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Content available remote Plany ograniczenia globalnego ocieplenia
Perspektywa niebezpiecznego ocieplenia klimatu nakłania liczne środowiska naukowe i międzynarodowe gremia (ONZ, UE) do zorganizowania wspólnych działań globalnej społeczności na rzecz ograniczenia ocieplenia. W artykule przedstawiono siedmioetapowy plan działania, obejmujący wprowadzenie powszechnego podatku od emisji każdej tony CO2. Uzyskane środki zostaną wykorzystane do inicjowania inwestycji w produkcję czystej energii we wszystkich krajach, w których ten proces przebiega zbyt wolno.
Prospects of dangerous global warming induce numerous scientific bodies as well as international institutions (United Nations; European Union) to undertake at a global level, activities of tackling the problem. The paper describes a set of seven steps. Among them: a global regime that puts an effective price on each tone of CO2 emission, in all countries at the same level. That would force all economic players to take the emission price into their investment decisions. Some part of the funds derived from global carbon pricing is to be used for implementation of clean energy production in countries, where the process is too slow.
tom nr 12
Zawodowa energetyka bezdyskusyjnie oddziałuje na środowisko naturalne, a najbardziej agresywny wpływ mają elektrownie opierające swoje funkcjonowanie na paliwach kopalnych. Nasilający się wpływ energetyki na środowisko związany jest bezpośrednio z rozwojem przemysłu oraz sektora usługowego, ponieważ pociąga to za sobą zwiększone zapotrzebowanie na energię elektryczną, ciepło i innego rodzaju media.
Postępująca w bardzo szybkim tempie globalizacja silnie oddziałuje na emitowane do otoczenia szkodliwe substancje. Jedną z nich jest dwutlenek węgla. Zagadnienie to ma momenty większej popularności wśród światowych społeczeństw, po której przychodzi stagnacja i zapominanie o stale obecnym problemie. A należy pamiętać, iż gaz ten jest jedną ze składowych procesu doprowadzającego do ocieplania się klimatu.
The global warming and subsequent climate change has seriously threatened the glaciers of the Hindukush Karakoram Himalaya (HKH) region. These glaciers provide water to more than 60% people of the 11 countries, including Pakistan. The capital city of Pakistan has witnessed unprecedented urbanisation, population increase, development of new townships and associated economic activities. These challenges, together with climate change, have created severe pressure on the water resources of the city. In this mixed mode research, including questionnaire survey of 20 questions was distributed among the residents of the city online through Google Form. The questions were related to the expected impact of climate change on the availability of water, measures for conservation of water etc. About 205 residents from various parts of the city with different demographic backgrounds responded. This was followed by Focus Group Discussions (FDGs) of the experts and the major challenges to the urban water security of Islamabad with special reference to climate change have been assessed. The research has revealed that the water resources of the city are highly unsustainable. The residents have high concerns about the availability and quality of water. The results have shown that there is a number of governance issues in water distribution systems of the city. There are no organized water conservation strategies employed by City Government. The lack of institutional and policy framework has further complicated the situation. Residents seem willing for metering of water for its conservation. Recommendations have been made to municipal authorities for rational water resource management of the city.
Globalne ocieplenie stanowi największe wyzwanie, przed którym kiedykolwiek stanęła ludzkość. Naukowcy ostrzegają, że bieżące emisje CO2 muszą być obniżone co najmniej o połowę w okresie najbliższego półwiecza, aby zapobiec przyszłemu ociepleniu w skali światowej. Opisano 15 "klinów stabilizacyjnych" dla zrealizowania celu przy wykorzystaniu istniejących technologii w celu ograniczenia w każdym z nich emisji o 1 mld t do roku 2057.
Global warming presents the greatest test we humans have yet faced. Scientist warn that current CO2 emissions should be cut at last by half over the next 50 years to avert a future global warming. Fifteen "stabilization wedges" are descripted to realize goal using existing technologies to reduce emissions by billion metric tons a year by 2057.
Content available Ways of reducing carbon dioxide from road transport
Climate change and the associated global warming affect all of us. These changes cause the melting of the glaciers and consequently the increase in sea and ocean levels. This phenomenon threatens the existence of some of the island states. The warming casing all this was brought on by the economic activity of humans, with the greatest responsibility being attributed to the ever-increasing production of greenhouse gases. Transport generates large portion of these gases. When means of transport are in motion, they are affected by certain driving resistances which try to keep vehicle from moving. In order to overcome them, it is necessary to produce certain useful work equivalent to the measurement of driving resistances. An internal combustion motor is the most frequent source of such energy. It generates energy by oxygenating hydrocarbon fuels, and in addition to the useful work, it produces also unfavourable emission. The amount of such emissions equals to the amount of burnt fuel. Thus, levels of emissions can drop by reducing fuel consumption. The most commonly mentioned gas is the CO2. Reduction of CO2 production is essential to affect the high level of CO2. The article focuses on the possibilities of reducing CO2 from road transport. The possibilities of reducing CO2 from road transport are quantified in the form of mathematical model calculations.
