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The genus Plectranthus belongs to the family Lamiaceae is found in wild and cultivated condition. In the present work, the cultivars of Plectranthus forskohlii have been collected from Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka at different places. The accessions collected from Karnataka showed high tuber size, length and volume when compared to accessions collected from Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The most significant observation was made in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu cultivar accessions which were grown in the same soil in field condition have much branched root tuber with significant fresh weight as compared with accessions from Kerala. The Kerala accessions were observed with less diffused root tuber with low fresh weight. On the basis of the present research, it was concluded that the phenotypic variations present in leaf, stem and root characters might be due to some genetic heritable variation which may exist in the accessions collected from different locality, and this require further study with respect to their genotypic nature of Plectranthus forskohlii.
We expanded the basic ISSR-PCR protocol by an additional PCR reamplification round in order to detect whether increased PCR productivity would give new bands in ISSR patterns. We found that the reamplification step had a prominent impact on the quality of the inter-simple-sequence repeat (ISSR) PCR patterns of flax, depending on the particular primer used for PCR amplification. We could clearly distinguish between two types of reamplification effect. Most ISSR primers (16 out of 21) gave no reamplification effect as usual, but five primers (23.8%) provided a new ISSR fingerprinting pattern after the 2nd reamplification round, leaving the previous 1st round pattern completely blank. Therefore, we recommend the expansion of a basic ISSR-PCR protocol for another reamplification round in order to mine out full the fingerprinting potential from ISSR-PCR method.
Seed protein profiles were studied in 144 lentil accessions intensively collected from all over Pakistan. Heterogeneous populations were isolated on the basis of SDS-PAGE, and 13 polymorphic protein peptides were found, representing almost all the variation reported so far in lentil. The low diversity of accessions from the Northern Area and North Western Frontier Province, the most geographically diverse areas, suggested the need for more exploration so that the maximum genetic diversity of the areas can be truly represented. Clusters based on agro-ecological zones did not prove adequate for evaluation of lentil resources, whereas 63 of 108 accessions (58.3%) were grouped together by altitude and provincial distribution. The study confirmed the wealth of phenotypic divergence in the local lentil. A small sample of accessions from a particular region might not reflect the actual diversity within that region. Samples representing total diversity in particular countries or regions should be evaluated, so that a representative rather than a random set of accessions can be included in investigations of diversity on regional or continental scales. As Pakistan is in the vicinity of the centre of diversity of lentil, high variation of various parameters is expected, and that can be found only if a complete set of germplasm is studied.
Genetic relatedness among basil accessions including six species of Ocimum (O. basilicum L., O. americanum L., O. x citriodorum L., O. minimum L., O. gratissiumum L., O. tenuiflorum L.) and six botanical varieties or cultivars of O. basilicum L. [var. basilicum L. cv. Genovese, var. basilicum L. cv. Sweet Basil, var. difforme Benth., var. purpurascens Benth., cv. Dark Opal, and var. thyrsiflorum (L.) Benth.] were analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Five primers were used for amplification. They yielded a total of 102 easily scorable polymorphic markers. Jaccard indices were calculated and phylogenetic relationships were determined by neighbor-joining cluster analysis. Different Ocimum species were clearly divided into separate clusters with the exception of O. minimum accessions, which clustered together with O. basilicum accessions. In addition to morphological, chemical and crossability data, RAPD analysis can be a useful tool for resolving existing problems in identification and classification of basils.
A total of 96 indigenous Brassica rapa accessions were collected from different locations of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) markers were used to identify the most diverse genotypes among the collected lots. Twenty six (26) different SSR primers were used for (genetic) variability among collected genotypes. These primers were selected from literature based on their previous results. These primers produced 135 scorable bands of which 75 were polymorphic, with an average of 55.5% polymorphic loci, and reflected the broader genetic background of the collected genotypes. An average 2.88 polymorphic bands with an average PIC value of 0.49 was recorded. Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) divided all genotypes into three main groups. Group one contained three clusters, while group two and three had four and two clusters each. Based on the UPGMA dendrogram, genotypes collected from Kohat, Bannu, Swat and Haripur showed considerable amount of variation. From the present study, it is concluded that SSR markers can be proved as the best tool for the genetic variability of other local and exotic B. rapa genotypes.
