A preliminary inventory of the vegetation at the proposed site of the botanical garden of Ekiti State University was carried out with a view to providing baseline information about the richness, distribution, economic and medicinal importance of the available plant species. This is to serve as fundamental knowledge for a periodical assessment of impact as the garden is fully established. The proposed site measures 1944 m2 in size. With the aid of a geographical compass, the entire land area was divided into four axes (i.e. north-, south-, east- and west-wards) to serve as guide for enumerating the plant species and assessing their pattern of distribution. Plant collections were made from the four axes by means of secateurs and vasculum and thereafter prepared as herbarium specimens which were stored in the University Herbarium. Forty plant families, comprising eighty-four species were noted for the inventory. The economic and medicinal importance of the plant species was recorded. As at the period of the exercise, five plant species were abundant, twenty-three were occasional, while fifty-six were rare. It was deduced that the site is a secondary forest, rich in plant species and would be less costly to be prepared for the establishment of a botanical garden. Goals of sustainable development and species conservation was set for the management of the said garden.
Each of us is longing to live more intensely. We hear all over again or are explicitly stating that life is monotonous, boring, empty. How can we enrich our lives? There must be efforts in living more intensely. We want to clarify in this article what these efforts mean and what presumptions they have. We want to point out that the deepening of perceptiveness and sensitivity is the way leading to a more intense life. Only a sensitive and perceptive person is a great fortune to themselves, also greatly enriching their surroundings.
The present study investigates the motivation for adult participation in distance education on sustainability and specializes in a population group with specific characteristics, that of the Agronomists (Higher Education Graduates). In a global community with shifting conditions, environmental problems and geometrically increasing demands regarding the qualifications of workers and especially the scientists dealing with these problems, this issue is considered of major importance while exploring the incentives that lead to participation – after acquiring the first degree – continuing education and learning, and in particular distance education on sustainable development, is essential. The result so that Agronomists feel a strong need to extend their knowledge mainly through distance education.
The rapid increase of technologically enhanced listening platforms gives listeners access to music with ever-increasing ease and ubiquity, giving rise to the suggestion that we should now conceptualize music as a resource similar to water; something that is utilized to achieve everyday goals. This paper proposes that music is a utilitarian resource employed by listeners to augment cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physiological aspects of the self. To better explore these notions this paper examines the potential role of the “functions of music,” first espoused by Alan P. Merriam in 1964. Merriam suggested music has a situational use and an underlying function (music’s ability to alter the self through listening). The research presented here asserts that listeners interact with specific musical materials to achieve or orientate themselves towards contextually-rooted goals. Reinforcing Tia DeNora’s suggestion that music is a “technology of the self” this research presents the results of a 41 publication meta-analysis exploring the possible functions of music. The resultant Aggregate Thematic Functions Framework (ATF framework) identifies 45 possible utilitarian functions of music, spread across five domains of action. The framework also proposes a meta-domain and an emotional sub-domain
The rapid increase of technologically enhanced listening platforms gives listeners access to music with ever-increasing ease and ubiquity, giving rise to the suggestion that we should now conceptualize music as a resource similar to water; something that is utilized to achieve everyday goals. This paper proposes that music is a utilitarian resource employed by listeners to augment cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physiological aspects of the self. To better explore these notions this paper examines the potential role of the “functions of music,” first espoused by Alan P. Merriam in 1964. Merriam suggested music has a situational use and an underlying function (music’s ability to alter the self through listening). The research presented here asserts that listeners interact with specific musical materials to achieve or orientate themselves towards contextually-rooted goals. Reinforcing Tia DeNora’s suggestion that music is a “technology of the self” this research presents the results of a 41 publication meta-analysis exploring the possible functions of music. The resultant Aggregate Thematic Functions Framework (ATF framework) identifies 45 possible utilitarian functions of music, spread across five domains of action. The framework also proposes a meta-domain and an emotional sub-domain
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W grudniu 2017 r. Rada Ministrów podjęła uchwałę w sprawie nowego Rządowego Programu Przeciwdziałania Korupcji (RPPK) na lata 2018-2020. Program został przygotowany przez Centralne Biuro Antykorupcyjne (CBA), w oparciu o materiały CBA i innych organów oraz dotychczasowe doświadczenia z realizacji Strategii Antykorupcyjnej I i II etap (rządowego programu zwalczania korupcji) oraz Rządowego Programu Przeciwdziałania Korupcji na lata 2014-2019.
