomalies from the fortified stronghold in Kobylanka, with its ramparts made of stone and earth as well as inner circular housing, were far more ambiguous. Its chronology may date back to the early Middle Ages
The paper presents results of a geophysical survey conducted in Crikvenica, a town located at the north-eastern Adriatic Sea coast in Croatia. The main aim was to identify extent of a Roman pottery workshop discovered to the north of the present town, at the site known as “Igralište”. The performed magnetic and GPR surveys within the area of the modern playground in Crikvenica revealed a large number of anomalies that may be connected with anthropogenic activity during different periods, both in modern and ancient times. The first group consists of anomalies generated by remnants of the modern underground infrastructure. Magnetic and ground-penetrating radar maps revealed anomalies in the north-western part of the modern playground that can be very likely interpreted as remains of a large ceramic kiln dated back to the Roman Period, similar to the kiln discovered during the excavations located further to the north. Finally, the survey performed within the Crikvenica football stadium clearly indicates that the integration of different Ground Penetrating Radar and magnetic methods allows for a detailed and effective identification of buried archaeological structures in large areas.
Content available remote Przykłady zastosowania GPR do badań na lotniskach
Badania GPR wykonano dla potrzeb rozbudowy portu lotniczego „Fryderyk Chopin” na Okęciu w Warszawie. Na lotnisku istniały: stare i nowe nawierzchnie. Profilowania GPR prowadzone były po wybranych liniach. Dla potrzeb badań, w nawierzchniach lotniska, zostały wykonane wiercenia rdzeniowane i wiercenia rdzeniowane w gruntach. Geologiczną interpretację danych GPR wykonano na podstawie danych z wierceń. Opracowano 6 modeli GPR dla badanych nawierzchni lotniska. Wyniki badań każdej linii przekrojowej GPR były porównywane z rezultatami badań HWD. Stwierdzono, że zastosowanie nieniszczącej metody GPR do monitoringu nawierzchni lotnisk powoduje: redukcję ilości wierceń w nawierzchniach, minimalizacje przerwy w ruchu samolotów, szybki i efektywny monitoring stan nawierzchni lotnisk.
The GPR tests were carried out for the needs of the expansion of the "Fryderyk Chopin" airport in Okęcie in Warsaw. There were old and new surfaces at the airport. USAR profiling was conducted on selected lines. For the purposes of the research, core drillings and ground core drillings were performed in the airport pavements. The geological interpretation of the GPR data was made on the basis of drilling data. Six GPR models were developed for the tested airport pavements. The results of each USAR cross-sectional line were compared with the results of the HWD study. It was found that the use of the non-destructive GPR method for monitoring airport pavements causes: reduction of the number of drilling in pavements, minimization of interruption in aircraft traffic, quick and effective monitoring of the condition of airport pavements.
Content available Kryminalistyczne aspekty poszukiwania zwłok
Artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu poszukiwania zwłok ludzkich. Poszukiwania takie prowadzi się w przypadku podejrzenia popełniania zabójstwa, samobójstwa lub też niewyjaśnionego zaginięcia osoby, kiedy z okoliczności sprawy wynika, że osoba najprawdopodobniej nie żyje. Opisane zostały następujące metody poszukiwań: użycie psa specjalistycznego, metoda georadarowa, metoda fosforanowa, metoda sonarowa, metoda wykopów kontrolnych, metody poszukiwań w wodzie. Omówiono zagadnienie profilowania sprawców zabójstw, bowiem sposób postępowania ze zwłokami oraz miejsce ich ukrycia stanowią istotne wskazówki wykrywcze oraz dowodowe. Przedstawione zostały także aspekty związane ze współpracą interdyscyplinarną w przypadku niewyjaśnionych spraw, w których istnieje podejrzenie popełnienia zabójstwa, chociaż nie udało się ujawnić zwłok, takie jak współpraca z profilerem, a także z biegłymi z różnych dziedzin nauki.
This article focuses on the topie of searching for human corpses. Such searches are conducted when murder, suicide or unexplained disappearance is suspected, with the circumstances of the case indicating that the person is probably dead. The following search methods are described: use of a specially trained dog, ground-penetrating radar method, phosphate method, sonar method, test excavation method, water search methods. The profiling of murder perpetrators is also discussed sińce the way the corpse is treated and the site at which it is concealed are valuable tips for the detection and collection of evidence. Presented are also aspects of interdisciplinary cooperation in unexplained cases in which murder is suspected but the corpse has not been discovered, such as cooperation with profiler and experts in different scientific disciplines.
