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Content available remote A memory model for emotional decision-making agent in a game
Virtual characters are an important part of many modern computer games. This paper describes a graph-based memory system designed for artificial agents that also simulate simple emotions. The system was tested using virtual simulation environment and it showed many new and desirable AI behaviours. These behaviours include simple preferences, reactions based on bot’s opinion of a stimuli or improvement of bot’s ability to find objects to interact with.
tom Vol. 25
In our digital era, insider attacks are among the serious underresearched areas of the cybersecurity landscape. A significant type of insider attack is facilitated by employees without malicious intent. They are called unintentional perpetrators. We proposed mitigating these threats using a simulation-game platform to detect the potential attack vectors. This paper introduces and implements a scenario that demonstrates the usability of this approach in a case study. This work also helps to understand players' behavior when they are not told upfront that they will be a target of social engineering attacks. Furthermore, we provide relevant acquired observations for future research.
Content available remote Fun Retrospectives in Intel Technology Poland
One of the Agile principles is that the team should regularly reflect on"how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly". While the setup of a retrospective session is intuitive, in praxis, conducting successful retrospectives is challenging. This paper is a continuation of our previous work on the use collaborative games in addressing common retrospective problems. In addition to the replication of our previous action research in a new context, we aim to investigate whether preliminary anonymous idea generation mitigates negative social influences that have been identified as causes of poor performance of brainstorming. The obtained results confirms the previous findings that game-based retrospectives produces better results than the standard retrospective as well as improves participants' creativity, involvement, and communication. Our findings also suggest benefits to the preliminary anonymous idea generation.
tom 16
W artykule dokonano przeglądu zagadnień związanych z prawnoautorską ochroną programów i gier komputerowych. Zwrócono uwagę na pojęcie własności intelektualnej oraz na kwestie prawne wiążące się z zarządzaniem zbiorowymi prawami autorskimi i prawami pokrewnymi. Przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia związane z historią i rozwojem prawa autorskiego. Omówiono także historię gier komputerowych oraz zagadnienia związane ze statusem gry komputerowej w kontekście praw autorskich.
The article reviews issues related to the copyright protection of computer programs and games. Attention was paid to the concept of intellectual property and legal issues related to the management of collective copyrights and related rights. Selected issues related to the history and development of copyright are presented. The history of computer games and issues related to the status of a computer game in the context of copyright were also discussed.
Content available remote Visual rule editor for e-guide gamification web platform
Gamification is applied in different information systems to motivate the users and make their experience with the system richer and more engaging. Gamification employed in e-guides aims at enhancing the process of visiting a tourist attraction. Even though each tourist attraction is unique and requires an individual gamification scheme, similarities in the components and procedures used to develop such schemes led to the development of a generic e-guide gamification framework. One of its main principles is to store the gamification rules as a content separate from the engine to process them. This way, the rules can be easily edited by subject matter experts. This paper describes a visual rule editor developed to facilitate this process.
Curriculum enrichment principle is one of the approaches in education of mathematically gifted students. Usage of didactic computer games could be one of the possibilities of accomplishment.
Interactive multimedia simulations combined with computer game elements can be successfully applied as a new type of educational resources for teaching courses for Computing Science. This works describes the examples of game based interactive modules for learning basic concepts of some teaching units chapter in the course Computer Architecture and Organization. During designing and creation of the teaching unit for game based multimedia interactive module we used one of constructivist teaching methods – concept maps.
Multimedialny system symulacji w połączeniu z elementami gier komputerowych może być z powodzeniem stosowany jako nowy typ materiału do nauczania kursów Informatyki. Artykuł opisuje przykłady interaktywnych modułów do nauki podstawowych pojęć architektury komputerów. Do projektowania i utworzenia jednostki nauczania gry użyto jednej z metod nauczania - mapy koncepcji.
Content available remote 15 Years Later: A Historic Look Back at "Quake 3: Ray Traced"
Real-time ray tracing has been a goal and a challenge in the graphics field for many decades. With recent advances in the hardware and software domains, this is becoming a reality today. In this work, we describe how we got to this point by taking a look back at one of the first fully ray traced games:``Quake 3: Ray Traced''. We provide insight into the development steps of the project with unreleased internal details and images. From a historical perspective, we look at the challenges pioneering in this area in the year 2004 and highlight the learnings in implementing the system, many of which are relevant today. We start by going from a blank screen to the full ray traced gaming experience with dynamic animations, lighting, rendered special effects and a simplistic implementation of the gameplay with basic AI enemies. We describe the challenges encountered with aliasing and the methods used to alleviate it. Lastly, we describe for the first time the unofficial continuation of the project, code named``Quake 3: Team Arena Ray Traced'', and provide an overview of the changes over the past 15 years that made it possible to generate fully ray-traced interactive gaming experiences with mass market hardware and an open software stack.
