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nr 3(41)
Urbanization processes of areas located within large cities entail a number of consequences, such as a change in employment structure of inhabitants in these areas. New housing developments attract a stream of well-educated and affl uent urban dwellers, who move to the suburbs and contribute to the transformation of dominating functions in the areas located near the cities. Based on selected empirically measurable characteristics, synthetic measures were calculated for the phenomena analyzed with the use of the Hellwig method. The following functions have been included: agricultural, recreational, service, industrial, and residential. Based on the conducted analysis, it can be claimed that most of the examined municipalities are characterized by multifunctional development, with no dominant function apparent. Also, the analysis revealed the existence of three social classes in the studied areas, distinguished by a very high, high, or average standard of living of their members. The study found that the highest standard of living is typical for the municipalities where industrial and service-related functions dominate.
Procesy urbanizacji obszarów zlokalizowanych w obrębie dużych miast pociągają za sobą wiele skutków. Zmienia się struktura zatrudnienia zamieszkującej tam ludności. Do nowych osiedli napływa strumień ludności miejskiej, dobrze wykształconej i zamożnej. Następstwem tego procesu jest przemiana funkcji obszarów położonych w sąsiedztwie miast. Badaniem objęto gminy podmiejskie Kielc. Na podstawie wybranych cech empirycznych obliczono syntetyczne miary dla analizowanych zagadnień przy zastosowaniu metody Hellwiga. Przyjęto następujące funkcje: rolnicze, rekreacyjne, usługowe, przemysłowe, rezydencjalne. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy można skonstatować, że większość analizowanych gmin charakteryzuje się rozwojem wielofunkcyjnym, bez wyraźnie dominującej funkcji. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwoliła wyodrębnić trzy klasy: o bardzo wysokim, wysokim i średnim poziomie życia. Stwierdzono, że najwyższy poziom życia występuje w gminach, w któ- rych dominują funkcje przemysłowe i usługowe.
Artykuł zawiera analizę i ocenę przemian społeczno-demograficznych oraz gospodarczych w gminie Michałowice. W pierwszej części artykułu na podstawie literatury przedmiotu wyjaśniono termin suburbanizacji (urban-sprawl). Następnie dokonana została charakterystyka gminy Michałowice jako gminy położonej w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie Krakowa oraz przedstawione zostały obowiązujące w niej akty miejscowego planowania przestrzennego. W związku z tym, że sytuacja demograficzna stanowi podstawowy aspekt rozwoju społeczno gospodarczego, w dalszej części pracy przedstawiono dynamikę zmian demograficznych, a także zmian strukturalnych związanych z przyrostem nowej substancji budowlanej. Co więcej, przeprowadzono badania ankietowe wśród losowo wybranych mieszkańców, dotyczące sytuacji społeczno – demograficznej w gminie Michałowice. Tempo wzrostu/spadku liczby podmiotów gospodarczych w gminie wpływa na jej rozwój będą go hamuje. Tym samym, ostatnia część badań dotyczyła stanu i dynamiki przyrostu liczby podmiotów gospodarczych w badanej gminie.
The article analyses and evaluates social, demographic and economic changes in the community of Michałowice. In the first part of the work, the author defines the term urban-sprawl, based on specialist literature. Next, the article focuses on characteristic features of the Michałowice community, which is located in the vicinity of Krakow. That is a cause of strong social and economic links with the city. Moreover, the articles presents current local acts of spatial planning. Since, demographic situation plays an important role in the social and economic development of the area, the next part of the article sheds some light on demographic dynamics, including structural changes related to the expansion of building developments. In addition, the study also included surveys among randomly selected inhabitants concerning the social and economic situation in the community. The development of the area is influenced by the rate of increase/decrease of business undertakings. That is why the last part of the article presents the current state and growth dynamics of business undertakings in Michałowice.
