W pracy przedstawiono algorytm wyznaczania maksymalnego przepływu wielo-towarowego w oparciu o algorytm Dinica wyznaczania maksymalnego przepływu jedno-towarowego. Algorytmem Dinica wyznaczono ścieżki i płynące nimi strumienie miedzy każda parą s-t. Idea zaprezentowanego algorytmu polega na umożliwieniu przepływu towarów krawędziami wchodzącymi w skład wyznaczonych ścieżek w sposób zrównoważony. Ograniczeniu podlegają jedynie strumienie o największych wartościach.
In this paper algorithm for maximum multi-commodity flow problem, which is based on Dinic's algorithm for maximum flow problem, is presented. Maximum flow is computed for each transported commodity between s-t vertices throughout the network graph using Dinic's algorithm. Each commodity could be transported by different flows moving throughout different paths. The idea of presented algorithm rely on balancing of all flows by using calculated current capacity for each edge in network.
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We calI a subset J of vertices of a digraph D as a (k, k-1) - kerneI of D, for a fixed k ≥ 2, if all distanees between vertices from J are at Ieast k and the distance from each vertex not belonging to J to the set J is at most k - 1. Some theorems concerning the existence of (k, k - 1) - kernels are proved. The resuIts generalize the well - known Riehardson theorem [9], which says: A digraph without odd circuits has a kernel.
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Fibered automata can be described by their transition diagrams, certain edge-labelled digraphs. We describe digraphs that are unlabelled transition diagrams of fibered automata.
The paper studies the possibilities to design a fair manifold tariff on a long traffic line. If a single tariff is used on a long bus or railway line, passengers travelling long distances are favoured at the expense of those travelling short distances. The fairest approach to tariff is setting an individual tariff for every origin–destination relation of line stops that expresses real travel costs. However, sometimes the individual tariff is too complicated and is therefore replaced by double-, triple- or manifold tariff. This paper shows how to design a manifold tariff in order to minimize unfairness to passengers.
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