In computer games, dynamic difficulty adjustment (DDA) tries to ensure that the challenge level offered by the game matches the skill of the human player. In this paper simple and fast methods for adjusting a difficulty level of a computer opponent are presented. An empirical investigation of the methods when playing FPS (First Person Shooter) game is conducted. Performance of the methods is analyzed for different values of method's parameters, different game's scenes and players with various difficulty levels.
Dynamiczne dostosowywanie poziomów w grach komputerowych polega na dopasowaniu trudności gry do umiejętności gracza. Bieżący artykuł przedstawia dwie metody, które pozwalają w prosty i szybki sposób dostroić komputerowego przeciwnika do poziomu gracza. Zachowanie metod jest analizowane w trakcie gry typu FPS dla różnych graczy, zróżnicowanych scen i różnych wartości parametrów metod.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie informacji na temat silników graficznych wykorzystywanych w nowoczesnych grach komputerowych. Wskazano w nim także najpopularniejsze obecnie silniki oraz specyfikację ich głównych zalet i wad. Dokonano porównania silników graficznych na podstawie badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych na forach internetowych gromadzących fanów elektronicznej rozrywki.
The article contains an analysis of graphics engines that are used in modern computer games. There were discussed today’s most popular gaming engines and there were listed their main advantages and disadvantages. There is a comparison of graphics engines based on a survey conducted within online forums that collecting fans of electronic entertainment.
This article describes an algorithm for procedural generation of underground systems with terrain features, by processing set of schematic maps. L-system and cellular automata are used to generate final system shapes. Most of existing algorithms are not suitable for application in computer games, since they usually lack any considerable level of control, require large amount of computation or produce overly complex meshes. We present our solution, that can produce editable 3D objects from very simple input, with high level of control over final system layout. We also allow evaluation at every key step of generation process. Presented approach incorporates placement of various terrain features with stalactites, stalagmites and columns as an example of such elements. Obtained results can be used in computer games or similar applications.
W ramach pracy nad artykułem stworzone zostały dwie gry 2D - jedna przy użyciu środowiska Unity oraz druga przy użyciu LibGDX. Szczególną uwagę w pracy poświęcono porównaniu wydajności obu gier. W tym celu przeprowadzo-no badania, które miały na celu określenie, która z gier ma lepszy wpływ na zużycie zasobów procesora oraz pamięci RAM. Poświęcono również uwagę wsparciu społeczności dla obu narzędzi oraz komfortowi programisty podczas pracy w obu wspomnianych narzędziach. Wyniki badań wydajności sugerują, że LibGDX może być lepszym wyborem do tworzenia niewielkich projektów, których priorytetem jest wydajność. Na korzyść Unity przemawia jednak wsparcie społeczności oraz komfort korzystania z tego środowiska i brak konieczności korzystania z programów zewnętrznych.
As part of the work on the article, two 2D games were created – one based on the Unity environment and the other based on LibGDX. Main focus in the work was to compare the performance of both games. For this purpose, research was carried out to determine which game has a better impact on the usage of CPU and RAM resources. Attention was also paid to community support for both tools and the programmer’s comfort during the work in both of these tools. The results of the performance studies suggest that LibGDX may be a better choice for creating small projects where performance is a priority. However, the support of the community and the comfort of working with the environment and the lack of need to use external programs speak in favor of Unity.
Content available Rynek gier wideo i jego uczestnicy
W artykule dokonano przeglądu firm branży gier wideo w Polsce na tle światowych konkurentów oraz przywołano istotne dane statystyczne umożliwiające rozpoznanie dynamiki i zrozumienie specyfiki tej gałęzi przemysłu. Ponadto na podstawie analizy wyników badań ogólnopolskich oraz własnych autorka przybliżyła potrzeby, oczekiwania i aktualne preferencje drugiej kluczowej grupy uczestników rynku, jakimi są gracze. To ich popyt na e-rozrywkę wygenerował bowiem roczne przychody rzędu 82 mld dolarów w skali globalnej.