This paper focuses of the implementation of the goal – oriented chatbot in order to prepare virtual resumes of candidates for job position. In particular the study was devoted to testing the feasibility of using Deep Q Networks (DQN) to prepare an effective chatbot conversation flow with the final system user. The results of the research confirmed that the use of the DQN model in the training of the conversational system allowed to increase the level of success, measured as the acceptance of the resume by the recruiter and the finalization of the conversation with the bot. The success rate increased from 10% to 64% in experimental environment and from 15% to 45% in production environment. Moreover, DQN model allowed the conversation to be shortened by an average of 4 questions from 11 to 7.
In theory, knowing an individual’s attitude about a topic should allow us to predict his or her behavior. However, in a classic study, Wicker (1969) came to the surprising conclusion that attitudes and behaviors are only weakly related. We present a new theoretical perspective that describes the conditions necessary for an attitude to be translated into a behavior. More specifically, we propose that an attitude (i.e., liking of an end state) is not sufficient to cause behavior. Rather, that liking must first become a desire, which will only occur if an individual likes a potential future state more than the present state. The desire must subsequently be transformed into a goal, which will only occur if the desire is perceived as attainable. The goal must then become a focal goal (i.e., be momentarily dominant in an individual’s goal system). Lastly, in order for a particular behavior to be enacted, it must be selected as a means that serves the focal goal. We offer empirical evidence for our theory and describe how it goes beyond previous models of attitude-behavior relations, such as the Theory of Planned Behavior (Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010) and the MODE model (Fazio, 1990).
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The purpose of this study was both to develop a novel test to measure run, shuttle run and directional change agility, and soccer shots on goal with decision making and to compare it with other agility tests. Multiple comparisons and assessments were conducted, including test-retest, Illinois, Zig-Zag, 30 m, Bosco, T-drill agility, and Wingate peak power tests. A total of 113 Turkish amateur and professional soccer players and tertiary-level students participated in the study. Test-retest and inter-tester reliability testing measures were conducted with athletes. The correlation coefficient of the new test was .88, with no significant difference (p> 0.01> 0.01) between the test results obtained in the first and second test sessions. The results of an analysis of variance revealed a significant (p < 0.01) difference between the T-drill agility and power test results for soccer players. The new agility and skill test is an acceptable and reliable test when considering test-retest reliability and inter-rater reliability. The findings in this study suggest that the novel soccer-specific agility and shooting test can be utilized in the testing and identification of soccer players' talents.
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W 2013 r. Centrum Badań Opinii Społecznej opublikowało wyniki badań, które wskazywały, że w naszym społeczeństwie panuje przekonanie o braku w Polsce politycznej woli zwalczania korupcji (66% badanych źle oceniło poczynania rządu w tym zakresie, 15% dobrze, natomiast 83% respondentów uznało, że korupcja stanowi duży problem, z czego 40% – bardzo duży).
During their existence, people often forget about the meaning of life. With the world spinning faster and faster, the disappearing ability to reflect on complex day-to-day life, the virtual reality and ‘the net’ jungle, people are forgetting how to discover values that lead to the higher goal. There is special concern for the young generation which often loses the meaning of life. The answer to the question – how to find the meaning of life – gives the theory of logotherapy and existential analysis, which was created by Victor E. Frankl. The story of his life, and the difficult experiences which led him to discover the meaning of life persuade the reader about the truthfulness of his scientific discoveries. Logotherapy is a way to find goals and meaning in life: it makes people think about their existence. Frankl shows a certain hierarchy of values, which appear during specific and often difficult life situations. He survived four concentration camps and during those extreme times he was able to find meaning in life. What is more, he helped others find their meaning. A teacher appears on a young man’s life path and this teacher, according to logotherapy, should become the logo-educator and witness to the values. He should be someone, who points to meaning and is able to manifest the meaning of his own existence. Through a mature relationship with the student, the teacher helps the student discover what is the most important. The teacher helps the student realise one’s own plans through to the will, meaning and human conscience – spaces through which the sens consciousness shines through.
Początkiem procesu generowania innowacyjnego pomysłu najczęściej jest pojedyncza swobodna myśl, która krążąc w podswiadomości poszukuje sytuacji, lub otoczenia, w których może zostać zauważona, i zidentyfikowana przez swojego "nosiciela". Wspomaganie procesu nowej koncepcji polego na zapewnieniu odpowiednich warunków umożliwiających swobodny rozwój surowych idei. Kluczowymi czynnikami mającymi bezpośrednie przełożenie na jakość projektowanych zmian są przede wszystkim umiejętności posiadane przez członków zespołu projektowego. Pełne wykorzystanie zdolności uczestników projektu będzie możliwe pod warunkiem zapewnienia odpowiedniego środowiska pracy, okreslenia celu i zakresu planowanej innowacji, która będzie stanowiła rezultat prac zespołu, dlatego ważna kwestią jest właściwy dobór narzędzi adekwatnch do obszaru i rodzaju poszukiwanych nowości.
