Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to estimate the power of a geothermal source when the energy is obtained by means of a heat exchanger. It has been assumed that the temperature of the rocks at large distances from the heat exchanger is the same regardless of the direction and that the exchanger is sphere-shaped. Owing to this it is possible to estimate the power of the system without having to study the dynamics of the heat propagation in the rocks. Design/methodology/approach: The applied method is to construct a mathematical model and its analysis. The system has been analysed in steady state. Findings: The power of a geothermal source of energy depends, in steady state, on the radius of an exchanger in a linear way. Estimation the upper of the power that is attainable in a real system. Research limitations/implications: Further investigation requires an analysis of transient processes the temperature in the rock during operation of geothermal energy. Practical implications: The results presented in this paper can be used in the design of geothermal energy recovery systems. Originality/value: The model and all the calculations are the author’s results.
Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy wybranych substancji niskowrzących, np. związków organicznych, mogących stanowić czynnik obiegowy w tzw. siłowni niskotemperaturowej, omówiono wpływ ich właściwości termofizycznych na wielkość uzyskiwanej mocy, a tym samym przydatność do zastosowania w siłowni nisko-temperaturowej. Obieg niskotemperaturowej siłowni parowej jest układem zamkniętym i kontakt czynnika obiegowego ze środowiskiem jest możliwy tylko w przypadku awarii.
Discussed is the influence of low-boiling substances thermophysical properties, basing on analysis of some selected ones e.g. organic compounds that can be circulation agents in the so-called low-temperature power plants, on the output power and, thereby, their applicability in such type of power plants. Circulation agent works in a low-temperature steam power plant in a closed cycle and its contact with the surrounding environment is possible only as a result of a system failure.
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