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theology charismata have a rather technical meaning. Finally, we will observe that a good clarification of the concepts in question could help the development of the interfaith theological dialogue, from the pneumatological point of view.
kindergarten. Froebel’s thought reached many countries, among others Great Britain, USA and Poland, thanks to its popularizers. The first Polish kindergarten was set up thanks to Teresa Mleczkowa. However, it was Maria Weryho-Radziwiłowiczowa (1858-1944), who contributed the most to the popularization of Froebel’s pedagogy. Together with J. Strzemeska, she developed the methodology of working with young children on the basis of Froebel’s concept. She adjusted Froebel’s pedagogy to Polish conditions by rejecting some of its elements and adding some new ones. Unfortunately, the 20th century in Polish pedagogy was a moment, when F. Froebel was forgotten. The situation was very different in the international arena: there were institutions arising in the world, which through publications and research spread the views of the German pedagogue. Modern Polish popularizers of Froebel (among others Barbara Bilewicz-Kuźnia, Froebel.pl association) undertook to interpret the thought of F. Froebel and with a new curriculum proposal for preschool education The Gift of Play they are trying to revive Froebel’s pedagogy by adjusting it to the modern conditions. As a result of their actions, more and more kindergartens are transformed into Froebel preschools. However, they are still considered pedagogical alternatives.
the other hand, it is part of the ever-growing trend of research on children’s toys from the historical and pedagogical perspective. The text is part of the triptych prepared by the authors on the subject of children’s Christmas toys during the period of Partitions of Poland. Selected iconographic sources – press graphics, Christmas postcards and photographs on which children’s toys can be found, comprise the source basis of this part. They are sources important for cognitive reasons, because they show the image of toys of the time, their appearance, shape, size, the way they were made, decorated, etc. They also indicate which toys were particularly popular (fashionable) and liked by children in the analysed period, and show the ways they were used.
ptaka pochodzące z Wysp Brytyjskich (Irlandia, Anglia, Szkocja, Orkady). Jest to pierwsze tego rodzaju znalezisko występujące na obszarze Słowiańszczyzny, skłaniające do postawienia pytań o znaczenie zabytku w jego kontekście kulturowym oraz sposób rozprzestrzeniania się na obszarze wpływów Słowian.
comes from the British Isles (Ireland, England, Scotland, Orkney Isles). This find is the first such object from the area of Slavic settlement, shifting into focus questions as to the object’s significance within its cultural environment and the form of its distribution into the Slavic sphere.
osoba zdolna charakteryzuje się wysokim ilorazem inteligencji, twórczą postawą i silną motywacją do uczenia się. W przypadku dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym w większości programów i planów wychowawczych realizuje się wspieranie potencjału twórczego dzieci. Oprócz koncepcji zdolności ogólnej wyróżnia się drugą, która uwzględnienia zdolności specyficzne, kierunkowe. Najbardziej znaną i stosowaną przez pedagogów jest koncepcja inteligencji wielorakiej Howarda Gardnera. Zarówno teoretyczne założenia tej koncepcji, jak i diagnostyczne narzędzia pomagają w planowaniu zajęć ukierunkowanych na różne aktywności. Świadomość zróżnicowania rozwoju dzieci i ich możliwości nadaje nowy wymiar rozumienia celu edukacji jakim jest wszechstronny rozwój dzieci. W Polsce w ostatnich latach podjęto kilka inicjatyw ukierunkowanych na pracę z dzieckiem zdolnym, doskonalenie nauczycieli w tym zakresie, uświadamianie nauczycieli i rodziców o potrzebie jak najwcześniejszego wspierania rozwoju dziecka i jego uzdolnień, zainteresowań. Wśród nauczycieli wychowania przedszkolnego stopniowo wzrasta świadomość potrzeby wspierania indywidualnych potrzeb i zdolności dzieci. Istnieje coraz więcej placówek wprowadzających programy wspierania uzdolnień dzieci i starających się o uzyskanie odpowiednich certyfikatów. Jednakże problem dzieci szczególnie uzdolnionych jest specyficzny i dotyka wielu aspektów, które należy brać pod uwagę w pracy wychowawczo-dydaktycznej.
of ability emphasizes that a gifted person is characterized by a high IQ, a creative attitude and a strong motivation to learn. In the case of children of preschool age, in most educational programs and plans one tries to support their creative potential. Apart from the general notion of ability, there is another conception – one which takes account of specific and directional abilities. The version of this that is most familiar to and used by educators is Howard Gardner’s notion of multiple intelligences. Both the theoretical assumptions involved in this, and its diagnostic tools, can be of help when planning involvements in different activities. Awareness of diversity in respect of children’s ability and development can add a further dimension to our understanding of education, supplementing that associated with universal features of their development. In Poland in recent years there have been several initiatives as regards working with gifted children, aimed at training teachers in this area and raising teachers’ and parents’ awareness of the need for early support of the development of the child and his or her talents and interests. Among preschool teachers, awareness is gradually increasing of the need to support the individual needs and abilities of children. More and more institutions are introducing programs to promote the talents of children and trying to obtain the relevant certification. However, the problem of gifted and talented children is specific and affects many aspects, all of which must be taken into account in any educationally oriented teaching activities.
expressing itself in all kinds of virtues − and ever deeper participation in the evangelical mission of Christ. The Holy Spirit makes the Church more Trinitarian, more evangelical, more Eucharistic, more ecumenical and more eschatological.
rodzajach cnót – a także coraz głębsze uczestniczenie w ewangelicznej misji Chrystusa. Duch Święty czyni Kościół bardziej trynitarnym, bardziej ewangelicznym, bardziej eucharystycznym, bardziej ekumenicznym oraz bardziej eschatologicznym.
Polish National Museum in Rapperswil, which was not his sole activity. Being a great bibliophile, on every possible occasion he presented many valuable books to different libraries and other institutions in exile and in the country as well. It is known that in the years 1887-1890 The Academy of Science in Cracow received a collection of approximately six hundred books, accompanied by a catalogue prepared by Bukowski himself. It is worth mentioning that the Jagiellonian Library was given several dozen books, important for the Polish culture, and several hundred brochures. Also, the National Museum in Cracow has a big collection of artefacts given by the collector from Sweden. None of those collections have been explored before. The article is based on the correspondence between Bukowski and the directors of all three institutions in Cracow donated by the Swedish antiquarian .
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