The resurgence of wheat stripe rust is of great concern for world food security. Owing to resistance breakdown and the appearance of new virulent high-temperature adapted races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), many high yielding commercial varieties in the country lost their yield potential. Searching for new sources of resistance is the best approach to mitigate the problem. Quantitative resistance (partial or adult plant) or durable resistance is reported to be more stable than race specific resistance. In the current perusal, a repertoire of 57 promising wheat lines along with the KLcheck line Morocco, developed through hybridisation and selection of local and international lines with International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) origin, were evaluated under natural field conditions at Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB) during the 2012−2013 and 2013−2014 time periods. Final rust severity (FRS), the area under the rust progress curve (AURPC), the relative area under the rust progress curve (rAURPC), and the coefficient of infection (CI) were unraveled to infer the level of quantitative resistance. Final rust severity was recorded when the susceptible check exhibited 100% severity. There were 21 lines which were immune (no disease), 16 which were resistant, five moderately resistant, two resistant-to-moderately resistant, one moderately resistant-to-moderately susceptible, 5 moderately susceptible-to-susceptible, one moderately susceptible, and six exhibited a susceptible response. Nevertheless, 51 lines exhibited a high level of partial resistance while the three lines, NW-5- -1212-1, NW-7-30-1, and NW-7-5 all showed a moderate level of partial resistance based on FRS, while 54 lines, on the basis of AURPC and rAURPC, were identified as conferring a high level of partial resistance. Moreover, adult plant resistance was conferred by 47 wheat lines, based on CI value. It was striking that, 13 immune lines among 21 were derived from parents of CIMMYT origin. Cluster analysis was executed to determine the diversity among the wheat genotypes based on stripe rust resistance and yield parameters. All genotypes were grouped into nine clusters exhibiting a high level of diversity at a 25% linkage distance. There were 29 wheat lines resistant to stripe rust that were grouped into the first three clusters, while 4 high-yielding lines were in Cluster VIII. The susceptible check, Morocco, was separated from rest of lines and fell in the last cluster i.e. Cluster IX. Based on the results, inter-crossing immune/ resistant lines is recommended, and with high yielding lines − it is also recommended that cultivars with improved disease resistance and yield potential be developed.
A total of 124 recent winter wheat accessions of European origin were screened for coleoptile length and plant height. Most of the accessions (74.2%) possessed a coleoptile length ranging between 5.00 and 7.00 cm. The German varieties Ebi, Pegassos, Flair without Rht genes had a coleoptile length of 9.08, 9.43, 9.56 cm and a plant height of 97, 95 and 98 cm, respectively. The Serbian variety Pobeda possessing Rht8 had a coleoptile length of 9.14 cm and a plant height of 71 cm. The varieties possessing Rht-B1b, Rht-D1b had a significantly shorter mean coleoptile length (5.45 cm) and mean plant height (84.5 cm) than the varieties without Rht genes (7.41 and 99.6 cm). The correlation between coleoptile length and plant height was medium (r = 0.613, p < 0.01) when the calculation excluded the varieties from Central and Southern Europe. The similar plant height, but not coleoptile length of the varieties possessing different dwarfing factors enables development of novel varieties with desirable height and coleoptile length from the European winter wheat germplasm.
Wild raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) is abundantly grown and widely distributed in temperate regions of lower Himalayan range which represents rich biological diversity for raspberry. Thirty accessions were explored from three different locations of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (Pakistan), several traits were visualized at sampling locations and some characteristics were evaluated and quantified after harvest of leaf and fruit samples. The accessions differed greatly in growth habit, blooming time, intensity of flowering, fruit setting, ripening time, productivity, fruit shape and color. Concerning quantitative characteristics, significant differences were found in plant height, leaf length and width, number of braches per plant, duration of flowering, fruit setting percentage, days to maturity, fruit length, width and weight among the samples collected from different locations. Ripe fruits were evaluated for their chemical composition i.e. moisture, carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, ash, TSS, acidity, pH and mineral (K, Ca, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb, and Cr) contents. The location also had significant effect on chemical composition of ripe fruits.