Global warming is a fact. The reason for this can only be a guess. There are hypotheses claiming that the climate changes are consequences of human activities. Other hypotheses say that such occurrences appear regularly every few thousand years. As early as the beginning of the twentieth century some scientists noticed indicators of the growth of the global average temperature. Regardless of the reason global warming is observable mostly in polar areas. Nowadays about four million people live in the Arctic including native inhabitants. Global warming impacts on all of these including indigenous peoples of the Arctic whose cultural identities have always been related to nature. They have always lived in harmony together with nature, they have been a part of it and have never tried to fight against it. A changing climate can make them give up the way their ancestors used to live. Afterwards it can cause the disappearance of their languages and cultures that languages are parts of. Besides for many decades all indigenous people had been thought to be at a lower development level than new arrivals so today almost all languages spoken by indigenous peoples of the Arctic are endangered. All indigenous peoples of the Arctic have common points in their histories like deprivation of lands and suppression of languages and traditions. Most of their ancient customs and religions are forgotten but there are many material marks that are important for future generations. It is very important to preserve the marks and the knowledge of their languages because the value of them is priceless. Today native inhabitants of the Arctic live in countries with various law regulations so their situation is different in each country. Some of them have some autonomy, but others still seek it.
The main purpose of the study is to offer a preliminary analysis of the impact of Australian bush fires on tourism in the summer season of 2019/2020. The article addresses issues related to global climate change, including Australia. The author discusses the causes and effects of recent catastrophic fires in Australia, focusing on their negative impacts for tourism. Another problem raised in the article is how climate change in Australia causes bushfires that destroy the nature and life of this country. The study mainly analyses the effects of climate change on the natural environment, especially on the most attractive tourist areas in Australia, i.e. national parks. The study uses the latest information to show the effects of damage caused by fires in Australia, especially in tourism. The author concludes that there is a direct relationship between climate change resulting from global warming and tourism demand.
The evolution of chemical speciation of Fe, Mn, Pb, Cu, and Zn was investigated in the chronosequence of young sediments, exposed by a currently retreating Arctic glacier on Spitsbergen. Werenskioldbreen is a 27 km2 subpolar, land-terminated, polythermal glacier in recession, located near the SW coast of West Spitsbergen. Three samples of structureless till were collected at locations exposed for 5, 45 and 70 years. Four grain-size fractions were separated: > 63, 20–63, 2–20, and < 2 µm. Speciation of Fe, Mn, Pb, Cu, and Zn was determined using a 6-step sequential chemical extraction method: 1) 1 M sodium acetate, 2) 1 M hydroxylamine hydrochloride in acetic acid, 3) sodium dithionite in buffer, 4) acid ammonium oxalate, 5) boiling HCl, 6) residuum. The weathering in the proglacial area of the retreating glacier is very fast. The geochemical fates of the metals in question correlate with each other, reflecting a) the geochemical similarities between them, b) the similarities of their primary mineral sources, c) the significant role of incongruent dissolution. The weathering processes dominating the system are redox reactions and incongruent dissolution, followed by precipitation of secondary phases and partial sorption of aqueous species. As a result, the elements released from weathering minerals are only partially transported away from the system. The remaining part transforms by weathering from the coarse-grained fraction (dominated by fragments of primary minerals) into the fine-grained fraction (in the form of secondary, authigenic minerals or as species sorbed onto a mineral skeleton). This is very strongly pronounced within the chronosequence: the content of each of the metals studied correlates identically with the grain size, despite the differences in their chemical character and affinities. The microscope study presented herein indicates that the role of incongruent dissolution previously was underestimated. Also, the formation of coatings of secondary phases on primary mineral surfaces was observed. All these rapid weathering processes affect the mineral speciation of initial soils as well as the composition of mineral suspensions transported away by rivers to the nearby ocean.
Geothermal energy is abundant everywhere in the world. It certainly would be a great benefit for human being once it is produced by a sophisticated technology. Consequently, it would be the biggest console for earth considering environmental sustainability. Unfortunately, the current status of commercial production of geothermal energy primarily from hydrothermal, geopressured, hot dry rock, and magma are limited to a few countries due to technological difficulties and production cost. This paper describes a simple technology where an in situ geothermal plant assisted by a heat pump would act as a high-temperature production (>150°C) to provide excellent capacity of energy generation. The issue related to costs is interestingly cheaper on production, comparing to other technologies, such as solar, hydro, wind, and traditional geothermal technology as described in this article. Therefore, it is suggested that heat pump assisted in situ geothermal energy sources has a great potentiality to be a prime energy source in near future. Since the technology has a number of positive characteristics (simple, safe, and provides continuous baseload, load following, or peaking capacity) and benign environmental attributes (zero emissions of CO2, SOx, and NOx), it certainly would be an interesting technology in both developed, and developing countries as an attractive option to produce clean energy to confirm a better environment.