The aim of this article is the review of video game industry in Poland and comparison to global competitors. The relevant statistical data were cited, what enable to recognize and understand the nature and dynamics of this branch. In the next part of the article, based on the analysis of the results of nationwide and own researches, the author characterized the needs, expectations and current preferences of the second core group of this market participants, which are the players. Their demand for e-entertainment generated recently in global scale annual revenues of 82 billion dollars.
The paper discussed two phenomena characteristic of using a computer game as a promotional tool: in-game advertising and advergaming. The starting point for the considerations comes as a presentation of the historic and social context of the phenomenon. The presentation also provides a list of indispensable definitions. The further analysis investigates an obligation to apply the advertising regulating provisions included in the most essential acts of law to computer games. The reasoning is supplemented with deliberations regarding the issue of advertising of virtual products which do not have real equivalents. In further order, the paper investigates a phenomenon of an advertiser’s seeking redress on the grounds of defective advertising, as well as a possibility of the violation of the personal rights of authors of a game which stem from including an advertisement into the game or from product placement allowed by the publisher without their knowledge and consent.
W artykule omówiono dwa zjawiska charakterystyczne dla wykorzystania gry komputerowej jako narzędzia promocji: in-game advertising i advergaming. Rozpoczęto od zaprezentowania kontekstu historycznego oraz społecznego zjawiska, jak również przedstawienia niezbędnych definicji. Następnie przeanalizowano obowiązek zastosowania wobec gier komputerowych przepisów regulujących reklamę zawartych w najistotniejszych aktach prawnych. Wywody te uzupełniono rozważaniami na temat kwestii reklamowania wirtualnych produktów, które nie mają realnych odpowiedników. W dalszej kolejności przyjrzano się zjawisku możliwości dochodzenia przez reklamodawcę odszkodowania z tytułu wadliwej reklamy, jak również możliwości naruszenia dóbr osobistych twórców gry z powodu wprowadzenia do niej reklamy lub lokowania produktu przez wydawcę bez ich wiedzy i zgody.
Content available Mapy w grach komputerowych – spektrum zastosowań
W artykule przedstawiono różne gatunki i rodzaje gier komputerowych, w których istotną rolę odgrywa mapa oraz metodyka kartograficzna. Przedstawiono wykorzystanie informacji przestrzennej zarówno w klasycznych grach planszowych, grach komputerowych służących rozrywce, jak i tzw. poważnych grach o zastosowaniach profesjonalnych, np. w symulatorach.
The authors discuss the role of the map in various game genres, specifically video games. Presented examples illustrate widespread map usage in various ways and forms by the authors of games, both classic and video. The article takes a closer look at the classification and development of video games within the last few decades. Presently, video games use advanced geospatial models and data resources. Users are keen on a detailed representation of the real world. Game authors use advanced visualization technologies, which often are innovative and very attractive. Joint efforts of cartographers, geo-information specialists and game producers can bring interesting effects in the future. Although games are mainly made for entertainment, they are more frequently used for other purposes. There is a growing need for data reliability as well as for some effective means of transmission cartographic content. This opens up a new area of both scientific and implementation activity for cartographers. There is no universally accessible data on the role of cartographers in game production, but apparently it is quite limited at the moment. However, a wider application of cartographic methodology would have a positive effect on the development of games and, conversely, methods and technologies applied by game makers can influence the development of cartography.
Opracowanie stanowi syntezę konsekwencji zastosowań ICT w kulturze społeczeństwa informacyjnego, a w szczególności w rozrywce. Konsekwencje te zostały odniesione do filozofii kultury i filozofii techniki oraz wcześniejszych badań autorek. W podjętej analizie skupiono się na renesansie i eksplozji globalnej popularności sieci parków rozrywki oraz gier komputerowych w kontekście biznesu i edukacji. Opracowanie wskazuje na istotne znaczenie ramowego katalogu kompetencji cyfrowych oraz dominacji konsumpcyjno-produkcyjnego pojmowania kultury w społeczeństwie informacyjnym jako niezbędnych elementów świadomości rozwoju we współczesnym świecie zdominowanym przez technologie ICT.