In order to clarify whether, to what extent and in what elements the arrangements of planning documents of suburban municipalities contribute to spontaneous, chaotic suburbanization, in the Institute of Spatial Management and Housing in Warsaw, in 2013 was taken the research task titled „Flawed suburbanization and the quality of the planning documents of municipalities”. The subject of detailed study are: development strategy, the study of conditions and directions of spatial development (study) and local spatial development plans (l.s.d.p.) of selected municipalities in the outer zone of Warsaw Metropolitan Area (WMA). This article presents preliminary results of studies, based on the analysis and evaluation of the planning documents of two communes of rural community status - Lesznowola and Michałowice. They have borders with the capital city in the south-western part of the outer zone of WMA, which is subject to particularly strong pressure of urbanization. Analysis of existing in both municipalities planning documents, indicate significant differences in the modes of operation of local governments in planning and spatial management. Municipality of Lesznowola (6,917 ha, 21,469 inhabitants in 2011) adopted a policy of expansive urbanization of agricultural areas. In the Strategy, and in the Study, the phenomena and processes that have an impact on spatial development was not recognized sufficiently, as well as problems to be resolved taking public interest into consideration were not identified. Diagnostic section of the Study does not provide forecasts of demographic variations (assumed 33.9 thousand. people in 2020), the state and changes in the structure and land use was not recognized (actual and established in the plans), local needs were not assessed (including i.a. possibilities of financing by the municipal infrastructure development and ensuring a balance of the real estate market). Disadvantages of conceptual part of the Study are: lack of municipality development vision, lack of territory division on the structural units, excessive arrangements flexibility, lack of designated public spaces, lack of the areas balance as determined by the Study, lack of development staging. Local plans covered 90% of the municipality’s territory. In those plans earmarked 3933.65 ha for development. Most l.s.d.p. prepared for reassignment of agricultural areas for building estate. Generally, the plans do not sufficiently regulate land use and building areas, allowing investors to too high degree of freedom in the space forming. Most of the areas earmarked for single-family housing development. Do not secured land for public services, organised green spaces and public squares. Municipality of Michałowice (3,488 ha, 11,934 inhabitants in 2011) leads a more balanced spatial policy. In the Study, spatial management development conditions were diagnosed, they resulting from: demographic development (in the year 2020 18.3 thousand in the first variant and 22.0 thousand in the second variant), the current destination, land development and equipment, the state of spatial order and requirements of its protection, needs and opportunities for municipality development. The concept of spatial management included: the ability to complete already designated by the plan building areas, the need to reduce development and management of new areas due to the costs of infrastructure (in particular the purchase of land for roads) and the need for a areas reserve for a further period. The balance of areas according to the policy and absorbency demographic areas was presented. The Study earmarked 2,017 ha for development, including 1,427 ha for housing. Local plans were prepared for 50% of the municipality area. Similarly to in Lesznowola, in the l.s.d.p, most of the land earmarked for the single-family housing development with services. Areas for public services were designated and their types were specified. Green and undeveloped areas were also determined, and in two locations (Reguły and Komorów) - public squares were indicated. Excessive and uncontrolled urbanization of Lesznowola, caused its financial problems. The costs of land for roads acquisition, established in the l.s.d.p, estimated at approximately PLN 597.5 million.
Aglomeracja krakowska to obszar zajmujący powierzchnię ponad 4 tys. km2. Składa się na niego 51 gmin zamieszkiwanych przez blisko 1,5 miliona osób. Jego ośrodkiem centralnym jest Kraków. Strefa zewnętrzna składa się ze strefy podmiejskiej oraz zewnętrznej strefy otaczającej. Pierwsza z nich to 12 gmin bezpośrednio graniczących z miastem wojewódzkim. Stanowi ona tak zwaną „sypialnię Krakowa”. Znaczny procent jej populacji to migranci wahadłowi, uczący się i pracujący w mieście. Zaznaczyć należy, że zbiorowość zamieszkująca te tereny, to nie tylko ludność rdzenna. Wielu mieszkańców to ludność napływowa, a właściciele tutejszych nieruchomości nabywają je ze względu na sąsiedztwo Krakowa. Mają oni możliwość posiadania własnego domu poza ośrodkiem miejskim i jednoczesną sposobność szybkiego dojazdu do niego. Spowodowało to niebywale gwałtowny rozwój rynku nieruchomość w gminach ościennych. Publikacja ta ma na celu ukazać preferencje nabywców nieruchomości na rynku, na terenach wcześniej użytkowanych rolniczo we wspomnianej strefie aglomeracji w ciągu ostatnich lat.
