The seasonal dynamics of ozone concentration and air temperature for an open and a forest plots on Ecological Experimental Site (EES) was studied. The EES in Western Carpathians (Central Slovakia) is situated in submountain beech forest on 500 m a.s.l. in Kremnicke vrchy Mts. The measurements (passive method) were realized for 1999-2003 years. The mean monthly values of concentration of ground level ozone follow a natural course (range 34-60 [mi]g m^-3), with one or two peaks in the growing season. No significant difference between open area and forest stand was found. The daily critical limit of 65 [mi]g m^-3 was exceeded eight times. The exceeded values of the ozone concentration are influenced by climate factors, primarily air temperature. Long-range transport of pollutants influence them to greater extent that it was supposed initially. The annual mean ozone concentration corresponds to the situation in the whole Central-European region. The values measured in submountain beech beech forests were however lower compared to the industrial agglomerations.
The seasonal dynamics of ozone concentration and air temperature for an open and a forest plots on Ecological Experimental Site (EES) was studied. The EES in Western Carpathians (Central Slovakia) is situated in submountain beech forest on 500 m a.s.l. in Kremnické vrchy Mts. The measurements (passive method) were realized for 1999–2003 years. The mean monthly values of concentration of ground level ozone follow a natural course (range 34–60 μg m⁻³), with one or two peaks in the growing season. No significant difference between open area and forest stand was found. The daily critical limit of 65 μg m⁻³ was exceeded eight times. The exceeded values of the ozone concentration are influenced by climate factors, primarily air temperature. Longrange transport of pollutants influence them to greater extent that it was supposed initially. The annual mean ozone concentration corresponds to the situation in the whole Central-European region. The values measured in submountain beech forests were however lower compared to the industrial agglomerations.