The source of the process of innovative idea generation is usually a single free thoght that, circulating in the subconscious, is searching for a situation or surroundigs, in which it can be noticed and identified by its "carrier". To support the process of creation of a new concept is to provide suitable conditions allowing free development of raw ideas. The key factors directly impacting the quality of the proposed changes are mainly skills possessed by the members of the design team. The full use of capabilities of the projects participants will be possible under the condition of ensuring the adequate workong environment, and determining the aim and scope of planned innovation. Following the guidelines described in this paper in not synonymous witha a guarantee of success of innovation which will be the result of the team's work; therefore, the most important thing is the skilful use of tools appropriate for the area and kond of sought- for novelties.
The article aims at discussing the crucial theses of Józef Maria Bocheński’s dissertation in which the concept of philosophy of the industrial enterprise was presented in outline. The dissertation is a record of the lecture titled Zur Philosophie der industriellen Urternehmung, which was given by the author on March 18th, 1985 in Zürich, at the invitation of Bank Hofmann AG.
W artykule zaprezentowano najważniejsze tezy rozprawy Józefa Marii Bocheńskiego, w której przedstawiona została filozofia przedsiębiorstwa przemysłowego w zarysie. Rozprawa jest zapisem wykładu wygłoszonego przez jej autora 18 marca 1985 r. w Zunfthaus zur Meisen w Zürichu, na zaproszenie Banku Hofmann AG. Wykład nosił tytuł Zur Philosophie der industriellen Urternehmung.
The paper describes a mechanism of defending active goals and prioritizing them. Research comprises a study of interdependence between consumer goals and patterns of devaluation that result in decreasing interest for competing goals and patters of revaluation of activities, products and attitudes that are means to active, primed goals. The explanation of results is based on theory of goal systems proposed by Kruglansky, in which goals are tightly connected with means, and there exists reverse dependency between activation of goals and means. Primed means could lead to goal activation, so as priming goals cause revaluation and devaluation effects for means to the goals. Described evidences show link between goals, which are motivational, based on knowledge structures and mental associations - affective concepts connected to attainment means.
Celem pracy było zbadanie znaczenia i istoty mechanizmu, który pozwala konsumentom skutecznie realizować wybrane cele na przykładzie analizy dotyczącej zwyczajów i zachowań żywieniowych. Sposób interpretacji otrzymanych wyników jest próbą wskazania na szerszy aspekt tworzenia się preferencji, które wynikają z określonych celów konsumpcyjnych. Podejście kognitywne zakłada, że skuteczne dążenia konsumentów do obranych celów wynikają m.in. z silnych związków między motywacyjnym wymiarem celów, a afektywnymi konceptami przypisanymi do obiektów, które mogą przyjąć formę awersji lub lubienia. W tym kontekście silna rewaluacja dla obiektów w linii celów i dewaluacja dla obiektów spoza linii jest fundamentalnym mechanizmem samokontroli i odpowiedzialna jest za skuteczne dążenie do wybranych celów.
Artykuł ukazuje człowieka i jego hierarchię wartości. Podkreśla także indywidualność natury ludzkiej. Człowiek znający swoją hierarchię wie, do czego zmierza w życiu. Bez jasno postawionych celów staje się uległy wobec tego, co go otacza. Gdy wiemy, do czego zmierzamy nie mamy wątpliwości wobec tego, co robimy. A to, co cenimy w życiu najbardziej kreuje obraz nas samych. Poznanie samego siebie jest jednym z najważniejszych a jednocześnie najtrudniejszych zadań stojących przed człowiekiem. Jest on sam dla siebie zagadką. Im więcej gromadzi wiadomości o sobie, tym wie mniej. Gdyby człowiek wiedział wszystko byłby Bogiem. Gdyby nie wiedział nic, byłby zwierzęciem. Jednak niewiedza człowieka o samym sobie tak jak wszelka wiedza, nie jest jakimś brakiem ludzkiej natury, ale przynależy do niej samej.
The article describes men, their hierarchy of values and highlights the individuality of human nature. Any human being aware of the hierarchy of values knows where they are heading in their lives. Without clearly stated goals people become influenced by what is surrounding them, whereas when they know the direction they heading towards, they have no doubt of what they are doing. The things that we value the most are the things that create the image of us. Therefore, becoming familiar with oneself is at the same time one of the most important and difficult tasks that a person encounters. A human being is a riddle for himself. The more information he gathers, the less he knows. If a human knew everything, he would be God, but if he knew nothing, he would be an animal. The human lack of knowledge about himself, as well as any lack of knowledge does not mean there is no such thing as the human nature but on the contrary-it is a part of that nature.