The utilization of nitrogen (N) fertilizer in peatlands, with the aim of increasing crop growth and production, is also reported to increase carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The application of coal fly ash (CFA) to soil may change soil physico-chemical characteristics, thereby influence carbon mineralization, but its effect on CO2 production is not yet clear. Consequently, the purpose of this study was to quantify the CO2 production of tropical peatlands that received N fertilizer and CFA. In the laboratory experiment, CFA equivalent to the application of 150 Mg•ha−1 in the field was added to peatlands with and without N fertilizer. These mixtures were then incubated at 70% waterfilled pore space (WFPS) for 30 days at room temperature. Carbon mineralization was measured on a 5-day basis, while several chemical characteristics of treated peatlands, including pH, hot water-soluble C, exchangeable-Ca, -Mg, -Fe, and -Al were measured at the conclusion of the incubation period. This study identified that N fertilizer application increased the CO2 production of tropical peatlands from 29.25 g•kg−1 to 37.12 g•kg−1. Furthermore, the application of CFA on tropical peatlands reduced CO2 production of tropical peatlands with and without N fertilizer. Decreasing the amount of hot water-soluble carbon from peatlands may account for the reduced CO2 production of peatlands with CFA. The study also showed that exchangeable-Ca, -Mg, -Fe, and -Al increased in peatlands with CFA application, and these multivalent cations were also attributed to a reduction of CO2 production. In conclusion, the negative effects of N fertilizer application on peatlands in increasing CO2 emission may be reduced by the application of CFA.
Path of Science
tom 4
nr 12
Carbon dioxide, a vital greenhouse gas plays a key role in Earth's carbon cycle, a concentration above ambient temperature results in global warming. High CO2 emission in Universiti Tun Husein Onn Malaysia is due to an increase in a number of automobiles and other greenhouse gases released from building facilities and nearby industries. A study was carried out on 22 common trees planted within the campus on the estimated amount of CO2 sequestered. Estimation of carbon storage of trees was obtained through the assessments of standing biomass as well measurement of their photosynthetic capacity. Results indicated that Spathodea campanulata has the highest CO2 absorption (14.40 µmol/ m-2/s-1) followed by Acacia mangium (14.03 µmol/m-2/s-1), and Cananga odorata with (12.80 µmol m-2 s-1). Alstonia scholaris has the highest aboveground standing biomass accumulation of 106.94 kg, followed by Samanea saman (20.83 kg), and Acacia mangium (19.43 kg). The total biomass accumulated of all the tree species is 200.03 kg. Therefore, species of trees in Universiti Tun Husein Onn Malaysia main campus have the potential to absorb a significant amount of CO2 from the atmosphere thereby contributing to mitigating-the localized effects of global warming.
Rising global temperatures have exacerbated the problems of adaptation to climate change in various sectors of the economy, including municipal energy. Therefore, the task is to develop measures and mechanisms, the implementation of which will guarantee cost-effective comfortable and reliable heat and cold supply of buildings and structures in climate change. Experimental studies of heat transfer and monitoring of thermal regimes in enclosing structures and building elements were conducted with the development of innovative engineering systems for energy supply of a passive house of the "zero-energy" type. Experimental developments of innovative energy-efficient greenhouse gas-reducing technologies and equipment for energy supply systems of buildings have been performed and their architectural and construction solutions for adaptation to climate change have been optimized. In order to expand and deepen the theory and practice of improving the energy efficiency of buildings in the near future, the scientific priority and subject of basic and applied research have been identified. Developed adaptive to climate change innovative, energy efficient technologies and equipment of engineering systems of energy supply of buildings with the use of renewable energy sources can be used in the practice of energy supply of housing and communal services.
The amount of water required to support a river ecosystem in proper condition are of particular importance in the areas of high natural value. The hydrological threats for the protected areas are region-specific and vary from region to region. The local hydrological conditions depend largely on the temporal and spatial variations of the hydrologic cycle, of the main components and physiographic conditions on site. Future climate change is projected to have a significant impact on the hydrological regime, water resources and their quality in many parts of the world. The water-dependent ecosystems are exposed to the risk of climate change through altered precipitation and evaporation. Investigating the current climate changes and their hydrological consequences are very important for hydrological issues. This analysis may be a very important foundation for determining the causes observed in the recent period of anomalous growth – both hydrological and climatic. The aim of the research is to assess the effect of projected climate change on water resources in lowland catchment the Narew River in Poland. The hydrological reaction to climate warming and wetter conditions includes changes in flow and water level. This paper describes the directions of changes climatic and hydrological conditions and the impact of climate change on the Narew River. The data such as: daily air temperature, precipitation obtained from the Bialystok climate station located within the Narew river and hydrological data such as water flows and water states observed in water gauges were used for the analysis of climate variability and their hydrological consequences. The results show a significant decrease in winter outflows in river, as well as a delayed increase in the spring melt flow. It has also been observed that this is the initial phase of changes in maximum water levels and maximum flows.
