Badaniami mikologicznymi objęto glebę dwu różnych grądów: grądu typowego Tilio-Carpinetum typicum i grądu zdegenerowanego w formie pinetyzacji Pinus-Lamniastrum. Zmiany zachodzące w szacie roślinnej grądu zdegenerowanego były bodźcem do podjęcia pracy, której celem było uzyskanie i porównanie zbiorowisk grzybów glebowych obu grądów i określenie ich wpływu na wzrost czterech potencjalnie fitopatogenicznych grzybów: Cylindrocarpon destructans (Zins.) Scholt., C. magnusianum (Sacc.) Wollenw., Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. i Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary. Otrzymane wyniki świadczą o tym, że zbiorowisko grzybów glebowych Pinus-Lamniastrum, postępując za zmianami w szacie roślinnej, kształtuje się na odmiennym, specyficznym, poziomie w stosunku do zbiorowiska grzybów grądu typowego. Ponadto sugerują, że brak samosiewnego odnawiania się sosy w grądzie zdegenerowanym może być związany z obecnością w glebie grzybów w rodzaju Cylindrocarpon, których wzrost in vitro był stymulowany przez zbiorowiska saprofitycznych grzybów glebowych tego grądu.
The aim of the studies, which were carried out in the natural oak-hornbeam forest Tilio-Carpinetum typicum and in the degenerated form in the stage of pinetization Pinus-Lamniastrum, was to obtain and compare qualitative-quantitative structures of soil fungi communities in two different oak-hornbeam forests. The natural stand is localized in reservation Las Zwierzyniecki in Białystok, the degenerating stand is localized close to its border. The fungi were sampled in 1993-1996, twice a year, in spring and autumn. Isolation on fungi was performed by soil plate Warcup's method modified by K. Mańka. Effect of soil fungi communities on growth of pathogens - by biotic series method by K. Mańka. The influence of the soil fungi communities from two different stands on the growth of Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref., Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary Cylindrocarpon destructans (Zinss.) Scholt. and C. magnusianum (Sacc.) Wollenw., a tree pathogens, was investigated. The differences in qualitative and quantitative structure of soil fungi communities of the natural oak-hornbeam forest Tilio-Carpinetum typicum and in the degenerated form in the stage of pinetization Pinus-Lamniastrum are the results of changes in floral composition of Pinus-Lamniastrum. In the past, when typical oak-hornbeam forest covered whole studied area, the soil fungi communities were probably almost the same on the both plots. The first change could have happened after removing trees, the second - after afforestation the coupe with pines. The second entrance of Tilio-Carpinetum typicum to the once occupied habitat causes changes in soil fungi community in the degenerated oak-hornbeam forest. The soil fungi communities isolated from the natural stand and stand degenerating create unfavourable conditions for Heterobasidion annosum and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum growth. It should be emphasized that every autumn the soil fungi communities in the stand degenerating by pinetization process create more ufavourable conditions for Sclerotinia sclerotiorum growth. Soil fungi communities from the natural stand Tilio-Carpinetum typicum restricted the growth of Cylindrocarpon destructans and C. magnusianum in all tests (positive SBEs). The opposite reaction of soil fungi communities in stand degenerated by pinetization was observed.
W poprzednich artykułach przybliżono niezwykle interesujące siedlisko przyrodnicze powiązane z dolinami rzek - lasy łęgowe - o kodzie 91E0. W bieżącym materiale zostanie przedstawione inne zbiorowisko leśne, o ogromnym znaczeniu przyrodniczym i szczególnej roli w gospodarce człowieka. Mowa będzie o grądach.
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An analysis of the variability of the snow cover was made in 4 different types of Tilio-Carpinetum communities in the Białowieża National Park, transitional area between Central Europe and North-East Europe. Thickness of the snow cover was measured in the period of 25 winter seasons (1963/64-1987/88) on a system permanent study areas. Mean thickness of the snow cover for winter season was from 9,8 to 11,4 cm in the forest communities and 11,7 cm in open area. The snow cover in plant communities occurs from 7 to 14 days more than outside the forest. From the beginning of winter to March thickness of the snow cover is greater in the open than in the forest, while in the rest of winter the snow cover in the forest showing greater thickness. It was found that in each all sub-associations of Tilio-Carpinetum, settlement of the snow cover towards the end of winter and then its melting and exposure of the soil occur on the same sites. The snow cover thickness and its duration are largely dependent on the density of tree crown canopy.
