The paper presents problems connected with failure in a road section of an interchange, which geotechnical causes were manifested in the initial period of its operation. Genesis of the failure stems from the stage of investment preparation and construction. The failure was caused first of all by inadequate identification of geological and engineering conditions in the area of deposition of unconsolidated Holocene organic soils. As a result of failure damage occurred in the road embankment and in the subsoil. The paper presents an attempt at an explanation for the failure.
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Nadchodzące zmiany związane z opracowaniem Eurokodów drugiej generacji mogą mieć istotny wpływ na dotychczasową praktykę w dokumentowaniu geotechnicznych warunków posadowienia na potrzeby realizacji obiektów budowlanych. Istotne będzie przede wszystkim dążenie do zwiększenia roli projektanta oraz transparentności w doborze parametrów i definiowaniu modelu geotechnicznego podłoża.
Upcoming changes related to the development of second-generation Eurocodes can and should have a significant impact on the current practice in documenting the geotechnical foundation conditions for the construction works. Although we do not have to expect a revolution, but rather a simple evolution in the requirements, it will be primarily important to strive to increase the role of the designer and transparency in the selection of parameters and in defining the geotechnical model of the subsoil.
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Panaceum to mityczny (legendarny) środek leczniczy potrafiący uleczyć każdą chorobę. Czy pomiary sondami statycznymi CPTM i CPTU są w stanie pomóc w każdym problemie geoinżyniera?
The panacea is a mythical (legendary) therapeutic agent capable of curing any disease. Are measurements with CPTU and CPTM static probes a cure to all geoengineering problems? CPT static tests have been used in geoengineering for nearly 50 years. With electronics and computer-aided technologies, the measurements and recordings are more accurate and it is easier to interpret the results. CPTM and CPTU tests have became common field tests, which are used primarily to study the subgrade. However, both techniques should not be used interchangeably!
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