The article describes modern modeling of physical rehabilitation processes for persons with musculoskeletal system disorders, and reveals a significant deficiency of this aspect in modern rehabilitation systems. Most of the developments in this field are based on practical, empirical experience of rehabilitation activities for a specific category of children. This is understandable but does not prevent mistakes in the strategy and tactics of long-term physical rehabilitation. It is necessary to have clear conceptual guidelines for the most effective process of physical rehabilitation concerning tender age children with spastic movement disorders. This can be achieved by pre-modeling the system of adaptive physical education of babies with spastic paresis. A structured and logically constructed model construction of the rehabilitation system includes four effective blocks: monitoring of physical development and spastic motor disorders (I), which is itself divided into medical, pedagogical, psychological; corrective measures (II) strategies and tactics, including a general correction program for the typological subgroup of children with spastic paresis and an individual correction program for normalizing the motor status of a particular child; correction of motor disorders of spastic type (III), which provides the means and methods of correctional physical education of tender age children with spastic motor disorders. The latter include: game, hypercorrection, contraindications, sufficient repetition of exercises, objectivity, and individual load differentiation; control and correction of the correction process (IV), which provides for permanent control over the components of the motor rehabilitation system, starting with the monitoring of physical development and ending with the peculiarities of the work correction process by means of physical education. Intra-system relations between all components of the working model are envisaged, and the priority of individual components of a perspective modeled system is considered. The model provides an invariant component of the system of adaptive physical education, universal for different children with spastic syndrome, as well as a variational component, which provides differentiation and individualization of corrective tactics for each specific child and its peculiarities of psychophysical development. The pre-designed working model of the correction system of movement disorders spastic forms of tender age children by physical education means will be tested in the process of forming a pedagogical experiment, which will make the necessary corrections both in the structural construction of this general rehabilitation system and in the substantive filling of its internal components.
Achieving climate goals is becoming one of the most important challenges facing humankind as climate change and its consequences are increasingly evident, better documented, and disclosed in reports, successive international agreements, and at periodically held climate summits. There are two reasons behind this article: firstly, the increasingly frequent demands regarding the necessity to disclose not only the main climate goals but also intermediate climate targets; and, secondly, conclusions from the analysis of environmental goals within the framework of environmental management systems presented in our previous publications. There are undoubtedly many factors influencing the achievement of climate goals, but the strength of their impact on the implementation of these goals varies significantly for a number of reasons. This review attempts to identify the main barriers to achieving the climate goals, especially those in organisational surroundings, without resorting to complex goal setting in applied concepts or management systems. The article focuses on the lack of a unified policy for achieving intermediate climate targets and, consequently, the primary goals; the importance of public awareness of risks; the dominance of the short-term perspective, consequences of the absence of uniform legislation and single markets, the significance of climate inequalities and climate injustice, and relevant resource and political constraints.
Problem osiągania celów klimatycznych staje się obecnie jednym z najważniejszych wyzwań przed jakim stanęła ludzkość, ponieważ zmiany klimatu i ich konsekwencje stają się coraz bardziej widoczne i coraz lepiej udokumentowane oraz ujawniane w przygotowywanych raportach, w zawieranych kolejnych międzynarodowych porozumieniach, a także w organizowanych cyklicznie szczytach klimatycznych. Do napisania artykułu skłoniły autorów dwie przesłanki — po pierwsze coraz częściej pojawiające się postulaty dotyczące konieczności ujawniania nie tylko głównych celów klimatycznych ale także celów pośrednich oraz po drugie — wnioski wynikające z dokonanej w naszych wcześniejszych publikacjach analizy celów środowiskowych w ramach systemów zarządzania środowiskowego. Z całą pewnością istnieje wiele czynników wpływających na proces osiągania celów klimatycznych ale ich siła oddziaływania na urzeczywistnianie tych celów jest bardzo zróżnicowana, podobnie jak przyczyny tego zróżnicowania. W niniejszym artykule dokonano inwentaryzacji głównych barier utrudniających realizację tych celów, zwłaszcza występujących w otoczeniu organizacji, bez sięgania po skomplikowane procesy wytyczania celów środowiskowych w ramach stosowanych koncepcji czy systemów zarządzania. Koncertujemy w tym artykule przede wszystkim uwagę na braku jednolitej polityki osiągania celów pośrednich, a w konsekwencji i celów głównych, znaczeniu społecznej świadomości zagrożeń, dominacji perspektywy krótkoterminowej, konsekwencjach braku jednolitych przepisów prawnych i jednolitych rynków, znaczeniu nierówności i braku sprawiedliwości klimatycznej oraz na ważniejszych ograniczeniach zasobowych i politycznych.