The Grammar Matrix project is a meta-grammar engineering framework expressed in Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) and Minimal Recursion Semantics (MRS). It automates grammar implementation and is thus a tool and a resource for linguistic hypothesis testing at scale. In this paper, we summarize how the Grammar Matrix grew in the last decade and describe how new additions to the system have made it possible to study interactions between analyses, both monolingually and cross-linguistically, at new levels of complexity.
Thispaperproposesaformalanalysisoftwodisplacementphenomenain Mandarin Chinese, namely inner topicalisation and focus fronting,capturing their correlational relationships with control and comple-mentation. It examines a range of relevant data, including corpus ex-amples, to derive empirical generalisations. Acceptability-judgmenttasks, followed by mixed-effects statistical models, were conductedto provide additional evidence. This paper presents a constraint-basedlexicalistproposalthatiscouchedintheframeworkofLexical-FunctionalGrammar(LFG).Thelexiconplaysanimportantroleinreg-ulatingthebehaviourofcomplementationverbsastheyparticipateinthedisplacementphenomena.Unlikepreviousanalysesthatcastinnertopicalisationandfocusfrontingasrestructuringphenomena,thislex-icalist proposal does not rely on hypothesised clause-size differences.Itcapturestheempiricalpropertiesmoreaccuratelyandaccountsfora wider range of empirical patterns. Adopting the formally explicitframework of LFG, this proposal uses constraints that have mathe-matical precision. The constraints are computationally implementedusing the grammar engineering tool Xerox Linguistic Environment,safeguardingtheirprecision.
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