The aim of the article is to define the essence and characteristics of the defence economics’ fundamental area i.e. defence economics. In order to reach this goal, the author includes information that allows the reader to explore different ways of defence economy’s definitions, its specific features, basic tasks, the structure of defence economy system and consequently characteristics that result from it, as well as the idea how to command and control the defence economy.
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Przekształcenia jakie zachodzą w Polsce od 1989 r. oraz członkostwo w NATO wywołują konieczność przeprowadzenia zmian w wielu aspektach funkcjonowania wojska. Zabiegiem, który może pomóc w usprawnianiu funkcjonowania armii jest szersze niż dotychczas praktyczne zastosowanie wiedzy z zakresu zarządzania. Zarządzanie nie ma jednak zastąpić dowodzenia lecz wzmocnić go nowoczesnymi rozwiązaniami. Włączenie zarządzania do rutyny życia wojskowego może być utrudnione, gdyż niektórzy dowódcy w dość stereotypowy sposób postrzegają armię. Faktem jest jednak, że znaczna część oficerów wypełnia, bądź wypełniać powinna zadania, które w literaturze przedmiotu określane są funkcjami zarządzania. Z tego też względu oficerów tych można określić mianem menedżerów.
Reformations which take place in Poland since 1989 and NATO membership results the need to make changes in many aspects of the army functioning. The broader than up to date application of management knowledge can help the army functioning. Management should not tend to eliminate the command but should enforce it using the modern solutions.
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Currently, in the market economy conditions, the need for analytic information will grow constantly. Thus, economic analysis becomes a basic management tool. The economic analysis has been presented in the article in two dimensions. One of them is a theoretical outline of this theory, the other one is a presentation of economic analysis concerning a food section in the economic sector. The formulation of the problem is easy to understand for these readers who do not have a deep knowledge of economic analysis and Polish career officers might find it useful. Such is the aim of the article which contains some basic information about the economic analysis subject and its methods. Introducing since 1 January, 1998 full accountancy increases the possibilities to use the economic analysis in the armed forces.
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The author of this article is a Lieutenant Colonel of the Hungarian Army, Doctor of Military Studies, a senior research worker in the Institute of Strategic and Defence Studies at the Hungarian Ministry of Defence in Budapest. In 1994 he performed a research practiSiły Zbrojne Republiki Węgierskiejce at the Strategic - Defence Department at the Academy of National Defence. Currently, the state and the army undergo changes resulting from a general situation in the world. Defining an outside threat as a risk factor is an obligation of the state political leaders. It is one of the basic principles of democratic and civil control of the armed forces. The economic situation of the state accounts significantly the sum of money designated for defence tasks in peacetime. Economic potentials of the Hungarian Republic is influence by its debt and its annual repayments. According to official data, Hungarian foreign debt has been growing continuously since 1989. Currently, when entering NATO by the Republic of Hungary becomes a focal issue, it is worth to learn about military expenditures of NATO countries in 1993 in reference to the amount of GNP, general value in USA dollars and per capita. Decreasing military expenditures by the Hungarian Parliament in 1998 of about 1.5 milliard forints is not a good sign.
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This article is the first of three to present modern British defence economy. This article discusses the post war defence-economic thought, since the end of the Second World War to 1978. On the background of political, military and economic conditions, there have been characterised works of David Greenwood, Mary Kaldor and Gavin Kennedy, the most distinguished British economists of that time dealing with defence problems. The scope of respective authors’ research is different. Greenwood was interested in problems of the military priorities role in shaping the amount of military expenditures. Kaldor dealt with the relations between factors shaping defence industry potential and problems which the weapon trade creates for the importing and exporting countries economy. Kennedy analysed the defence-economic problems the most widely. The topic of his research were the considerations on the notion, scope and comparison of defence expenditures, social-economic consequences of defence expenditures, the defence industry notions and specific character, advantages from weapon trade and the division of burdens due to common alliance defence.
Jedną z zasadniczych powinności państwa na mocy obowiązującego prawa jest jego ochrona, w tym zapewnienie właściwych warunków funkcjonowania sił zbrojnych. Siły zbrojne są konsumentem dochodu narodowego i realizują swoje zadania w oparciu o środki finansowe, jakie na działalność obronną są przewidziane w budżecie państwa. Budżet Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, obejmujący zarówno środki na wydatki wegetatywne, jak i inwestycyjne, stanowi znaczną część wysiłku obronnego kraju.
One of the main functions of a state, according to the existing laws, is its defense, which includes creation of appropriate conditions for the armed forces to function. The armed forces are a consumer of the national income and they carry out their missions based on financial means set aside for them in the state budget. The MOD budget, comprising means for both vegetative expenditures and investments, constitutes significant part of defense effort of the country.
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In the article, the author presents British defence-economic thought during the Conservatists’ rule. Those were the last years of the Cold War and, at the same time, the period of significant transformations in the British Armed Forces and defence industry. One of the most important issues in British defence economy was to examine social and economic results of defence expenditures. Thus viewpoints concerning the military expenditures influence upon production processes and national product division have been presented. Defence industry conversion is the next matter under consideration. Keeping employment and production potential forced researchers to deal with the problem of moving a part of military production for civilian sector needs. They pointed out to the necessity of production and employment reorganisation taking into account innovative products and processes. International security matters connected with armament control and allied defence - economic co-operation play an important role in British defence economy. Both domestic and international economic effects are discussed in the works of British economists. A special attention is drawn to increasing the scale of production, international specialisation and trade based on comparable advantages. The whole British defence-economic thought output from the eighties shows care about economic effective use of fewer and fewer resources assigned to defence.
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