In his paper I examine influence of small gravitational torque on rotation of elongated triaxial bodies. The Hamiltonian of a body moving in central gravitational field separates on two parts: orbital movement about central body and a rotation around the body mass center. For the small bodies like asteroids the separation spin-orbit constant has rate 10-12 of total energy and orbital and rotational motion are almost independent. This way we may consider orbital motion as a known function of time or true anomaly. Using the Hamiltonian I found gravitational torque affecting triaxial body in quadruple approximation. The Euler-Liouville equation is a system of non-linear differential equations. Position of the body is described by six variables: vector R in inertial reference system and three Euler angle: φ, ψ and ϑ rigidly bounded to the principal axes of the body inertia tensor. The rotational motion is described by angular velocity (vector ω) or angular momentum vector L=Îω or Î=diag(Ix,Iy,Iz) or Î=Izdiag(a;b;1) denotes diagonal inertia tensor of the body) and three Euler angle. A numerical resolution of gravitationally disturbed Euler- Liouville equation is compared with the undisturbed one. This solution is well known as the Poinset solution of the free body rotation. Modelling of rotational motion is a great interest because its connections to astronomical measurements of asteroids physical properties. I found that direction of spin-vector of a rotating body in NPA state of motion changes markedly when forced by gravitational torque.
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This paper deals with the non-linear oscillation of a satellite in an elliptic orbit around the Earth under the influence of aerodynamic and gravitational torque. It is assumed that the orbital plane coincides with the equatorial plane of the Earth. Using Bogoliubov–Krylov–Mitropolsky (BKM) methods of nonlinear oscillations, it is observed that the amplitude of the oscillation remains constant up to the second order of approximation. Numerically time series, 2D and 3D phase spaces are plotted for Earth Moon system using Matlab. The existence of main and parametric resonance concludes the different frequency states which transit the motion from regular to an attractor that leads to chaotic state.
Artykuł poświęcony jest nieliniowej oscylacji satelity w eliptycznej orbicie wokół Ziemi pod wpływem grawitacji i aerodynamicznego momentu obrotowego. Przyjmuje się, że płaszczyzna orbity pokrywa się z płaszczyzną równikową Ziemi. Po zastosowaniu metody nieliniowych oscylacji Bogoliubova–Krylova–Mitropolsky’ego (BKM) obserwujemy, że amplituda oscylacji jest stała przy aproksymacji rzędu drugiego. Ilustracje szeregów czasowych w przestrzeni fazowej 2- i 3-wymiarowej wykonano z wykorzystaniem procedur zaimplementowanych w MatLabie. Istnienie głównej składowej rezonansu i składowych parametrycznych wyjaśnia chaotyczny charakter częstotliwości.
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