The article presents Polish research on the category of ‘space’, which influenced the shaping of the concept of geopoetics in Polish literary studies. Geopoetics is understood, according to Elżbieta Rybicka’s guidelines, as ‘concept-in-action’. The author of the article begins with theoretical considerations, then presents contemporary foreign theories and finally analyses theoretical works of Michał Głowiński, Henryk Markiewicz, and Janusz Sławiński. He also discusses the concept of ‘new regional studies’ in the context of the spatial turn. Using Stefania Skwarczyńska’s works, the author of the article claims ‘new regional studies’ to be one of the crucial elements of geopoetics.
The aim of this essay is to try to apply the theory of researching the literary work created in the 20th century – geopoetics – to the text of the emigration drama by Nikolai Yevreinov. The author points to the difficulty she encounters when using this theory to study drama. She points out that the category of time and space is associated to a higher degree with performance. Nevertheless, the structure of the playwright’s two texts shows connotations in the theory: creating a foreign space and creating a remembered space meets the assumptions of the event-generating and world-giving attitude of the subject.
The paper summarizes some remarks on the metaphor of map, as it is used within the field of geopoetics. The first of its meanings refers to representation of literary space in a work of fiction. The second is often applied to describe an imaginary vision of real geographic (political, economic etc.) space. It is therefore determined (or “created”) by culture, or rather by innumerable cultural texts, which affect our common, i.e. culture-dependent imagination. In both cases “the map” should not be considered as a representation in its traditional meaning of something essentially present or given. Instead, Deleuzian metaphors of the rhizome and the fold seem more convenient here, as they highlight this unready, process- and interpretation-dependent character. The sets of metaphorical notions, such as “fold/ply”, “double fold/twofold/two-ply” and “folding/creasing/ironing imaginary maps” are used in this paper to clarify the idea of “antechamber effect”. In consequence, this is a phenomenon which, within the realm of literary imagination, renders some real territories with weak cultural potential nonexistent.
The paper is a critical review of the book entitled New Urban Poetics (ed. M. Roszczynialska, K. Wądolny-Tatar, Kraków 2015), which, in the author’s opinion, is a valuable source of new interpretative concepts in the field of geopoetics and ‘philological branch’ of urban studies. The book is a result of a conference held in Kraków in the autumn of 2013. It provides an overview of new theoretical ideas and analyses of contemporary Polish literary works, which can be considered as a reflection of the current condition of Polish geopoetics, as well as an inspiration for the upcoming projects.
The theme of Russia occupies a special place in the works of Ivan Bunin. He turns to Russia throughout his literary activity. In exile, his forsaken homeland becomes a source of special inspiration for the author, and a main subject for the book of his stories Dark Alleys, where Bunin included his Late Hour. In this short story, the author recalls lost places in his native land. The motive of the journey is plot-forming and connects two layers, which interact in the narrative: the journey that happened in the real past, and an imaginary journey. Bunin describes this imaginary journey as if it is happening in reality. The routes of these two journeys include new loci as Suez Canal, Nile, Paris..., which indicates the importance of the idea of geo-poetics for the author. Recollections in Bunin’s story Late Hour come up to the Memory, which tramples death. It proves the resurrectional power of art.
Reviewed book: Geografia krain zmyślonych. Wokół kategorii miejsca i przestrzeni w literaturze dziecięcej, młodzieżowej i fantastycznej, red. Weronika Kostecka, Maciej Skowera, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Stowarzyszenia Bibliotekarzy Polskich 2016, ISBN:978-83-64203-68-8
The aim of the article is to reinterpret the landscapes created by Eliza Orzeszkowa with the use of the tools offered by geocritics and geopoetics. It enables treating topography as the main element of the literary landscape, which – in the case of Orzeszkowa – creates the landscape itself. Topography/’topographic experience’ contains the landscape and makes it visible. Using some selected examples, the author of the article explains how space has been created and which senses it evokes.