Malina właściwa (Rubus idaeus L.) jest często hodowana i szeroko rozprowadzana w umiarkowanych rejonach niższego pasma Himalajów, które reprezentuje bogatą różnorodność biologiczną malin. Zbadano trzydzieści próbek z trzech różnych miejsc Azad Jammu i Kaszmiru (Pakistan), dokonano wizualizacji kilkunastu cech w miejscach pobierania próbek oraz oceniono i ilościowo określono kilka cech po zebraniu próbek liści i owoców. Próbki znacznie różniły się wzrostem, czasem kwitnienia, intensywnością zakwitania, zawiązywaniem owoców, czasem dojrzewania, plonowaniem oraz kształtem i kolorem owoców. Jeśli chodzi o cechy ilościowe, to stwierdzono istotne różnice w wysokości roślin, długości i szerokości liści, liczbie gałązek na roślinie, długości kwitnienia, procencie zawiązywanych owoców, liczbie dni do dojrzałości, długości owoców, szerokości i wadze pomiędzy próbkami zebranymi z różnych stanowisk. Dojrzałe owoce oceniono pod względem składu chemicznego, tzn. wilgotności, zawartości węglowodanów, białka, tłuszczu, błonnika, popiołu, TSS, kwasowości, pH oraz zawartości minerałów (K, Ca, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb oraz Cr). Stanowisko także miało istotny wpływ na skład chemiczny dojrzałych owoców.
tom 18
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The level of genetic relatedness of ninety-six strawberry cultivars, released in dif­ferent breeding centres of seventeen countries, was estimated based on analysis of their DNA polymorphism. Five hundred fifty-eight polymorphic amplicons, with a size range from 80 to 2600 bp, were generated in PCRs carried out on the template of DNA isolated from plants representing all analyzed cultivars. In RAPD reactions, polymorphic bands covered 58% of the total number of PCR products, while in ISSR, SSR and selective AFLP, the polymorphic DNA fragments covered 75%, 70% and 67% of all amplicons, respectively. Data concerning DNA polymorphism were as­sembled using the PCo-A method (Principal Component Analysis), and then referred to information about country of origin and pedigree described by the breeders. The results showed that contemporary breeding uses genetic resources in a very narrow range. Consequently, the cultivars released in individual breeding centres presented a very close relationship and were grouped in one, or at most two, genetic clusters.
Stopień pokrewieństwa 96 odmian truskawki, wytworzonych w różnych o środ­kach hodowlanych w 17 państwach, oceniono na podstawie wyników badań polimor­fizmu analizowanych roślin. W reakcjach amplifikacji na matrycy DNA z analizowa­nych genotypów wygenerowano 558 polimorficznych amplikonów o wielkości od 80 do 2600 pz. W reakcjach RAPD polimorficzne fragmenty DNA stanowiły 58% łącz­nej liczby produktów PCR, w reakcjach ISSR - 75%, SSR - 70%, a w reakcjach selektywnych AFLP - 67%. Dane dotyczące polimorfizmu DNA zgrupowano, uży­waj ąc metody PCo-A (analiza składników głównych) i odniesiono do dostępnych informacji na temat rodowodu i kraju pochodzenia odmiany. Uzyskane wyniki wska­zuj ą, że generalnie współczesna hodowla korzysta z bardzo wąskiej puli materiałów wyjściowych. W konsekwencji, analizowane odmiany wykazał' bardzo bliskie po- krewie ństwo i w przypadku poszczególnych ośrodków hodowlanych był' zgroma­dzone w pojedynczych, a maksymalnie w dwóch skupieniach.
Cupressus Linn., commonly known as ‘cypress', belongs to the family Cupressaceae. It consists of 20 species with a wide and discontinuous distribution in the Northern Hemisphere. In the present study, three species, namely C. torulosa Don., C. arizonica Greene and C. glabra Sudw., growing in the western Himalayan region of India at an altitude of 1760 m. have been studied. This is a preliminary attempt where embryology is used in estimating seed quality and in seed testing. Seed quality was analysed according to five (0-IV) seed classes based on the presence of the embryo and endosperm and their nature of development in the seed-cutting test. Seeds having neither embryo nor endosperm belong to class ‘0'. In class ‘I' seeds contain the endosperm but a shrivelled embryo or sometimes no embryo. Class ‘II' contains seeds with an embryo of half-length of the embryo cavity and class ‘III' seeds containing an embryo of at least three-quarter length of the embryo cavity. Seeds with completely developed full embryo were assigned to class ‘IV'. However a high percentage of seeds of classes 0-III present in seed lots from particular trees of a species decrease the quality of seeds. Similarly a high percentage of seeds of class ‘IV' improves the seed quality of a given tree selected as plus tree for germplasm collection.
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