The elaboration is a synthesis of the consequences of ICT applications in the culture of the information society, particularly in entertainment. These consequences are related to the philosophy of culture and philosophy of technology, and previous authors’ studies. The analysis has focused on renaissance and the explosion of popularity of the global network of amusement parks and computer games in the context of business and education. The study shows the importance of the framework directory of digital skills, and the dominance of consumers understanding of culture in the information society as essential elements of development consciousness in the contemporary world dominated by ICT.
Real-time strategy games are currently very popular as a testbed for AI research and education. StarCraft: Brood War (SC:BW) is one of such games. Recently, a new large, unlabeled human versus human SC:BW game replay dataset called STARDATA was published. This paper aims to prove that the player strategy diversity requirement of the dataset is met, i.e., that the diversity of player strategies in STARDATA replays is of sufficient quality. To this end, we built a competitive SC:BW agent from scratch and trained its strategic decision making process on STARDATA. The results show that in the current state of the competitive environment the agent is capable of keeping a stable rating and a decent win rate over a longer period of time. It also performs better than our other, simple rule-based agent. Therefore, we conclude that the strategy diversity requirement of STARDATA is met.
Content available Andragogiczne aspekty gamingu (raport z badań)
nr 1 (29)
Artykuł dotyczy korzyści płynących z grania w gry komputerowe przez osoby dorosłe. Korzyści te rozpatrzono w aspekcie społecznym, dydaktycznym i edukacyjnym oraz w kontekście pracy zawodowej, a także psychologicznym oraz w zakresie profilaktyki i terapii osób dorosłych. Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie ludycznych i pozaludycznych zastosowań gier komputerowych, zagadnień dotyczących pedagogiki mediów w odniesieniu do andragogiki. To także powzięcie próby odpowiedzi na pytania o to, jakie korzyści niesie za sobą gaming, a także sprzężenie owych profitów do przedmiotu andragogiki w rozumieniu edukacji i rozwoju osób dorosłych. Artykuł uzupełniono raportem z badań własnych.
This article deals with the benefits of gaming for adults. These benefits are considered in the social, didactic and educational aspects and in the professional context, as well as psychological and preventive and therapeutic aspects for adults. The purpose of the article is to introduce the ludic and non ludic uses of computer games, issues of media pedagogy in relation to andragogy. It is also an attempt to answer questions about the benefits of gaming and how these benefits relate to the object of andragogy in terms of adult education and development. The article is supplemented by a report from the author’s research.
tom XVI (XXV)
In this article I am considering the situation of interactivity and interactive film in the institutional context of the cinema that is outlined by the rules of cinematographic industry. I draw attention to the fact that despite the ongoing digitalization in all cinematographic areas: production, distribution, presentation, and reception, interactivity is seen as a non-film feature and, as a consequence, it is marginalized. Cinematography opens up to any digital technological innovations that do not violate a standard model of film experience. Interactivity is seen here as a feature of games and not of films. An interactive film that is thrown to the periphery of institutionalized cinema, becomes a phenomenon of audio-visual avant-garde that is a common part of both cinema and art.
W artykule rozważam sytuację interaktywności i filmu interaktywnego w kontekście instytu-cjonalnym kina, wyznaczanym przez reguły przemysłu kinematograficznego. Zwracam uwa-gę na to, że pomimo postępującej cyfryzacji wszystkich obszarów produkcji, dystrybucji i od-bioru filmów, interaktywność jest postrzegana jako właściwość niefilmowa i w konsekwencji marginalizowana. Kinematografia otwiera się szeroko na wszystkie innowacje technologiczne, które nie naruszają standardowego modelu doświadczenia filmowego. Interaktywność uzna-wana jest tu za właściwość gier a nie kina. Film interaktywny, wyrzucany na peryferie instytu-cjonalnego systemu kina, staje się częścią awangardy audiowizualnej, wspólnej części prze-strzeni instytucjonalnych kina i sztuki.
Content available remote Heterogeneous fog generated with the effect of light scattering and blur
The development of computer graphics forces new requirements on the developers, which will make the virtual world more similar to the real world. One of these elements is the simulation of fog. Common fog algorithms mix the color of the scene with the color of the fog over a certain distance. However, one feature of the naturally foggy scenery is ignored. With the distance and density of the fog, the observed scenery or individual objects become more blurred. In this paper we will present our implementation of the distance fog in the Unreal Engine 4, including the effect of blurring the foggy areas, simulating of light scattering and variations in fog density using noise.
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