The purpose of this article is to reconstruct the emigration experiences of the main characters in Jozefa Radzymińska’s poem Opowieść o cudzoziemcach and to identify points of contact with the biography of the writer herself, who lived in Argentina for fourteen years after World War II. Radzymińska described the influence of great historical processes on the lives of individuals, she reflected in the work the stages of becoming an emigrant (i.e. shock, suffering, struggling with reality, stabilization), and she referred to her own experiences, which is confirmed in her reminiscence works. Opowieść o cudzoziemcach belongs to a circle of literature that preserves the history of Polish exile. The autobiographical motifs present in the poem, as well as the combination of the individual perspective with the collective experience, allowed the writer to reflect not only the realities faced by Polish emigrants, but above all to draw a portrait of their souls torn by a longing for their homeland.
In the context of the ideas of geopoetics, the article examines the images of three cities-Polotsk, Vilnius, Moscow-in the work of the famous Belarusian poet Oleg Minkin. Poems from two poetic cycles are analyzed: Гарады (Cities) and Гастарбайт (Gastrbayt). Attention is drawn to such categories as biographical and cultural space, therapeutic landscape and nostalgic landscape, the influence of literary tradition on the image of the city and the influence of the cultural environment of the city on the national identity of the poet. In search of the genius loci of the three cities, Oleg Minkin portrays Polotsk as a city awakening its national identity, a space of hope, Vilnius as a harmonious space for life and, at the same time, a place of nostalgia for the former glory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and Moscow as a new Babylon, a mixture of languages and peoples, a space of concentrated longing and nostalgia for the homeland.
Based on comparative research on ecocriticism and geopoetics ( Kenneth White) as two theoretical discourses concerning the relationship between literature and environment, the aim of this paper is to explore the connection between literary landscapes and their psychological foundation. Ecocriticism, as a dynamic, complex, and sometimes inconsistent system of thinking about nature and literature, can be enriched byWhite’s geopoetics, which has not only a theoretical but also an important practical dimension. A question of landscape in art is viewed, through these theoretical positions, as one of the crucial moments for personal and collective human self-identification in environment.
Artykuł dotyczy poezji poznańskiego twórcy - Andrzeja Babińskiego. W analizowanych utworach widoczne są wątki katastroficzne i surrealistyczne, uobecniające się w sposobie ewokowania przestrzeni poetyckiej. Składają się na nią przede wszystkim pełne fantazji wizje, często irracjonalne, wolne od zasad logiki, splecione z elementów na pierwszy rzut oka przeciwnych sobie, pochodzących z odległych pól semantycznych, a wynikające z rozluźnienia logiki związków przyczynowo-skutkowych. W przestrzeni Babińskiego o sile oddziaływania wiersza oraz o spójności komunikatu decyduje swoista logika obrazów zespolonych ciągiem asocjacji wynikających z wyobraźni poety; kluczem jest tu właśnie obrazowość tej twórczości i jej plastyczność, ukierunkowujące odbiór wierszy w kontekście geopoetyki, regionalizmu i katastrofizmu.
The article concerns the poetry of the Poznań poet Andrzej Babiński described from the perspective of the author’s biographical experiences, his work and creative worldview. The analysis covers the author’s poetic imagination and the images of the world plunged into a permanent apocalypse. In addition, it examines the image of the world that slips away from under the feet of man, resulting from the conviction about the crisis of civilization and the death of poetry, as well as the loss of values in the post-war world. Reflections on this subject are presented in the context of geopoetics, locality and catastrophism.
This article is an analysis of Olga Tokarczuk’s novel "Bieguni", the main subject of which is movement. Interpretation of the book aims at demonstrating that the image of labyrinth operates in Olga Tokarczuk’s text as a literary motif or “labyrinthness represented” and as “labyrinthness representing” organizing the structure of the work on many planes.