The purpose of this paper was to analyze the effect of detailed recognition and correct mapping of the boundaries between layers of different grain sizes on the results of modelling tests of the vadose zone. The modelling was performed using UnSat Suite software that enables modelling of water permeability and migration ofpollutants through the vadose zone using various numerical programs, including VS2DT that was used in this case study. Directfield research, including drilling of boreholes and ground-penetrating radar investigation, has shown a significant variation in lithology of the vadose zone in a small test area located in Włocławek city. Various sand fractions have been found: from fine to coarse sand, with varying filtration parameters and moisture content. Ground-penetrating radar investigations have enabled a more accurate recognition and refinement ofgeologic structures, particularly in the context oflithological boundaries, including the space between boreholes. The results of the modelling tests conducted in the vadose zone enabled determination of the velocity, time and volume of infiltration water.
Content available remote Location of agate geodes in Permian deposits of Simota gully using the GPR
The article describes the establishment of the location of agate geodes using the GPR method in the area of the Simota gully (Lesser Poland Voivodeship). Agates (a multicolored variety of gemstone of chalcedony group) have multifaceted values that informed their study. Traditional methods of geode location are less reliable, hence the attempt to use the GPR method. Measurements were taken at two study test sites with subsurface geology of weathered melaphyre and pyroclastic deposits using a GPR system (ProEx). A high-frequency antenna (1.6 GHz) was used along with the pre-established profles of lengths of 6-m and 10-cm intervals. Furthermore, simple soil tests using the soil sampler tool were made prior to the GPR measurement. The GPR results show signifcant high attenuation of the electromagnetic energy interpreted to be due to clay components of the regolith. Advanced signal processing procedures (such as the attribute of the signal) were used on the data for better enhancement that aided interpretation. Other anomalies depicted on the radargrams were thought to be the presence of roots, pieces of melaphyres-targeted agates. Furtherance to ascertain the refection coefcients as recorded on the GPR data, in situ samples (root pieces, melaphyres, agates) taken were tested in the laboratory for electric permittivity property. Based on the interpretation results, several agate geodes were dug out from the ground.
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surveys and sedimentological outcrop analyses were combined in order to determine the reflection patterns and internal architecture of terrace deposits of the Vistula River at Kępa Zawadowska in the southern part of Warsaw (central Poland). The sedimentary analyses concerned the granulometric composition and lithofacies analysis. The 34 GPR profiles, which were obtained in two outcrops, using a Malå RAMAC/GPR system with 500-MHz and 250-MHz shielded antennas, were up to 100 m long. The most characteristic ground-penetrating radar profiles are presented; they show a high-resolution data set of radar facies. The GPR data suggest the presence of three geophysically different units, namely with high-angle inclined reflections (radar facies 1), with discontinuous undulating or trough-shaped reflections (radar facies 2), and with low-angle reflections (radar facies 3). The internal structure of the fluvial deposits was obtained by integration of the GPR and sedimentological data, which combination provides a more accurate visualisation of sedimentary units than do reconstructions that are based only on standard lithologic point data.
Celem pierwszych nieinwazyjnych badań – pomiarówgeofizycznych i skanowań laserowych w techniceLIDAR – przeprowadzonych wewnątrz kościoła wileńskiegobyło wstępne rozpoznanie struktury podziemii ich powiązanie z częścią nadziemną. Wykonanieponad 200 profilowań w obrębie kilku poligonów pomiarowycho zróżnicowanych rozmiarach i lokalizacjipotwierdziło obecność dwukondygnacyjnych podziemi.Na całej przebadanej powierzchni, tuż poniżejposadzki, widoczne są liczne punktowe strefy wzmocnieniasygnału, które należy wiązać z posadowieniempłytek ceramicznej podłogi. Na poziomie około 0,5 mponiżej poziomu gruntu, w centralnej części kościołana uzyskanych obrazach GPR widoczny jest podział napoprzecznie rozdzielone segmenty, które odpowiadająprzejściu fali EM przez sklepienia centralnego pomieszczeniawspartego na filarach, które zadokumentowanoskaningiem laserowym w formie modelu 3D.
The objective of the first non-invasive research—ageophysical survey and laser scan using LIDAR technology—performed in the church in Vilnius was toinitially explore the underground structures and mapthem to the overground part of the building. Over200 profiles obtained in a few measuring polygons ofvarious sizes and locations confirmed the presenceof two-levelled crypts. On the entire surveyed surface,just below the floor surface, there are numerouspoints of signal amplification zones, which shouldbe associated with the fixing of ceramic floor tiles. Atapprox. 0.50 m below the ground level, in the centralpart of the church, the GPR images show a divisioninto transversely separated segments which correlatewith the passage of the EM wave through the vaultsof the central room supported by columns. It wasdocumented by laser scanning in the form of a 3Dmodel.
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