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Badania prowadzono w fitocenozie grądu typowego Tilio-Carpinetum typicum i grądu zdegenerowanego w formie pinetyzacji Pinus-Lamniastrum. Obie powierzchnie badawcze położone są na obszarze lasu komunalnego Park Zwierzyniecki, który znajduje się w południowej części Białegostoku. Grąd Tilio-Carpinetum typicum wchodzi w skład rezerwatu przyrody Las Zwierzyniecki. Grąd zdegenerowany leży przy zachodniej granicy tego rezerwatu. Powstał on przez usunięcie drzewostanu naturalnego, jakim był grąd typowy, rębnią zupełną i zalesienie zrębu sosną. Miało to miejsce około 50 lat temu. Celem badań było przeprowadzenie i porównanie charakterystyki szaty roślinnej i gleb grądu typowego i zdegenerowanego. Oba grądy wykazują duże podobieństwo, zarówno w wykształceniu szaty roślinnej, jak i gleb. Fitocenoza zastępcza ma wiele cech grądu typowego, co z pewnością świadczy, że przebiegają w niej procesy dynamiczne prowadzące do odtworzenia naturalnej postaci grądu.
The studies were carried out in the natural oak-hornbeam forest Tilio-Carpinetum typicum and in the degenerated form in the stage of pinetization Pinus-Lamniastrum. Both stands were found in urban forest named the Zwierzyniecki Park, located in the southern part of the city of Białystok. Typical oak-hornbeam forest Tilio-Carpinetum typicum is protected as a nature reserve. The oak-hornbeam forest Pinus-Lamniastrum is located close to the western border of this reserve. This forest is the result of removing the natural tree stand (typical oak-hornbeam forest) 50 years ago, clear-cutting and afforestation the coupe with pines. The study plots were located in such a way that the qualitative and quantitative variations of soil fungi communities was affected only by changing in time vegetation of degenerated oak-hornbeam forest. The aim of the studies was to obtain and compare qualitative-quantitative structures of soil fungi communities in two different oak-hornbeam forests, which occurred on the same type of soil. On both permanently signed plots in typical and degenerated oak-hornbeam forest in stage of pinetization soil, plants and soil fungi were studied. The morphological structure of soil was examined in both plots in soil pits with depth of 200cm. The physical and chemical properties of soil samples taken from every soil horizon were measured. The samples of ectohumus were analysed as well. The structure of soil profile, nutrient distribution and other analytical properties of both soil profiles in two study plots were almost the same. On the basis of morphological and physical properties these soils were distinguished as Typic Brown Forest Podzolic Soils. Plant coverage and floral composition of both oak-hornbeam forests were determined on the basis of two releves. The typical oak-hornbeam forest features can be found in the degenerated oak-hornbeam forest. This means that in this forest the dynamic processes leading to restoration of natural form of oak-hornbeam forest occur. The differences in qualitative-quantitative structure of soil fungi communities of two oak-hornbeam forests are the results of changes in floral composition of Pinus-Lamniastrum. In the past, when typical oak-hornbeam forest covered whole studied area, the soil fungi communities were probably almost the same on both plots. The first change could have happened after removing trees, the second - after afforestation the coupe with pines. The second entrance of Tilio-Carpinetum typicum to the once occupied habitat causes changes in soil fungi community in the degenerated oak-hornbeam forest.
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We studied an old growth deciduous forest seed bank to examine how its potential role in regeneration is shaped by natural forest environment. Our research questions were: is the spatial pattern of seed bank influenced by local variation in elevation, soil moisture and light intensity, and what is the impact of herb layer characteristics on seed bank pattern. We recorded species composition of the herb layer and seed bank on a 2 x 40 m study plot divided into 20 quadrates, situated in a natural oak-hornbeam forest, in the Białowieża Primeval Forest, (NE Poland). Soil cores were sampled from two soil layers (0-5 cm and 5-10 cm) yielding altogether 40 samples of a total 15.9 dm[^3] and 0.159 m[^2]. Seeds were extracted from soil samples under a microscope. Ellenberg indicator values were used to characterize light (L) and moisture (F) conditions. Relative quadrate elevation was averaged for nine points. There were 6.65 x 10[^3] seeds m[^-2] in upper soil layer and 3.00 x 10[^3] seeds m[^-2] in lower soil layer. Seed bank structure constituted of patches 6 m diameter in the upper soil layer and 4 m in the lower soil layer. Aggregated pattern of the seed bank was influenced by clumped distribution of plants in the herb layer. Seed bank species richness in the upper soil layer was correlated with moisture (r = 0.485, P =0.03) and light (r = 0.526, P = 0.0172) values. Seed densities were correlated with moisture (r = 0.848 P <0.0001 upper and r = 0.491 P = 0.0278 lower soil layer) and light (r = 0.803 P <0.0001 upper and r = 0.751 P = 0.0001 lower soil layer). Seed density in upper soil layer was negatively correlated with elevation (r =.0.485 P = 0.0422). Higher seed density and species richness of the seed bank associated with better light conditions and higher moisture is probably caused by higher seed production in favourable conditions, and factors promoting seed persistence in soil. Our results indicate, that even subtle changes in light, moisture and mean relative elevation can shape seed bank spatial pattern on a fine local scale, differentiating the response of this community to small scale disturbances present in natural forests.
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