It has been found that alpha-chymotrypsin inhibitor isolated from Ascaris lumbricoides suum acts embryotoxically on the Leghorn chicken embryo. An increase in embryo mortality with increasing dose of the inhibitor has been observed after its administration into the yolk sac on day 4, 8 or 13 of incubation. There is a linear interrelationship between the logarithm of the dose of alpha-chymotrypsin inhibitor and the mortality of chickens. The LD50 values for alpha-chymotrypsin inhibitor increased for injections performed at later stages of embryo development. A significant decrease of mean mass of chicks injected with alpha-chymotrypsin inhibitor in comparison with control groups was observed. There was a more frequent occurrence of developmental abnormalities and pathological changes in groups of hatched chicks which received the Ascaris inhibitor.
The authors used Albendazole in a single dose of 400 mg in 40 students from Africa and Asia, infected with Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichocephalrus trichiurus and Ancylostomatidae. At the third day after the treatment no parasite eggs have been found in 25 of 30 cases of ancylostomatidosis (83.3%), 16 of 23 cases of trichocephalosis (69.6%) and in all treated cases of ascaridosis (100%). It has been also found that the tolerance for the medicine is good in most patients. Only in two patients (2%) there appeared short time and not very strong pains in the upper part of the abdomen and headaches. An important property of Albendazole is its ability to destroy nematode eggs which is essential for the prophylaxis and nature conservation.
It was proved that the soil of recreational areas can be potential source of human geohelminthiosis. The eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichocephalus trichiurus as well as of Toxocara canis were found on the beaches of Poznań lakes.
Food contamination, especially related to animals, with infectious pathogens and toxins is one of the most serious health problems. This phenomenon is intensified in third world countries, but the constant movement of people from this region to highly industrialized countries shifts the local problem to the global scale. The development of international trade and tourism also contributes to it.
Skażenia żywności, zwłaszcza pochodzenia zwierzęcego, przez chorobotwórcze patogeny i toksyny to dziś jeden z najważniejszych problemów zdrowotnych. Największe nasilenie tego zjawiska występuje w krajach trzeciego świata, jednakże stały napływ ludności z tych krajów do państw uprzemysłowionych przenosi problem lokalny do poziomu globalnego. Przyczynia się do tego również wzrost międzynarodowego handlu oraz turystyka.
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