The following article describes the results of experimental works connected with the possibility of limiting the adhesion of grinding products to the grinding wheel active surface, as a result of introducing an impregnate, in the form of sulphur or allotropic carbon variants, into the grinding wheel volume. The methods of sulphurizing, as well as impregnation with graphite and amorphous carbon, were described. The results of experimental tests conducted in the internal cylindrical reciprocal grinding process in Titanium Grade 2® alloy, using impregnated grinding wheels, were presented and compared to the results of grinding with a non-impregnated grinding wheel. What was also determined was the influence of the type of impregnate on the grinding wheel active surface stereometric features after the grinding process, especially the degree to which smearing with machined material chips occurred. Moreover, the influence of impregnation on the machined surface roughness was also estimated. The results of the conducted experiments indicate that application of the impregnate, in the form of graphite, allowed for a 10-fold reduction in the number of smeared areas in comparison with the non-impregnated grinding wheel.
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Przedstawiono wybrane rezultaty analizy składu pierwiastkowego na czynnej powierzchni ściernic impregnowanych węglem amorficznym po procesie szlifowania stopu Titanium Grade 2®, wykonanej z zastosowaniem spektroskopii dyspersji energii promieniowania rentgenowskiego (SEM-EDS). Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na skuteczne wprowadzenie impregnatu bezpośrednio do strefy styku aktywnych wierzchołków skrawających z materiałem obrabianym.
In the paper the selected results of analysis of the state of amorphous carbon treated grinding wheel active surface after grinding of Titanium Grade 2® using SEM-EDS technique were presented. The obtained results indicate the effective input of impregnating substance directly into the contact zone between abrasive grains and workpiece surface.
The manuscript focuses on an author’s original methods of ceramic grinding wheels impregnation. The authors developed 3 original methods of impregnation ceramic grinding wheels with sulphur, amorphous carbon and solid lubricants like molybdenum disulfide, graphite or hexagonal boron nitride. At the end the issue of evaluation of the application potential of developed grinding wheel impregnation methods were raised.
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W artykule przedstawiono krótko funkcje mediów chłodząco-smarujących w procesach szlifowania. Opisano najistotniejsze ograniczenia w skutecznym chłodzeniu i smarowaniu strefy obróbki w procesie szlifowania walcowych powierzchni wewnętrznych (głównie otworów). Na podstawie zdefiniowanych ograniczeń scharakteryzowano wybrane innowacyjne metody zapewniające zwiększenie efektywności chłodzenia i smarowania strefy szlifowania i w efekcie umożliwiające ograniczenie ich użycia przy jednoczesnym wydłużeniu okresu trwałości narzędzi.
The article briefly presents the functions of cooling lubricants in grinding processes. The most important limitations of the effective cooling and lubrication of the machining zone in the internal cylindrical grinding process are described. On the basis of the defined limitations, selected innovative methods of increasing the efficiency of the cooling and lubrication of the grinding zone are characterized. These methods enable reducing the use of coolants and at the same time extending the life of tools.
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