The Cracovian agglomeration is an area which covering over 4 thousand km2. It is composed of 51 municipalities inhabited by nearly 1.5 million people. Its major Centre is the city Krakow. Outer Zone consists of the outer suburban and the surrounding areas. Outer Zone consists of the outer suburban area and the surrounding area. The first one cumulate the 12 communes directly adjacent to the county town. It is the so-called "Cracovian bedroom”. A large proportion of its population are pendular migrants, learning and working in the city. It should be noted that the community living in these areas is not only the indigenous peoples. Many of people are the immigrant population and local property owners buy them because of the proximity of Krakow. They have the opportunity to have your own house outside the city center and at the same time the occasion to quickly get to it. This resulted in extremely rapid development of the property market in neighboring municipalities. This publication aims to show the preferences of real estate buyers in the market, in areas previously used for agriculture in that urban area in recent years.
The article presents the results of analysis and assessment of the studies of spatial management conditions and directions (studies of smcd) in ten suburban communes from the point of view of methodology of the works on defining the urbanisation policy. Particular emphasis is put on the ways and methods of: forecasting of (demographic, social and economic) development, definition of spatial needs and development opportunities for spatial management, formation of functional and spatial structure of the commune, definition of investment absorption ability in the area. The contents of the studies were assessed in terms of their compliance with the regulations of the Law of 27 March 2003 concerning planning and spatial management and the Resolution of the Minister of Infrastructure of 28 April 2009 on drafting the study of spatial management conditions and directions of a commune. Apart from this, there is a reference to some methodological prompts concerned with preparation of the studies contained in the published methodological guides. Studies were carried out in the communes located in the area of Warsaw, including 6 rural communes (Lesznowola, Raszyn, Michałowice, Stare Babice, Izabelin and Jabłonna), 2 rural and municipal communes (Piaseczno and Łomianki) and two municipal communes (Kobyłka and Sulejówek). The analysed studies of smcd were adopted in the years 2009-2014. Modifications of the previous studies of smcd were introduced not only because of a new legal basis1 for their preparation, but also because of numerous requests – in all the communes – for changing the function of agricultural areas to construction areas. Analysis of the studies of smcd in the 10 sub-Warsaw communes proved low quality and irrational decisions of some self-governments in terms of spatial management policy. The planners do not notice the negative results of the up-to-date processes of suburbanisation. They do not carry out their own analyses or studies in order to define the conditions of development of spatial management in all aspects. They source data and information from other planning documents (most of all from development strategies): however, they do not update statistical data and they do not deepen their research. They do not justify their development assumptions, either. They minimize not only the scope of diagnostic and prognostic works but also of the concept ones. They do not present any vision of spatial management in their communes, they do not carry out any balance of areas having different functions, they do not present any concept of implementation of the spatial policy. A diversified way of drawing up and numerous deficiencies of the documents result not only from the lack of professionalism of the planning teams (these teams are usually interdisciplinary) and lack of awareness of the self-governments, but most of all from bad regulations laid down in the Law on spatial planning and management as well as in the Resolution concerned with the study of smcd. As the phenomenon of uncontrolled suburbanisation is growing in Poland, it is necessary to introduce quick changes in the legal regulations concerned with designing planning documents. In reference to the study of smcd it is important to introduce the provisions of the draft of the Urban and Construction Code, particularly those concerned with the division of the commune area into 3 categories of areas (developed areas, areas of limited development and areas of increasing development) and functional spheres (in developed areas and the areas of increasing development) as well as to consider the conditions of development resulting from the needs of spatial development of the commune (determined on the basis of forecasts and possibilities of adding new buildings in the developed areas with technical infrastructure). It is a right suggestion that self-governments should prepare forecasts of financial results of introduction of the solutions laid down in the studies of smcd. The new executive Resolution should not only define the scope of the draft of the study of smcd but also the ways and methods of working on its significant elements, including the criteria and principles of division of the area of the commune, the way the balance of areas is done, the method of estimation of the investment absorption ability of areas with different functions, the method of forecasting financial results of adoption of the studies of smcd. It is necessary to carry out a thorough and professional analysis and assessment of the changes in the spatial management of communes especially in the suburban areas that are subject to urban pressure. The modification (correction) of the spatial policy laid down in the studies of smcd requires: - development of urban development programmes with regard to multiple factors resulting from demographic, social and economic forecasts, - balancing the areas assigned for urbanisation in terms of their investment and demographic as well as infrastructural needs. - development of the forecast of financial results of the studies, - development of the spatial development strategy in the commune.
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