Content available remote Wyzwania energetyczne Polski, wyzwania i szanse dla Śląska
Zagrożenia związane z prognozowanymi zmianami klimatycznymi zmusiły Unię Europejską do zdecydowanej reakcji. Opublikowane w styczniu 2007 r. główne cele unijnej polityki energetycznej, sformułowane w tzw. pakiecie energetyczno-klimatycznym „3 x 20”, mają wymusić w przemyśle i energetyce działania o charakterze rewolucyjnym. Dzięki nim Unia Europejska przyjmuje rolę światowego lidera walki z ociepleniem klimatu, ale także stawia problem kosztów gospodarczych i społecznych koniecznych do poniesienia w celu przeciwdziałania zagrożeniom.
The paper represents an attempt to understand the impacts produced by the North Atlantic Oscillation on the ice cover regime of the largest coastal lake in Poland situated in the northern part of the country. The purpose of the study was to estimate the impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation on selected ice cover parameters. The study also attempts to examine other factors that may affect its significant impact on observed changes in the climate. Water temperature data are used to assess temperature conditions in aqueous ecosystems as well as determine the heat absorption capacity of these systems. This allows one to then determine cooling rates in the event of ice cover formation. The data analysis provided in the paper focuses on selected characteristics of ice cover conditions (i.e. dependent variables) including the number of days with ice and maximum ice thickness in relation to NAO index changes (i.e. independent variables) for the reference period 1960/61–2009/10. In addition, the paper divides the studied period into 10-year subperiods in order to capture the weakest and strongest phases of NAO and assess the extent to which they affect the duration of ice cover. A large increase in the mean air temperature (1.8°C) occurred in the years 1960–2010. Trendline analysis indicates that the number of days with ice cover declined by about 60 days and the maximum thickness of ice cover decreased by about 10 cm. Oceanographic research employs satellite image data in order to accurately assess human impact. Therefore, ice cover forecasts generated for consecutive winter seasons may become an important tool in this type of assessment.
In this paper, the results of the theoretical study of an internal combustion engine, fuelled with lean air - gas mixtures, are presented. Energetic property calculations were done for several chosen gaseous fuels such as methane, landfill gas, and producer gas. Based on these fuels, the performance of a theoretical Seiliger-Sabathe cycle was investigated using variable air excess values. The accurate analysis of the various processes taking place in an internal combustion engine is a very complex problem. If these processes were to be analyzed experimentally, it would be more expensive than theoretical analysis. The Seiliger-Sabathe cycle turns out to be help in theoretical analysis of internal combustion engine performance. Dimensionless descriptive parameters (E, psi) are very useful at this analysis by combining the properties of fuel with initial thermodynamic parameters of the cycle. Moreover, the experimental results of SI engine fuelled with a lean mixture of natural gas are presented for comparative purposes. The experiments were carried out on a petroleum engine with a low engine displacement. A typical SI engine was selected in order to evaluate the potential application of a gaseous fuel (i.e. natural gas). These types of engines are widely available and commonly used in the automotive sector because of low purchase prices and operating costs. It is expected that after minor modifications, the engine can easily operate in a low power co-generation mode. The main objective is to evaluate the performance of the engine under lean air/fuel mixture conditions. The slight impact of air excess ratio on COVIMEP was noticed. The value decreases insensibly with air excess ratio decreasing. Obtained results are located at acceptable levels for power generation sources and are less than 5 %. Although, the more distinct impact was observed regarding to COVpmax. The maximum value was noted for leaner mixture and it amounts to approximately 7.5%.
After years of scientific and public discussion concerning a temperature rise resultant from human activity and the on-going industrialisation, the global warming has become an evident fact. The effect of the temperature rise and the climate change will surely alter epidemiological aspects of some infectious diseases. In this review, we try to analyse various data concerning the impact of global warming on the spread of infectious diseases caused by bacterial, viral and protozoan agents. Certainly, it is extremely important for veterinarians and public health that some diseases have altered in their epidemiological aspects and distribution. Some new diseases may emerge; others, previously endemic, may migrate to new geographical regions. The review is focused on pathogens important to both humans and livestock, such as malaria, dengue, bluetongue, West Nile virus, tick-born diseases and infectious diarrhoeas. There are still few scientific papers on the subject, because of numerous difficulties involved in conducting such studies, such as their long time of duration, multiple factors involved in such predictions, and complicated mathematical models containing climate and epidemiological data.
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