The article analyzes different ways of constructing Silesian spaces in two essays written by Silesian literary critics, Stefan Szymutko and Mariusz Jochemczyk: Nagrobek ciotki Cili and Wokół tradycji. Śląskie szkice oikologiczne. The author interprets the differences between the aforementioned books in the context of different cultural-political situations, in which Szymutko and Jochemczyk wrote their books.
The article, based on the monograph Kenneth White. Une oeuwre-monde by Christophe Roncato, attempts to analyse the poetics of geographical space as it is presented in the works of Kenneth White. The text discusses the geometrical figures, which the founder of „L’Institut international de géopoétique” utilizes to articulate spacial imagery.
This essay, inspired by Elżbieta Rybicka’s book, demonstrates the significance of geopoetics, especially in the broader context of literary and urban culture. Of special attention here are literary and cultural practices which unite cultural study and literary analysis.
The article focuses on the geopoetics of Wales providing numerous references to con temporary Welsh folklore. e author describes mainly the town of Wrexham and its - surroundings. e topic is considered from the perspective of the Polish Geopoetic School represented by Elżbieta Rybicka.
The article discusses the relationships with places formed by two writers: Adam Mickiewicz and a forgotten Philomath from the region of Podlasie–MichałRukiewicz.Theauthorusesthemethodologiesdeveloped within geopoetics and humanist geography to discover how the biography is related to a specific physical place and to demonstrate how the two writers shaped their geobiographies. Rukiewicz left his mark on the places with activism within local communities; Mickiewicz textualized them in artistic gesture. The Philomath from Podlasie was happy to give himself to his nation but the Lithuanian poet spoke more through emotion and faith.
The article presents a survey of numerous Russian elements (lexemes and grammatical constructions) in the works of Mariusz Wilk in an attempt to provide their initial classification andinterpretation. Mariusz Wilk, a Polish writer who lives and works in the Russian North, constantly weaves Russicisms into the tissue of his erudite and intertextual statements, making his texts a linguistic experiment with specific textual features. Out of two works by Wilk (Wołoka, Lotem gęsi), more than 140 lexical units (of different status) have been excerpted and subjected to a multifarious analysis. Their typology is based on the concept of space, which is one of the key categories of geopoetics. The author of the article claims that the Russian material in the studied works cannot be treated merely as Russicims in their strict lexicological sense because these words perform specific functions in the texts, among which the communicative, artistic and conceptual functions are in the foreground. Russian segments belong to the most important ingredients of the writer’s idiolect (idiostyle) and, therefore, they should not be treated solely as a violation of the lexical norm. The postulated qualitative and quantitative analysis of Russicisms in Wilk’s works, as well as the assessment of their functional load, open up new possibilities of viewing Russian-Polish language contacts not only as mutual interactions, but above all as building blocks of the author’s message, intersemiotic in its nature.
The author chose popular culture texts such as graphic novel and hip-hop album to analyze the process of remembering in the region of Podlasie. Thearticlealso examineswhetherpopular mediahavethepotentialto create place narration as well as to present the commonplace tensions that emerge from the culturaland religious diversitywhere distinct “memories” blend.
The article analyzes the manuscript recovered in Lithuania which is a personal accountof Józef Weyssenhoff’s trip throughLivoniaat theend of the nineteenth century. Józef Weyssenhoff (1860–1932), the famous novelist and renowned “bard” of the landed gentry tradition, never recanted his Polish-Livonian roots. Thanks to his collector’s efforts we can now enjoy the invaluable documents on the history of the Weyssenhoff family. As his biography suggests Weyssenhoff’s travelling back to his homeland was influenced by something more than his intrinsic curiosity and collector’s passion. The author of the article investigates the significance of geography and enquires whether by reading these notes we can evaluate the writer’s attachment to the autobiographical place and whether the old Polish Livonia is a place of ancestors. Finally, the author identifies the function of emotions and senses in this personal creation and traces these planes of reference in the poetics of the text.
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