Data clustering is an important method used to discover naturally occurring structures in datasets. One of the most popular approaches is the grid-based concept of clustering algorithms. This kind of method is characterized by a fast processing time and it can also discover clusters of arbitrary shapes in datasets. These properties allow these methods to be used in many different applications. Researchers have created many versions of the clustering method using the grid-based approach. However, the key issue is the right choice of the number of grid cells. This paper proposes a novel grid-based algorithm which uses a method for an automatic determining of the number of grid cells. This method is based on the kdist function which computes the distance between each element of a dataset and its kth nearest neighbor. Experimental results have been obtained for several different datasets and they confirm a very good performance of the newly proposed method.
Free vibration of grid stiffened circular cylindrical shells is investigated based on the first Love’s approximation theory using Galerkin method. Full free edges are considered for boundary conditions. Anequivalent stiffness model (ESM) is used to develop the analytical solution of the grid stiffened circular cylindrical shell. The effect of helical stiffeners orientation and some of the geometric parameters of the structure have been shown. The accuracy of the analysis has been examined by comparing results with those available in the literature and finite element approach.
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Syntactic foam core composite sandwich structures are potential structural panels because of their high specific properties. The chief ingredient of a syntactic foam is dry fly ash cenospheres, which play a vital role in the mechanical properties of syntactic foam in relation to its volume fraction. In the present investigation, the concept of confining foam in the cells of a honeycomb grid structure was adopted to improve the mechanical properties of composite sandwich structural panels. Experimental investigations were carried out to evaluate the thermal stability and mechanical properties of a honeycomb grid stiffened syntactic foam core composite sandwich as per ASTM standards. The results of the investigations reveal that the syntactic foam confined in the hexagonal cells of the honeycomb grid structure considerably improves the mechanical properties by 20% to 180% than compared with syntactic foam core sandwich composites without a honeycomb grid structure. The cell walls of the honeycomb grid structure hinder the propagation of cracks under loading conditions. The damage tolerance capacity is attributed to the cell size of the honeycomb structure. Interfacial bonding of the constituent materials leads to improved mechanical properties.
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Przedstawiono badania i rezultaty, jakie otrzymano w wyniku kompresji / rekonstrukcji danych opisujących kształt powierzchni dna morskiego z wykorzystaniem bezstratnych metod kompresji. W celu znalezienia efektywnego rozwiązania dokonywano także przekształceń zbioru danych wejściowych poprzez ich reorganizację oraz zapis różnicowy. W wyniku badań zaproponowano bezstratną metodę kompresji danych opisujących kształt dna morskiego.
The author presents the results of experiments on compressing / decompressing the data describing sea-bottom structure by means of lossless compression based on LZ77 and PPM. In order to increase the compression ratio, the input data were transformed (reordered) and stored in a differential form. These data were then compressed in a standard way. The results lead to a proposition of a lossless compression method of sea-bottom data.
Analiza dotyczy struktur rusztowych oraz rusztów składających się od 1×1 do 10×10 krzyżujących się belek. Na podstawie obliczeń statycznych wyznaczono zużycie materiałów oraz ich koszt. Wykazano, że struktury rusztowe są bardziej ekonomiczne niż ruszty drewniane oraz dźwigary płaskie z drewna klejonego warstwowo.
The analysis concerns grid structures as well as grids consisting of 1×1 to 10×10 crossing beams. Basing on static calculations the magnitude of material consumption and its cost were assessed. It was demonstrated that grid structures are more economical than timber grids and flat girders of laminated wood.
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Współczesne systemy informacji o terenie (GIS) mogą przechowywać dane o numerycznym modelu terenu w zbiorach wykorzystujących struktury TIN lub GRID. Zastosowanie struktury GRID stwarza dodatkowe możliwości uporządkowania zapisu informacji. Wykorzystywany w tej strukturze zapis danych w postaci regularnej siatki kwadratów może zostać poddany kompresji, co stwarza możliwości redukcji wielkości plików potrzebnych do przechowywania żądanej informacji. W artykule przeanalizowano możliwości zastosowania kompresji typu RLE do redukcji wielkości zbiorów struktury typu GRID przechowujących informacje o numerycznym modelu terenu. Przeanalizowano również, w jaki sposób tego typu kompresja wpływa na dokładność numerycznego modelu terenu.
Contemporary land information systems (GIS) can store information on digital terrain models in sets using TIN or GRID structure. GRID structure application creates additional possibilities of organizing the information recording. The data recording applied in that structure in the form of a regular grid of squares can be subjected to compression, which allows reducing the size of files needed to store the required information. The paper presents the analysis of RLE type compression application possibilities for reducing GRID type structure sets storing information on the digital terrain model. The influence of that compression type on accuracy of the digital terrain model was analyzed.
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