La politica agricola comune, nelle diverse fasi di sviluppo, a partire da quella di organizzare i mercati agricoli, ha dovuto affrontare problemi diversi, non sempre connessi all’agricoltura. È stata costretta a soddisfare i requisiti in ambito di protezione ambientale, politica strutturale e sociale, benessere degli animali, politica energetica oppure tutela del clima. Al giorno d’oggi si possono osservare tre diversi metodi attraverso i quali si configura, dal punto di vista giuridico, il rapporto tra diritto agrario e materia giuridica non connessa all’agricoltura: separazione, relazione e integrazione.
Wspólna Polityka Rolna w trakcie swego rozwoju, począwszy od organizacji rynków rolnych, mierzyła się z wieloma różnymi, także pozarolniczymi problemami. Musiała odpowiadać wymogom ochrony środowiska, polityki strukturalnej i społecznej, dobrostanu zwierząt, polityki energetycznej lub ochrony klimatu. Współcześnie można dostrzec trzy metody, według których prawnie kształtowane są relacje między prawem rolnym a pozarolniczą materią prawną: separacja, powiązanie i integracja.
In the course of its development, starting with the organisation of agricultural markets, the Common Agricultural Policy has been confronted with many different, also non-agricultural problems. It had to respond to the requirements of environmental protection, structural and social policy, animal welfare, energy policy or climate protection. Nowadays, there are three different methods by which the relationship between agricultural law and non-agricultural legal issues is legally shaped: separation, connection and integration.
The article concerns the problems of the profitability of dairy farms, which according to classification of the Central Statistical Office, belong to the group of very small and small farms. Analysis of production and economic situation covers the years 2015-2020 and takes into account the changes in the regulations in terms of direct support for farms. Data from 94 farms, characterized by high specialisation in the production of milk, were used for the purpose. The study takes into account the volatility of milk prices and milk yield of cows, this in turn allowed to achieve distribution of agricultural income in each year of the analysis. The results show that small dairy farms in the coming period can expect an increase in farm income, but their level in half of the farms does not exceed the income parity. The risk of negative agricultural income refers to a small number of farms and the occurrence of this phenomenon is unlikely.
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