The presented paper focuses on geographic, meteorological, socioeconomic and localization conditions for the establishment of sports airports from the 1920s till the 1950s. The technical aspect of changes in launching methods starting with a rubber rope and ending with aerotows and winches during the post-war period is important. Another change came with the transfer from single-seat gliders to training double-seaters. A modification of airport typology came along with this change, i.e. from training and sloping areas to flat sports airports. The whole process is presented by means of several examples from North Bohemia.
The paper presents the research into determining of operation life of the PW-5 World Class Glider. The investigations were conducted at the following two stages: a/ recording of the loads acting upon the glider in the air and estimation of the load spectrum, b/ modeling of the loads on an experimental stand for glider's main structure fatigue test The loads acting upon the glider were recorded on the PW-5 glider equipped with a digital recorder and deflection-sensor of the wing-spar root structure and electronic accelerometer fixed at the glider center of gravity. The load spectrum - was obtained using unique data-processing system described briefly in the paper. It was applied to the fatigue tests on the wing-fuselage-set. The paper presents also the description of the unique resonance method based on electrodynamic impulses.
Praca dotyczy badań i nowych opracowań w zakresie metodyki określania trwałości zmęczeniowej kompozytowych struktur nośnych szybowców. Opisano zagadnienia związane z rejestracją obciążeń i opracowaniem spektrum obciążeń eksploatacyjnych szybowca oraz jego ekstrapolacją na tzw. okres modelowany (z reguły wielokrotnie dłuższy niż sesja rejestracji obciążeń). Okres modelowany jest jednym z parametrów determinujących program prób zmęczeniowych, niezbędnych do ustalenia okresu bezpiecznego użytkowania (trwałości eksploatacyjnej) danego typu szybowca. Porównano różne metody ekstrapolacji pod względem statystyki wystąpień poszczególnych przyrostów obciążeń, w tym metodę ekstrapolacji stochastycznej, opracowaną przez autora. W operacji ekstrapolowania spektrum obciążeń szczególne znaczenie ma aspekt konserwatyzmu obliczeń czyli bezpiecznego przeszacowania w stosunku do spektrum obciążeń zaobserwowanych podczas sesji pomiarowej. Przedstawiono nową metodę obliczeń wskaźnika zużycia zmęczeniowego za pomocą tzw. tablicy uszkodzeń jednostkowych i porównano efekty działania różnych spektrów obciążeń. Opracowano nową metodę wyznaczania tzw. ekwiwalentnych cykli obciążeń. Opisano też metodykę badań zmęczeniowych kompozytowych struktur nośnych szybowców wraz z metodami diagnostyki i sposobem szacowania trwałości zmęczeniowej, ilustrując treść przykładami badań autora.
The paper presents new developments in the field of estimation methods for fatigue durability of composite glider load-carrying structures. It describes problems related to loads registration, load spectra derivation, and their extrapolation on the so-called modeled operational period (which is usually many times longer than the registration session). The modeled operational period is one of the parameters which determine the program of fatigue tests, necessary for evaluation of lifetime (operational durability) for a given type of glider. The paper compares different extrapolation methods in terms of statistics of particular load increments, including the method developed by the author. In the load spectrum extrapolation operation, special significance has been given to conservative calculations, i.e. safe overestimation towards the load spectrum observed during the registration session. The paper describes a new method of fatigue damage rate calculation, using a so-called unitary damage array, and compares fatigue effects for different load spectra. The author developed a new method of equivalent loads (i.e. loads substituting the whole load spectrum). There are also a description of methods of load-carrying composite structure fatigue tests, together with the methods of their diagnostics, as well as the methods of fatigue durability estimation. The description is illustrated with examples of experiments performed by the author.
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Elementary cellular automata (ECA) are linear arrays of finite-state machines (cells) which take binary states, and update their states simultaneously depending on states of their closest neighbours. We design and study ECA with memory (ECAM), where every cell remembers its states during some fixed period of evolution. We characterize complexity of ECAM in a case study of rule 126, and then provide detailed behavioural classification of ECAM. We show that by enriching ECA with memory we can achieve transitions between the classes of behavioural complexity. We also show that memory helps to 'discover' hidden information and behaviour on trivial (uniform, periodic), and non-trivial (chaotic, complex) dynamical systems.
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